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I don't remember ever reading this, can't find it either. The bestiary section on demons however states that death is their enemy because it allows the mortal to go on to his afterlife reward rather than staying to be tortured.
Does it "feel" like you've read this before because it does to me, yet, I can not find it now, and its totally relative to a situation my PC's are in. BTW, its 3.5 not pathfinder, but the differences are semantics IMO.

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Well considering even people/classes who have literally sold their souls to Demons/Devils/Daemons can be resurrected after dying, I'd say a normal guy dying there is just fine.
Agree, but....the assumption is that they die on the material plane...I think the argument in the past was that the Abyss laid claim on their soul (not a mere demon) and did not allow them to be resurrected.

Rynjin |

Yes, but it even says that mortals who die, even in the clutches of demons (who live in the Abysss), go to their own afterlife.
That may have been in 3.5 (I don't know) but so far the evidence points towards there being no penalty for dying in the Abyss, any more than there would be for dying in the Elemental Planes.

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Yes, but it even says that mortals who die, even in the clutches of demons (who live in the Abysss), go to their own afterlife.
That may have been in 3.5 (I don't know) but so far the evidence points towards there being no penalty for dying in the Abyss, any more than there would be for dying in the Elemental Planes.
Ok, so what do you reason makes the death of a demon on its home plane any different then the death of that same demon on the material plane?

darkwarriorkarg |
Because demons don't die on the material plane, they just get their bodies destroyed and they shoot back to the Abyss. They ARE souls in the Abyss, therefore their souls don't have an afterlife if you destroy them.
That's only for summoned creatures. Those that are called (planar ally, planar binding) or show up of their own volition die permanently and require a minimum of resurrection to come back.
I think what teh OP is half-remembering is something from 1st edition...

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This is why lesser planar ally and its like are such big deals.
Called vs Summoned.
A summoned monster gets to pop back to where it came from with the experience being either an unpleasant or pleasant dreamlike state.
Called creatures are actually there. A called fiend who gets cut down by the paladin is gone, dead, do not pass go. Ditto one who comes through a gate. This is why Planar ally spells require bribes and convincing while summons don't. Higher risk for the extraplanar being.
Ironically, this doesn't work the same way for 'primes' (using Planescape terms since this is where I picked up most of this).
They die, their soul launches off through the astral (or ethereal I think in Pathfinder) towards their goal.
That being said, in 2e any poor shmuck who died in the abyss could have his corpse rise as a bodak.

Ravingdork |

Yeah, the whole outsiders are merely banished upon death on the material plane is a rule from older editions. To my knowledge, it no longer holds true. A demon killed on the material plane is really and truly dead (provided it was actually there, rather than just having been summoned).

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I need some help/advice.
I know I have seen this rule somewhere in the annals of d20 but I can not find it and I do not know if it is a hard/fast rule.
If a PC dies while on the Abyss can he still be resurrected or does the Abyss claim his soul and its game over for that character.
How did the PC's travel to the Abyss.
If they used Astral Projection, they would be forced back to their real bodies but otherwise be unharmed. (Much like demons traveling to the Prime Material, but reversed.)
Returning to their companions could be difficult though.

rogue-mage |

I think dead is dead.
The mortal soul travels to the outer plans to reach its final destination. Depending on the characters alignment, that is the final fate of the soul's destination. So if the character's alignment was Chaotic Evil then the soul belongs to the Abyss and would travel there after death.
Once the soul arrives at the Abyss it is given "flesh" as a larva. As a larva it will be used as currency among the higher level demons of the Abyss.
Now I don't know for such, as rules are concerned, but it would seem to me that a good soul that dies in the Abyss would travel to another good aligned outer plane. But the one thing that comes to mind is the power of the Demon Lord that rules that plane. His/Her power is like that of a god, so would they have the power to detain a good soul from leaving his/her abyssal plane? Would they be cruel and resurrect the soul into a larva and keep it in the Abyss to just mess with it?
After all there are some spells that can be used to detain a soul or spirit from moving on. Magic Jar comes to mind, with resurrection or reincarnation, plus polymorph any object, binding, dimensional anchor, etc...
I know it doesn't answer your question, but the simple answer would be the soul passes on to its final destination. Where that is depends on the alignment. But Demon Lords can be cruel so they can find ways to keep the soul from moving on and keeping it trapped in the Abyss.