Garkaun |
Ok so that may be a bit misleading. Then again maybe not. We are about to begin a new campaign and my 8 (yes 8!) players have there characters all made up. While they were doing this I was bent over my books planning away. Many mischeivious and dastardly plans later I realized I still hadn't found WHERE I was going to start them. Ok so I thought I had. But my pain medication must have been kicking in good because I thought I had found the perfect location and now I can't find it again.
So the party are from a total of 7 different countries ranging from the Mwangi Expanse, to Taldor all the way up to Lastwall and Belkzen. The problem isn't getting them all together. The problem is where are they going?
The background story that has a direct effect with where they end up as a "home base" is two of the characters (half brothers) have inherited a hunting lodge. Both don't know the other exist and will soon find out. The hunting lodge needs to be located in a village or town that has seen lots of conflict. A good majority of the buildings would have been rebuilt a number of times due to raids from pirates, goblins, giants or what have you.
So where in The Inner Sea would you suggest? Make your claim for a favorite location or one you'd like to use in the future. If it could be located near ruins from a past age or on a coast that would be great. Any and all suggestions considered. Thanks all in advance.

atheral |

Couple places off the top of my head I can think of that may work for you
Nirmathas- for pretty much the reason graywulfe says above.
Western Border of Ustalav - plenty of opportunity for Orc raids that may cause constant villiage rebuilding plus the locals are hard headed enough to stick out most anything.
Anywhere in the River Kingdoms- Bandits galore plus as often as land changes hands there you would have plenty of people with legitimate(or so they may think) claims to the same lodge/land.