Baelmar |
Greetings All!...Recently joined a group to play Pathfinder for the 1st time(only played 1st Ed before) and started with a 1/2 Elf Fighter/Wizard to progress to ElK..DM gave us a pt buy and started with 2 levels of Fighter and now 3 into Wizard...I am looking for suggestions for Feats,Spells,etc in the upcoming levels...I chose Transmutation for school(Necro/Enchant opp)...The party also consists of a Fighter ,Inquisitor, Bard, Cleric/Rogue(wannabe Paladin...don't ask), Alchemist and a Rogue...
Str13, Dex15/17(Trans bonus), Con14, Int18(racial/level), Wis13, Char 10
Traits: Magical Knack and Courageous
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus(ElvenCurveBlade...backstory is mother(human) died at birth and was raised by father(elf) and was brought up as squire so had training...allowed by DM), Power Attack, Furious Focus and Arcane Strike...thinking of taking ExtendSpell or Dodge next....
Familiar chosen was Compsognathus(Dinosaur) for Init bonus(yet to acquire since have been underground in abandoned Dwarven city since level 1 until last session)...
Spells chosen so far have been 1st BurningHands, Identify, MagicMissile, MagicWeapon, Shield, ShockingGrasp, TrueStrike, EnlargePerson...2nd level CatsGrace, ScorchingRay...looking to take Invisibilty and Web next level and have a scroll of DispelMagic(3rd)...obviously limited casters in group so looking to pickup dmg spells in next few levels...Fireball, LightningBolt, etc...
Items of note so far are Fathers Sword(Heirloom ElvenCurveBlade with magic properties that are revealed as levels gained...cold iron,keen,+1/2/lvl enchantment)...Mithral agile breast plate(from Drow warrior) and recently an Intelligent scimitar from a 1/2orc rogue/fighter( no properties revealed yet)...
There's the short and sweet so any advice is welcomed!... Thanks:)
magikot |
Ask your DM if you are able to research cross-class arcane spells. Bladed Dash (from Inner Sea Magic) being verbal only would be a great second level spell.
Some useful feats would be Arcane Armor Training and Arcane Armor Mastery. Both use a swift action and reduce your arcane spell failure chance when casting in armor. Since you are either casting or attacking with your blade Arcane Armor and Arcane Strike won't interfere with each other.
Since the Keen Elven Curve Blade has a wonderful crit range you may want to consider the various critical feats. Bleeding Critical and Exhausting Critical are great.
Arcane Blast and Arcane Shield are other feats to look into. Since you most likely don't want to be focusing on spells that offer a saving throw you can sacrifice spells slots to deal up to 11d6 damage as a ray attack as a standard action or get up to a +9 deflection bonus to AC for a round as an immediate. If a successful knowledge check (or a little metagaming) reveals that the enemy will likely save against your spells you might as well put them to use in a different manner.
Still Spell and Quicken Spell are the best choices for metamagic feats, IMO.
Take a look at this guide too: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10jQgMH85x_YuhgtOYMiEI7b3WyM08MXDbt-fNPR uZ6Y/edit
Baelmar |
Arcane Blast and Arcane Shield are other feats to look into. Since you most likely don't want to be focusing on spells that offer a saving throw you can sacrifice spells slots to deal up to 11d6 damage as a ray attack as a standard action or get up to a +9 deflection bonus to AC for a round as an immediate. If a successful knowledge check (or a little metagaming) reveals that the enemy will likely save against your spells you might as well put them to use in a different manner
ArcaneBlast is an awesome option...having trouble with guide link:(
@ByrdologyDo you plan on going the Eldritch Knight PrC? It has some great advancement options with 9 caster levels, and a full BaB. You might want to consider taking lightning reflexes seeing as how your ref save has taken a beating from your two class choices
Looking to go 2F/8wiz/10ElK lol...seemed to suffer from will so far:)
Cathulhu |
Lightning Reflex is a waste. Its the least dangerous save to fail, and is generally just HP damage. Never worth a feat.
Extend spell can be replicated by a rod; get the rod, save the feat.
I would go for still spell over Arcane Armor chain. Arcane Strike is usually a better use of a swift action, at at EK 10 you'll have to decide between Arcane Armor, Arcane Strike, or the Spell Critical capstone from EK.
Instead, if you want armor, get Still Spell. Remember, you can use spells that do not have somatic components even when wearing armor. There are quite a few useful verbal only spells. For those you need, take Still Spell and suck up the increased level. Just choose carefully. Recall also that wands do not incur ASF, so carry a few useful ones.
a spell storing weapon will be useful.
Byrdology |
Well, if you were going with a reach weapon, you could probly take a few tips from this guide,
I don't know how important that curved blade is to you, but you can seriously maximize your potential as a fighter and a caster by taking advantage of AoO and saving your standard action for spell casting!
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I also put more weight on still spell (or a rod) than on the arcane armor chain. It's easy enough to stock your spell book with spells that have no somatic components and just still spell the ones that do have the somatic component.
I would avoid the reach cleric link (above) if you're going with the elven curve blade, but the improved crit tree is very good with it.
You'll also probably find close spells (like burning hands) come in more useful for you than a regular caster since you should be close to melee.
Tom S 820 |
Burn hands is 5d4 save for half up to 7 targets max. Average damage 12 save for 6 waste of time.If that is damage you range you want to do then Burning dissarm same damage + disarm taget.
I would go Fighter 1 Wizard 2-6 then EK 7-17 figher 18 Wiz 19-20.
Spells beat feats. Spell I can pick evey day as wizard feat you pick and stuck with.
With Suggested build you get 15 feats take as you see fit.
But I get Crafting one ASAP
1 Quicken Spell
2 Toughness
3 Extra Trait
4 Combat Casting
5 Imroved INT
6 Craft Wonderous
7 Craft Arms & Armor
8 Point Blank Shot
9 Arcane Blast
10 Weapon Finesse
11 Weapon Focus(ElvenCurveBlade)
12 Power Attack
13 Furious Focus
14 Arcane Strike
15 Weapon Spezaltion
Tom S 820 |
Shot I missed some thing you are 1/2 elf.... What your skill Focus in?
I think Stat wise you may be in a MAD trap STR/DEX/INT and always CON.
Right now you spent 2 feat on your weapon to BaB of What? You might have been better off to spend stat point better with Great Sword and Critcal on 19-20. You may have done more damage that way. Realy with Enlarge person and Lead Blades.
Pearls of power 1 form Crat Wonderous item Feat cost 500 GP.
You could have +10+DEX INT on this guy.(IMP Int +4, Familer +4, +2 Trait Extar trait Feat)
Talk to Rouge/ Cleric, Rouge, and the Inquistor about Team work feats. Out flank and Prestrike Team work, It +4 to hit in flank and +1d6 Snaek attack Dice
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Arcane blast is a trap. That 11d6 is for a 9th level spell. If you can't think of a better thing to do with a 9th level spell then to do 11d6 damage, you should not be playing a wizard. Arcane shield is a bit better, but generally you have some deflection items on you...and by the time your tossing up +9 deflection, you should have +5 on constantly. So 9th level spell for one round of +4 AC and CMD? Once again...not so hot...but better then arcane blast as this option can be a life saver. But honestly, I'd rather just make reality bend over with my 9th level spells.
I find you rarely need combat casting. Between the gloves of elvenkind (+5 comp for 7500), Spell guard bracers (+2 untyped for 5k...and can do roll twice 3 times per day) and tunic of careful casting (+2 untyped for all concentration check...not just casting defensively for 5k). With race, you can also get another +2. That +11 makes casting defensively kinda automatic unless your casting stat is horrid. It does help out at lower levels before the items however...but I dislike taking feats that I outgrow.
Pit spells are always nice to have. Vanish does most things you personally would use invis for...only it costs you a 1st level spell slot. Alter self is good source of a +2 to str or dex that comes with no real downside (unlike enlarge or reduce). Frigid touch is a 2nd level spell that does 4d6 cold damage and staggers with no save if they take damage. A rimed elemental aura cold will cause anyone near you that takes the cold damage to become entangled...no save.
So...what exactly do you want out of your EK?
Atarlost |
EK as a gish just isn't very good.
Arcane Armor Training clashes with quicken and the capstone.
The capstone clashes with Arcane Strike, which is generally better.
That said, if you have access to 0 ASF armors you can do it. I wouldn't use a wizard though. I'd use a strength patron witch. They get some of the cleric self buffs. You can't get into EK without too many wizard levels to be a decent fighter without buffs and the wizard list is light on good melee self buffs.
There are a couple alternate routes. First there's the ray mage, taking advantage of having approximately 3/4 BAB instead of half to go to hit reliably with ennervation. Second there's the summoner. A master summoner (since your eidolon will be hopeless anyways) 7 can get their SLA to the point where it provides 1d3 of the never wholly obsolete lantern archons and get into EK with only 2 points of BAB loss. The spell list is only 6 levels, but it has a lot of early entry and the summoner can cast in light armor. Since the martial weapon dip will provide medium proficiency unless you go to summoner 8 and dip duelist or arcane archer for proficiency that puts you happily in mithril breastplate.
Baelmar |
@ColdNapalm So...what exactly do you want out of your EK?
Currently in the campaign the only magic items we have are Heirloom(everyone in party has something) and a few we have come across...the DM has hinted this may be the case thru the whole campaign so one Feat may be an Item Creation( Wonderous or Wand) to get me by on stat buffs etc...This is why my spells are somewhat limited at the moment and am looking to get the biggest bang for my buck (unlike Blues pic) so to speak...
The char I want is one that can wade into battle, hold my own and handle crowd control thru AoE...I'm not looking to be the party tank but seems I deal out more damage than Fighter most times( which is fine but lack the hp he has) so buffs are a must...
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Generally speaking, wading into battle and EK don't mix...and the few builds I have made where that works okayish (not even well mind you) all used sword and board. You just lack defense and HP going THF to last long without spamming a lot of spells on buffs...even for the mooks. The fact that you are out damaging the fighter does not help (and honestly that means the fighter in your group is really badly made) as you become a priority target for spell casting AND damage. Having a proper fighter should take some heat off you as the fighter becomes a valid threat.
That said, craft wond and craft arms and armor and forge ring (if I don't bind a ring anyways) always make it on my EKs if crafting is allowed. Even if the craft feats don't allow you break WBL (I don't care what SKR says, doubling your wealth at the cost of a few feats badly breaks game balance), the ability to customize your gear to your build is REALLY important for most EKs. Don't worry too much about wands...generally scrolls will be fine. Rods and staffs can be useful as well...if you can fit it in.
If you can fit it in, spell focus evoc, greater spell focus evocation, cold focus, greater cold focus will add +4 DC to icy prison...one of the most powerful spells in PF. Unfortunately, unless you plan on doing a lot of cold damage spells, this is kind of a two trick pony...with the second trick kicking in at level 19-20. But it is one hell of a trick.
Pit spells and bull rush strike can be fun...but honestly shield slam is the way to go to really abuse the pit line of spells. Course if your fighter decides to become a bullrusher, it can still be used to great effect.
Tom S 820 |
Arcane blast is a trap. That 11d6 is for a 9th level spell. If you can't think of a better thing to do with a 9th level spell then to do 11d6 damage, you should not be playing a wizard. Arcane shield is a bit better, but generally you have some deflection items on you...and by the time your tossing up +9 deflection, you should have +5 on constantly. So 9th level spell for one round of +4 AC and CMD? Once again...not so hot...but better then arcane blast as this option can be a life saver. But honestly, I'd rather just make reality bend over with my 9th level spells.
"Arcane Blast is not a Trap" It is there to make use of a dead spell. As nonfull caster you your SR check are behind the curve and some time you have hard time makeing them. Then Arcance Blast is get no SR and still hit for ok damage. You only Fire or acid spell left and monster is Immune to one and has Ressatance to the other. NP swith fire ball to Arcane blast for untype damage. You load up on buff spells because the given build in example is a Tranmuter but round 5 or 6 in combat and monster is just out charge range but he is on low on HP. He need that finnal push though death door but this you 4th fight for the day and you are out of blast spell. NP swap any spell you have left Arcane Blast.
It giving all your spell slot 2 roles like cleric spell and cure or Druid and Summon Nature Ally.
Combat Castng in not a trap or dead feat either. Sure there is items to do the same job. But this is a home game where a magic mart may or may not exist. So get that "Grocery list" of stuff may be hard to come by. As Gish build it assumed that it will be in the middle of the mix of the fightbeing able to cast spell and while in some bad guy grill is good idea.