
Potestas's page

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Penetrating is actually good for energy weapons as energy types are affected doubly by hardness. So, assuming a tier three weapon against a wood door you would normally subtract 10 from it's damage for hardness 5, but with penetrating you would subtract 4 as if the door was hardness 2.

EDIT: I'm not actually sure if hardness still applies twice against energy damage

Twitchontv wrote:
I may have missed it since information is scattered here and there about the net but does anyone know how healing is going to work in starfinder? I'm very interested in playing a medic type of character.

From what I have seen mystics can get spells to heal hp, envoys get abilities to heal stamina, and you can use a resolve point to spend 10 minutes recovering stamina to full.

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I always assumed that encounters were the result of bored gods with adventurers being their muses

brad2411 wrote:

I think it is Psychic Anthology. During one of the Twitch streams they did recently, Mark Seifter ran Yoon the Iconic kineticist but it was with an unknown archetype. That archetype is suppose to come out in Psychic Anthology

Edit: after going back to the product page and reading it's comments it is that product.


Texas Snyper wrote:
Michael Turner 648 wrote:
Does anybody know where the kinetic knight archetype is from, I can't seem to find it?
I think its from a new book that is going to be released in a couple of weeks. Forgot what its called though.

Do you mean the adventurer's guide?

Does anybody know where the kinetic knight archetype is from, I can't seem to find it?

The best thing to do would probably be to go off of the cost of a sling bullet as they were made of lead. So if you go by that pricing then 5 lbs of lead is 1 sp.

The thing is differing styles of play will suffer differently. For example, a summoning based character wouldn't really suffer that much, whereas, something like a melee beatstick type character will have very serious problems.