Pricing Lead

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

There are a number of references to using Lead as a type of extra protection.

Lead lined walls, or Lead lined scabbards, etc.

Thing is, there is no pricing info for adding these, as far as I know?


1) How much is a Lead lined Scabbard?

2) How much does it cost to line a 5x5 portion of a wall with Lead?

I need to know this too.

I have a Spellslinger/Gunslinger (gestalt) I've made and I have no clue how much lead costs for using the Fabricate Bullets spell.

Grand Lodge

Well, I am looking at the Viridium weapon.

Also, anti-scrying.

Oh yeah, I completely forgot about Viridium.

Come to think of it, I wanted to make a character (Ninja maybe) here quite a while ago based around semi-disposable Viridium blades and Poisons.

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Lead in real life is about a fourth of the price of copper. Its a byproduct of silver and gold mining so its basically free to miners, even in those times. Crafting things out of lead is also much, much easier than say steel, gold, or silver as the melting put is very very low (about 600 degrees vs 2000+ for the others). Problem is it is very very soft, about as hard as most woods and as flexible/fragile in thin uses (even a modest 8 str can tear a 1/4" sheet of lead like its clay). I would think a sheath made of it would be torn up in days.

Now modern lead (an alloy of lead, tin, antimony, and arsenic) is much harder. When water cooled it can be as hard as brass.

Grand Lodge

Not a Lead sheath, but a Lead lined sheath.

Grand Lodge

So, what happens when you are in PFS, and you want to buy a Lead lined Scabbard?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Not a Lead sheath, but a Lead lined sheath.

Layering a 1/4" of lead sheet between the wood and say a tin, copper, or latigo outer cover would be simple and keep to do, probably not more than a few copper for a blacksmith to work into a new sheath of a silver to work into an existing one. If this is enough to shield enough for what you want to do it between you and your DM but this is typically what lines the walls of a modern Xray room.

Could you, when using the fabricate spell, make bullets which are lead on the outside and filled with viridium, which break open when they hit and affect the target?

@Topic: I'd rule that a masterwork sheath can be lead lined if you so wish.

The best thing to do would probably be to go off of the cost of a sling bullet as they were made of lead. So if you go by that pricing then 5 lbs of lead is 1 sp.

Dark Archive

Honestly, this needs to be FAQ'd as it has come up before without any real answer other than extrapolations based on other goods.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not much point in a lead lined scabbard if the hilt is showing. That's enough for a detect magic.

Scarab Sages

The lead lined scabbard is to prevent viridium weapons from affecting the user.

Currently Viridium weapons are not viable in PFS due to the cost of lead lining being undefined.

Dark Archive

What about the material component line from Fabricate Bullets:

1 pound of lead or other soft metal worth 2 gp

I read this as 1 pound of lead is worth 2 gp. (not direct but seems implied)

Also, even if lead is easy to get, demand for something that can stop scrying (or some other divination spells) would keep the price artificially high due to the abilities to offer privacy.

but I agree, it is nowhere spelled out in the RAW (would make sense to have it listed with other trade goods).

Pricing it at 2 GP seems about right.

But it might also be assumed to be common enough to be free.

Also how much does it cost to craft a single Firearm bullet?

But a Masterwork Sheath could be considered to be Lead Lined. I mean it would be what 50GP?

1 bullet = 1 GP.

So 5 SP to craft.

Dark Archive

Rynjin wrote:

1 bullet = 1 GP.

So 5 SP to craft.

From the gunsmithing feat:

Crafting Ammunition: You can craft bullets, pellets, and black powder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price.

From the Table: Firearm Gear

  • 1 bullet = 1 gp to purchase
  • 30 bullets = 1/2 pound = 30 gp to purchzse

    extrapolated from table

  • 60 bullets = 1 pound = 60 gp to purchase

    1 pound of lead based off of that is 6 gp.

  • Taking into the amount of Lead needed...

    A Masterwork Sheath for 50GP is perfectly priced for a Lead-lined Sheath.

    Grand Lodge

    A Sharpened Combat Scabbard is only 10gp.

    Is 50gp really the right price?

    Scarab Sages

    Happler wrote:
    Rynjin wrote:

    1 bullet = 1 GP.

    So 5 SP to craft.

    From the gunsmithing feat:

    Crafting Ammunition: You can craft bullets, pellets, and black powder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price.

    From the Table: Firearm Gear

  • 1 bullet = 1 gp to purchase
  • 30 bullets = 1/2 pound = 30 gp to purchzse

    extrapolated from table

  • 60 bullets = 1 pound = 60 gp to purchase

    1 pound of lead based off of that is 6 gp.

  • A bullet is more than just the piece of lead that hits you. Your not accounting for casing, firing cap or gunpowder.

    Grand Lodge

    Are we talking advanced firearms, or early firearms?

    Musket balls were, well, balls of lead.

    It is just a Generic Scabbard using it as a Weapon gets you the Improvised Weapon Penalty.

    A Combat Scabbard is designed to be a Weapon which is different. That said I would say making it a Masterwork Combat Scabbard allows it to be enchanted as a Weapon and allowing you to have it be lead-lined as well.

    And I would say a Masterwork Scabbard would protect your blade from Environmental Hazards better.

    @Artanthos: That is Early Firearm Musket Balls. Solid Lead Alloy.

    blackbloodtroll wrote:

    Are we talking advanced firearms, or early firearms?

    Musket balls were, well, balls of lead.

    He's talking about musket balls, because advanced firearm ammo is crafted at 50% instead of 10%. If that's what they mean by metal cartridges anyway.

    I need a lead foil hat to protect me from aliens.

    Grand Lodge

    Ciaran Barnes wrote:
    I need a lead foil hat to protect me from aliens.

    In Golarion, that's Elves.

    blackbloodtroll wrote:
    Ciaran Barnes wrote:
    I need a lead foil hat to protect me from aliens.
    In Golarion, that's Elves.

    I thought it was Gnomes... or is it both of them?

    Grand Lodge

    Elves are from another planet, and Gnomes are from another dimension.

    Did they ever tell that the Elves actually came from another planet or just scattered. And technically they did start out on Golarion.

    Grand Lodge

    The old Elfgates were interplanetary portals.

    They are from the planet Castrovel.

    blackbloodtroll wrote:

    The old Elfgates were interplanetary portals.

    They are from the planet Castrovel.

    Where is that info from?

    Grand Lodge

    Elves of Golarion.
    Also, various other sources.

    I really need to read through that again...

    I recall reading that too. I meant the aliens with spindly limbs and potato like heads though. I don't supposed anyone had written up stats for them?

    Dark Archive

    Artanthos wrote:

    A bullet is more than just the piece of lead that hits you. Your not accounting for casing, firing cap or gunpowder.

    A bullet in PF is defined as thus:

    Bullet: The ammunition of most one-handed and two-handed firearms, firearm bullets typically take the form of small balls of lead or some other metal.

    When you add the gunpowder, casing and such you have:

    Metal Cartridge: These sturdier versions of alchemical cartridges serve as the ammunition for advanced firearms. They can hold either bullets or pellets.

    which cost 15 gp each to buy.

    So a PF bullet is just a ball of lead.

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