What do you want past Adv. Player's Guide ?

Product Discussion

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Pax Veritas wrote:

In MUSIC > We call it "sell-out" when a band like R.E.M took their underground sound and went mainstream on Monster. The art of the music is compromised by the public demand for mainstream washout (stuff that sounds like other stuff). The artists get pressured by producers to make stuff that sells, and consumers are asking for the same stuff because they're not artists, and can't "demand" innovation they have not heard. Its a viscious cycle that creates a mediocracy of music. Just listen to this past AMA Awards show, and see if you can tell anyone apart?

In LITERATURE/PRINT/GAMING MATERIALS > The folks at Paizo have been around the block. They understand how a company like the wotci would compromise the art, innovation, creativity by replacing it with stuff that they think kids want. The result is 4e, or any one of the type of compromises that COULD turn the good dark stories of Jacobs into mainstream splat. (I said "could".) This means as consumers, we must think about what we really love about PAIZO, and be requesting more of THAT. The consequences of just requesting the same stuff you've already seen CAN drive a company to the extreme middle, where innovation is replaced with Book of Rehash Volume II, Book of Rehash Volume III, etc.

Nicely and politely stated. Do remember the other side of that coin though, the companies that refuse to do things simply because they "aren't unique" or because they "don't mesh with the artists tastes". You get people ignoring necessary components simply to be unique, or you get producers that try to force people to see their art a certain way (I vividly remember the jerk writing staff at White Wolf writing insults in their books and boards telling people they were stupid for not playing Vampire "right").

There is a reason that epic keeps being mentioned for example. We don't have epic rules that work, and campaigns kind of break down on content after 20. People that want to play longer need an epic books. Bestiary volume VIII is sort of the same thing, at least if done well; people get bored with the same monsters, want something new, and find it useful to have more content to pull from rather than making their own. Psionics isn't for everyone, perhaps not even for the Paizo staff, but having a compatible ruleset for their game helps their psi-inclined community members enjoy the game more.

This sort of thing isn't selling out, its filling a need/desire. Selling out would be making 100pg books with no content and selling them for $30 a pop... not that we've ever seen that before...

A book that allows me to play odd and/or non-humanoid characters.

I didn't say "a Savage Species-style" book because I'm not personally actually wanting to play a full monster. I'll settle for "close but easier to balance".

Disclaimer: I don't claim to speak for anyone else who wants a full Savage Species breakdown of monster traits by Level Adjustment.

Dark Archive

SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:

A book that allows me to play odd and/or non-humanoid characters.

I didn't say "a Savage Species-style" book because I'm not personally actually wanting to play a full monster. I'll settle for "close but easier to balance".

Disclaimer: I don't claim to speak for anyone else who wants a full Savage Species breakdown of monster traits by Level Adjustment.


i didn't really care much for savage species and i own it. A handful of feats and templates in the book made it interesting for DM's to customize their monsters a bit more.

Honestly though, the only reason i bought the book was so that i could play: bugbears (a barbarian to be specific), hobgoblins, goblins, kobolds, lizardfolk (ranger), doppelgangers (bard), minotaurs, and maybe the occasional ogre. I would also like to see some rules for playing templates. Who hasn't wanted to play a wizard lich, or fighter vampire, or rogue half-fiend, or even a sorcerer half-dragon.

...that would be sweet.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
brock wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
The requests for box sets are a regular recurrence, and as far as I recall, Lisa always says that, as much as she loves them, they're a business disaster and Paizo won't be doing them.

Almost true. I said that unless we figure out a way to do them in a fiscally responsible way, we won't be doing them. Just because we haven't figure out how to do a box set in a way that makes sense doesn't mean that we won't some day. We keep hammering at it and someday, we may find the printer of our dreams! But until then, you won't be seeing boxed sets cause they have horrible financials.

Random idea : Would a shrink-wrapped cardboard slip-case containing two softcover books (one PC, one GM) and a bunch of maps / pamphlets in between be a cheaper way of achieving boxed-set-style loveliness?

Sounds interesting, but I think there might be some worry about how it would appear on the shelves, and the increased chance of damage

Jon Brazer Enterprises

James Jacobs wrote:
Check out the Kingmaker adventure path, starting early next year. Six months of pretty much EXACTLY this.

Note to self: subscribe to this AP.

Will the mass combat rules be gathered in one place post Kingmaker?

Oh and my official vote is for mass combat support. I always wanted to do a braveheart type game with huge armies.

The Exchange

A Template book with templates for beasties and PCs to use. Sort of like Green Ronin's book of the same type of stuff but a separate section geared towards PCs.
The other book I would love to see is a book of the existing class's (all base classes) variants. Similar to Unearthed Arcana but way better because that's what Paizo is all about. Maybe some feats and stuff in there to help flesh out certain concepts and such, perhaps a few new magic items... that kind of stuff.
Speaking of which.....a book of magic items would also be nice.

I think what I would like later on from Paizo now that i've given it some thought, is books that help develop a slightly different stlye of game. For instance an oriental adventures stlye book that allows you to explore that mythos (still not sure how to handle crouching tiger and co within dnd rules), or a book that is built around the victorian era and Bram stokers dracula/Frakenstein based around the idea of magic, monsters and other classic dnd elements existing but being hidden from general view. Another perhaps that more in line with ancient times and the old myths and legends of greece, rome eygpt etc. Not neccesarily specifically about the lore, but to provide elements that are needed to present that kind of game. For instance something my group has faced is in a victorian era game there is alot of homebrew work that needs to be done to manage firearms as the dominant weapon (i have never seen dnd rules where firearms where not vastly inferior to the bow with the exception of full modern rules). So instead of just generic splat books in future rpg releases i think i'd like ones that are strongly themed, and provide a whole new flavor to the game we all love.

Wouldnt mind the following (IN order)...

1) High level semi-AP sequel. For example, a super adventure for Council of Thieves going from level 14 -20. Or a RotRL sequel from 16-20, etc

2) A Mega-dungeon romp. Dont care if its a boxed set or HC (prefer HC though), just a mix of things like ToEE, Castle Whiterock, Return to the Tomb of Horrors, etc. But go light on pocket dimensions in rooms or keep em out altogether. An occasional planar portal jaunt for a key item or trap-like side quest is ok.

3)PF modules going monthly. Theres alot of talent out there and you can never have enough modules.

4) PFRPG Campaign book- Yup, just an official print update of the setting to PFRPG rules. Nice to have that 4th "core book" :) .

5) Psionics book? - only if its done by Bruce Cordell and/or Tim "Lashmire" Hitchcock :). Loved the XPH, but no one in my group would use it.

Add me to the pool of people against too much bloat with splatbooks btw. I do respect Paizo's ability to balance it all, I just would prefer to remain "Core" with maybe a few well balanced/flavored from the forthcoming APG, beyond that no more. An occasional Prestige class creeping up in a module or supplement is ok too.

What I want to see is:

-A nice, big hardback planar book. Im sure Shemmy would be happy to help with it. ;)

-A usable, well thought out set of epic rules.

Aaaaaaand Im spent.

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to see Pathfinder Modern and Pathfinder Future books...

Liberty's Edge

I'd also like to see a Sword & Planet Sourcebook for Pathfinder, to help recreate the types of environments and backgrounds typical of Paizo's Planet Stories line.

DragonBringerX wrote:

I would also like to see some rules for playing templates. Who hasn't wanted to play a wizard lich, or fighter vampire, or rogue half-fiend, or even a sorcerer half-dragon.

...that would be sweet.

That's basically the argument people who want Savage Species make.

But if you took my idea you'd have bugbears, doppelgangers, minotaurs, and ogres done as something you could justify at level 1. If you think of tieflings and aasimar as "Level 1 fiend and celestial" you have what I'm going for. You could even produce a "Level 1 dragon". It's what I think of being a compromise between full Savage Species and not wanting to have to deal with powerful monster PCs.

gbonehead wrote:

I have to agree with Kolokotroni here. All my material has always been done from scratch, yet I'm a charter subscriber to the Pathfinder AP, which in my mind is the spiritual successor to Dungeon. I do it just for ideas and new monsters. It kills me not to subscribe to Chronicles too - I wish it wasn't such a mix of world-specific and general material.

Personally, the epic book and savage species were among my favorite books put out by WoTC, and I've lamented for years that there was never a true 3.5 update to the epic book.

I'll second Kolokotroni and gbonehead's sentiments. My group rotates DM's and games every few weeks and everyone that DM's does all of their own adventures and campaign settings (a few having been developed over the past 20 years). As a result none of us buy anything that is campaign setting specific or pre-planned adventure paths. Yet all of us love getting new rulebooks and generally buy all of them that we can from trusted publishers.

That being said, new books I would like to see include:
- New Epic Level book; pretty much has all been said already, have run epic level campaigns before and enjoy them greatly.
- New Savage Species Type book; have had some extremely successful campaigns with this book in the past, with the benefit over templates that all of them can be applied to all levels.
- Compendium of items and monsters from Pathfinder AP's; Like someone else mentioned in this thread. I'd love to use some of this material but I'm not going to pay for an Adventure Path if I am only interested in less than a quarter of the material. But give me the items and monsters in a campaign setting neutral environment and I'd buy it in a second. Any sort of item or spell compendiums would be popular with my group, whether they are compilations of previously published material or entirely new.
- Weapons of Legacy; Someone mentioned this book and it's a book that I loved the concept for but hated WotC's implementation (mainly the need for specific classes to use items)
- Stronghold Builder's Guide; would never have thought of this one but after reading this thread would definitely be interested in such a book, particularly if it also included epic constructions. Looking back, this is an area where my group and I have had a wide array of opinions and a rulebook would of been extremely useful. Though it is a book, I would probably get more use out of than the rest of ym gaming group.
- In line with the Ecology and Environment series, I'd like to see a series of in depth splat books on the inner workings and life within some of the standard institutions within fantasy settings such as temples, monasteries and arcane universities. Granted these aren't rulebooks per se, mostly descriptive text with maybe a few optional feats, character traits, items etc, but it's something that would interest me.
-Asian Theme Book; This isn't a book I would use at all, but several group members have Asian themed areas as very important parts of their campaign worlds and they would use such a book heavily. However if this book was a part of a series of splat books or a hardcover book with several themes I may be interested. My campaign world has areas influenced by the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Romans, Arabaian/Persian Blend and Native Americans (Cherokee, Iroquois and Mayans) and would love to see those included in such a series or compilation.

The Whole 3.5/Pathfinder system really needs THE EPIC HANDBOOK....
If the Paizo guru's get this far PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

The Exchange

I know it's not really the right place for this, but does anyone else want to see bundles of Pathfinder Character Sheets, maybe themed towards diferent AP's? I know I would buy those. I also wouldn't mind the AP's compiled into hardbacks like they did with the SCAP, I've found that even if I don't use an AP, I can use 75%+ of it's content, either directly or as insperation.


rikski wrote:

The Whole 3.5/Pathfinder system really needs THE EPIC HANDBOOK....

If the Paizo guru's get this far PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

I don't think a simple translation to 3.5/PFRPG would suffice, though, since it's pretty obvious how self-inconsistent and apparently untested the epic spells section is.

I'd love to see the system be fixed for preservation (probably mostly rewritten... should be a Seed:Force, too, I feel.. and several "Ad Hoc This!" sidebars explaining the oft baffling ad hoc DC adjustments) since it's just a neat system, period. I've been tweaking things a bit (in some cases a LOT, with regards to DC adjustments), but I have no doubts that Paizo could make a system orders of magnitude better than I could hope to.

And Mage's Disjunction should be forced to roll dispel checks against epic spells in effect.

Liberty's Edge

How about a "Pocket Pathfinder" book? Like the Pocket Mutants & Masterminds, it should focus on player information, and skip all of the GM stuff. This would make it more affordable to a greater number of players who are looking to switch from 3.5 to Pathfinder, but don't need or want the GM stuff. $50 is a lot to drop for some folks, and the thought of paying for all the GM information that you might never use to play in a campaign that someone else is running, because they got a cool new book that they never let you see may not appeal to some. Sure the PDF is cheap, but let's face it, some people don't want their game table to look like a lan-party (gods forbid), and some people still prefer the look and feel of a hardcopy book. Plus, sharing books around the table can slow down gameplay with a new system. More books=faster gameply=more fun/hour (standard fph measure).
Chapters 1-10 or 11 would satisfy this need, and if more people like the game and know the system, more people might buy the full book, or perhaps the full PDF.
BTW, I hated the "Pocket Mutants & Masterminds" book. The print was too small, and I feel like the paper cover would be easily removed from the glue spine. A thinner, but still full size hardcover is superior (curse you Saga Edition Star Wars).
Of course, I could be wrong.

Dark Archive

Nerple wrote:
- Stronghold Builder's Guide; would never have thought of this one but after reading this thread would definitely be interested in such a book, particularly if it also included epic constructions. Looking back, this is an area where my group and I have had a wide array of opinions and a rulebook would of been extremely useful. Though it is a book, I would probably get more use out of than the rest of my gaming group.


to add to this concept, you write the book so that 1/2 its contents are good for players and the second 1/2 is good for GM's to make interesting and well developed dungeons.

"who wants to go through a random assortment of hallways and rooms with randomly generated monsters in it?"
---not me

"who wants to go through simple abandon church, laden with rubble and broken glass resting upon a spiral stairwell with walls inscribed with maddening runes leading below to a half-flooded, labyrinthine catacombs overrun with dagger wielding cultist of aboleth"
---sounds more interesting, doesn't it

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

dm4hire wrote:

Actually something I'd like to see before the APG would be a Quick Start PDF/booklet that we could use to help introduce new players.

I'll also vote for a Basic Book maybe along the lines of what Kenzer did to prepare for the new Hackmaster. As mentioned above only five levels and to help keep it lite only the core four classes. Then include a short spell list for the cleric and mage, a standard adventure equipment list for each class to start with, and about 20-30 monsters that could be thrown at 1-5th. Finish the book off with a brief adventure to wet the appetite and a recommendation list of products that will appeal to new players and judges besides the obvious Core Rulebook and Bestiary plug.

A pocket edition would be nice to see. Makes carrying the corebook for players traveling long distances not have to worry about lugging an extremely huge amount of weight. If they can do it with Spycraft 2.0 I'm sure it could be done with Pathfinder.

Just thought this deserved quoting. I recently had extended family ask me about my gaming habits and when I explained the game, they instantly said, "I want to get that for my nephews for Christmas!" But when I explained that they should get the Core Rulebook, the Bestiary and probably and adventure to go with it. Oh and some dice and a battlemat and at least a pack of minis, they said maybe they'd get them the Dungeons and Dragons animated series DVD instead, to whet their appetites and see if they're interested in fantasy roleplaying. But it I could direct them to a single basic book that contained low level character info, simplified GM rules, and a short adventure, I think that would go over much better. How many of Pathfinder's current fanbase got their start with a single box that was given to them as a birthday or Christmas gift as a kid?

It's been said before, but I'd like a book similar to Unearthed Arcana, my favorite 3.5 book. I love variant rules because they can change your games in subtle but major ways to better fit what your group needs. Also, I like really love alternate class features/class variants possibly even more than prestige classes. They remind me of the variant classes from Baldur's Gate 2.

Paizo Employee CEO

brock wrote:
Random idea : Would a shrink-wrapped cardboard slip-case containing two softcover books (one PC, one GM) and a bunch of maps / pamphlets in between be a cheaper way of achieving boxed-set-style loveliness?

Nope, they are actually even more expensive. Trust me, we have looked at quite a few options and so far, nothing has worked out. But we will keep looking.


Lisa Stevens wrote:
brock wrote:
Random idea : Would a shrink-wrapped cardboard slip-case containing two softcover books (one PC, one GM) and a bunch of maps / pamphlets in between be a cheaper way of achieving boxed-set-style loveliness?

Nope, they are actually even more expensive. Trust me, we have looked at quite a few options and so far, nothing has worked out. But we will keep looking.


You know Lisa, if you guys posted the ideas you'd examined so far somewhere, we'd all be happy to help you guys brainstorm.

Nothing like gathering a few hundred D&D players (mostly GM's by my estimation of those who frequent these boards) together to have a massive tidal wave of ideas, at least a few of which, odds favoring should inspire a success :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That's few hundreds D&D players, but a handful of successful entrepreneurs in the gaming industry. And one could make a snarky comment that "pen and paper gaming" and "successful" don't go well in one sentence.

Lisa was on the MTG launch team back when it became a worldwide phenomenon, and when she says something about RPG publishing and marketing, she's pretty much dead on :)

I mentioned something like this before, but what I'd really like to see is compilations of crunch material from already released work.

Many of the adventure path elements (practically all of them) add slightly more crunch to the world (in the form of traits, feats, prestige classes) along with some great backgrounds to fill up the world (I particularly love the god-articles).

All of those should be compiled into a stand-alone book. This has the advantage that large amounts of pre-pathfinder-core-rules can be updated such as the relatively large amount of small prestige classes (small prestige class = great win in my opinion) that are in the early adventure paths.

The far more detailed and flavorful (and option rich) versions of the gods as described in the adventure paths really should also form a compilation that can replace Gods and Magic in the long run.

...apart from that... all I really want is more variants for existing core classes. I don't need a ninja class, if I can get a rogue variant that fulfills that job for me. But I don't want to see all-or-nothing variants that make the rogue a rogue, or a ninja. I like to mix-and-match my class features to my liking.

So, give me dex-raging barbarians, and divine bards, and I'm happy :)

I'd prefer not see any new rulebooks at all. Rather, I'd prefer to see Paizo devote their talents towards more adventures and setting books.

It's what they do best.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
brock wrote:
Random idea : Would a shrink-wrapped cardboard slip-case containing two softcover books (one PC, one GM) and a bunch of maps / pamphlets in between be a cheaper way of achieving boxed-set-style loveliness?

Nope, they are actually even more expensive. Trust me, we have looked at quite a few options and so far, nothing has worked out. But we will keep looking.


Hmm. In response to a question at a seminar at Dragonmeet over the weekend, Erik spoke at length about the ongoing Quest for a basic (as in simpler version suitable for younger players) Pathfinder set...

The Exchange

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Hmm. In response to a question at a seminar at Dragonmeet over the weekend, Erik spoke at length about the ongoing Quest for a basic (as in simpler version suitable for younger players) Pathfinder set...

It needs to have the shelf impact of a box or hardcover book.

It needs to have compelling handouts to encourage the imagination of kids : fold-up minis, maps, monster sheets.

It needs at least one adventure inside.

Book for the GM with the rules - possibly with the above adventure in.

Book(s) for the players - perhaps having the rules specific to each of the pregens in a separate book for that player to have to themselves during the game.

Plus it has to be cheap.

Not an easy product to design.

Paizo Employee CEO

hazel monday wrote:

I'd prefer not see any new rulebooks at all. Rather, I'd prefer to see Paizo devote their talents towards more adventures and setting books.

It's what they do best.

Trust me, if we tried to make more adventures and setting books than we already are, there would be an overload in the system and people might start dropping subscriptions. I think we have the perfect amount of adventures and campaign material, and we don't plan to do lots and lots of rulebooks, just about 3 per year, one of which will most likely be a bestiary of sorts. I think we have the right mix now.


Paizo Employee CEO

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Hmm. In response to a question at a seminar at Dragonmeet over the weekend, Erik spoke at length about the ongoing Quest for a basic (as in simpler version suitable for younger players) Pathfinder set...

Yep, I know about that. But the idea and the actuality of getting it printed are two very different things. Once Erik, Jason, James and the crew figure out what needs to be in a product like that, then the hard part comes—trying to figure out how to make it happen without bankrupting the company with high printing costs. A lot of very good ideas never see the light of day because of printing costs.


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Hmm. In response to a question at a seminar at Dragonmeet over the weekend, Erik spoke at length about the ongoing Quest for a basic (as in simpler version suitable for younger players) Pathfinder set...

Yep, I know about that. But the idea and the actuality of getting it printed are two very different things. Once Erik, Jason, James and the crew figure out what needs to be in a product like that, then the hard part comes—trying to figure out how to make it happen without bankrupting the company with high printing costs. A lot of very good ideas never see the light of day because of printing costs.


What about a single softbound book that just had the basic rules, and limited spells/magic items that would be appropriate for levels 1-4? Something similar to the affordable Explorer's edition rules for Savage Worlds?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

JoelF847 wrote:
What about a single softbound book that just had the basic rules, and limited spells/magic items that would be appropriate for levels 1-4? Something similar to the affordable Explorer's edition rules for Savage Worlds?

I also wonder whether something along the lines of the Compleat Encounters line could be made to provide a map, dice, and minis for separate purchase so that the two combined would give new players everything they need to run a game. I think people would be ok with making two purchases to do so, and it would allow players of other game systems who already have minis and dice to just get the book to test out the rules system. I don't know how cost prohibitive producing more Compleat Encounters would be, though.

The Exchange

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Yep, I know about that. But the idea and the actuality of getting it printed are two very different things. Once Erik, Jason, James and the crew figure out what needs to be in a product like that, then the hard part comes—trying to figure out how to make it happen without bankrupting the company with high printing costs. A lot of very good ideas never see the light of day because of printing costs.


Since you have legions of devoted fans, how about Paizo print and sell a nice cardboard case or folder - perhaps it doubles as a mini GM screen or there is a map on the inside. In addition, you publish a condensed ruleset as a set of free PDFs that we can print and insert into the case and give to someone that we hope to lure into the game.

Ideally, there would be a pair of coupons for the Paizo store, one for the person getting the gift and one that would be sent to the original purchaser once the first was spent.

My group and I would probably kill to get a Pathfindered update and evolution to Planescape and for it to be linked to Golarion. I dunno if WotC are planning to do anything with it but it's far too good (and mature) a campaign setting to be left to 4th edition.
Sure, you could do a lot of the conversion work yourself but some new products and adventures would be incredible. Monte's on board with Pathfinder so he could lead the charge maybe? Where's Colin McComb these days? That guy should be made president for the storyline to Planescape: Torment alone.

Al Rigg wrote:
Where's Colin McComb these days? That guy should be made president for the storyline to Planescape: Torment alone.

Oooh! Beyond the Vault of Souls! Totally missed it but will be correcting that shortly. And unless I've misread some stuff, looks like he could be working on another as yet unannounced Paizo product at present. Anyone know any more? (A bit off topic, I suppose...)

I want Wizards to let Paizo have a shot a doing Planescape.
Will it ever happen?
Doubt it.

But beyond that an NPC 'monster' guide.
But I was directed to that some time ago which is coming out sometime...

But I seemed to have lost it.
Such is life.

I would like to see something that I could use to get people into the game.
A red box, TV show, board game or something like that.
I worry for my hobby, it seems to be losing ground.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Al Rigg wrote:
Al Rigg wrote:
Where's Colin McComb these days? That guy should be made president for the storyline to Planescape: Torment alone.
Oooh! Beyond the Vault of Souls! Totally missed it but will be correcting that shortly. And unless I've misread some stuff, looks like he could be working on another as yet unannounced Paizo product at present. Anyone know any more? (A bit off topic, I suppose...)

Colin had a hand in the Cheliax guide, and he is right now busy with River Kingdoms book and the Andoran companion. Fear not, Paizo is methodically adding the best planar writers to their fold (so far they have Monte, Wolf, Colin and Todd - now grab Ray Vallese and get all five to crank out planar sourcebooks, please !)

Liberty's Edge

I would like to see more Bestiary books. There are still tons of monsters to be utilized in Pathfinder. Even though you can convert them from elsewhere, I don't want to. I would rather have the new stats and better artwork.

I would love to see some psionics in Pathfinder. A core rule book with classes, races, and powers would be awesome.

Additional race and class options are always a cool thing for the players too. I would like to see a few books, large or small, that the players would actually buy. Obviously this has to be done slowly so you don't crush the game with too many options.

A spell compendium that adds in all the spells from the different books in a Pathfinder friendly way. Maybe even a softcover that includes ALL of the traits and feats.

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
I would like to see more Bestiary books.

They have pretty much guaranteed there will be a Bestiary 2

James Jacobs wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Advanced Player's Guide II: To include extra classes like Warlock, Blackguard, Ninja; and an alternate Divine Spellcasting System (I dislike that arcane and divine magic are basically the same...I think they should be very different).

Actually... if all goes according to our current plan, there won't be a need for Advanced Player's Guide II. We hope to be able to say all we need to say in one book, and don't WANT to set a precedent of doing a new one of these every year.

The other books you mention are MUCH more likely.

Does this mean that these six new base classes are all we are likely to see?

As far as new books go I would like to see something along the lines of Tomb of Magic. I know it isn't OGL, but something where the developers put out new magic systems. I really liked the truenamer in that book, and I have seen rune mages in other sources that were really cool concepts. I really like how pathfinder has fleshed out their classes and the classes previewed for the APG are great as well. This leads me to believe that the developers could do some really interesting things with magic systems above and beyond arcane and divine.

For the most part, I'd rather see new stuff rather than a rehashing of older stuff. I have tons of 3.x books, and if PFRPG is supposed to be backward-compatible, I should be able to use those 3.x books. Since I said "for the most part", I can grant some exceptions. For example, while it doesn't matter to me personally, a new Epic Handbook could make sense, as the 3e version had many problems. A new Beastiary would also be alright.

What I would love to see is new character options, especially in terms of classes. I love having a wide variety of base classes to choose from. Paizo's already giving us this with the Advanced Player's Guide, which is great. But what I'd also love to see is modifications on the existing classes. I'd like to have suggestions on which class abilities can be swapped out for which other class abilities of other classes, or how they can be modified in a way that preserves the basic power level of the class. Sometimes a slight mechanical tweak of a class can give you just the flavor you want for the character you envision, and in some cases seeing the options presented opens up new possibilities that you may not have thought of.

I'd also like to see books on various genres. How to use the existing classes, say, to evoke the flavor of an Oriental campaign, or an Arabian, African, etc., one. Plus one or two new base classes (of course) to help round things out. But it need not be based on culture. Just as 3.5 had Heroes of Horror and Heroes of Battle, a book on naval campaigns, city-based campaigns, etc., would also be great.

Just my thoughts, for what they're worth.

What I'd like, pretty much in order :

1) Monstrous PC's
2) Magic Item & Normal Equipment Guide (Although that may already be done in February, will have to see).
3) Kingdom/Campaign rules (IE: Mass combat, stronghold guide)
4) Additional Monster books (Balanced!)
5) WELL DONE environmental books (Deserts, Mountains, Underwater!, Floating Isles, etc).
6) Spell Compilations with lots of lower level non-combat utility spells!
7) Epic Level
8) Psionics (if the 3PP version isn't to my taste, obviously).
9) Small pamphlet type class update books. That is, let's say they introduce a new class in the desert book because there is one that makes sense. And 2-3 in the underwater book. And maybe one in the Kingdom/Campaign rules (Like engineer or something). Then every couple of years a 20-30 page 'Class Update' book that adds in any really good alternate build paths or rogue tricks or witch hexes other ideas that they came up with in the meantime. A lot will be in the AP's, but not everyone buys them, so a compiled version every couple of years, soft cover like the bonus bestiary, would be great and actually very profitable to the company. Even people with the AP's would pay, I'm sure, to have a compiled version rather than having to search through all the AP's. And those who don't buy the AP's would buy them as well.

Ok, done with my wish list for now. :)

EDIT : Darn, ok, add in 6.5 : Theme books (Asian, Wildlands, post apocolypse, future, stone age, etc).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AlQahir wrote:
Does this mean that these six new base classes are all we are likely to see?

Not at all.

It does mean that when we do base classes in the future, they'll be presented as elements of more tightly themed books. We won't be doing another "generic" rules expansion like the Advanced Player's Guide. But we will be doing other types of expansions that'll have more base classes... it's way too early to say too much there though. But as an example, an "Asian Adventures" type book would certainly have base classes for samurai, ninja, martial artists, and stuff like that. And honestly... that type of book is the MOST likely place we'll introduce new player races. The aforementioned Asian Adventures book might have tengu, kitsune, and similar races presented as player races.

Scarab Sages

brock wrote:
Something for running a larger world: mass-battles, trade-routes, guild wars, diplomacy. Something Birthright-like in scope.

Seconded. In the earliest books there were rules for establishing a barony, building a keep, clearing the wilderness, actually using your gold for something other than more magic items, and leading your followers. Pathfinder needs an endgame for mid to high level characters that is more than just fighting higher CR monsters.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dr. Gradgrind wrote:
brock wrote:
Something for running a larger world: mass-battles, trade-routes, guild wars, diplomacy. Something Birthright-like in scope.
Seconded. In the earliest books there were rules for establishing a barony, building a keep, clearing the wilderness, actually using your gold for something other than more magic items, and leading your followers. Pathfinder needs an endgame for mid to high level characters that is more than just fighting higher CR monsters.

We're already working on this, actually, and it'll start coming out even before the Gamemastery Guide.

The Kingmaker Adventure Path (which will be releasing in late Feburary or early March, I hope!) is ALL ABOUT exploring a wilderness, building cities, growing a kingdom, leading armies and citizens, and even a little bit of fighting big battles (although not to the detail you'd see in a game like Warhammer or Batllesystem; it'll be a much quicker version that will be likely to reduce battles to a couple of tactics choices and a couple of die rolls).

The Kingmaker Adventure Path will also take player characters up to about 18th level. Hopefully!

was wondering to plan to to a core rule box set like D&D did it had a gm guide core rule book and monster manual id love to see one that way i have a set and a cool box to travle with

I'd like to see a Pathfinder only version of Dungeon & Dragon Magazines back - under Paizo's divine guidance!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Fatman Feedbag wrote:
I'd like to see a Pathfinder only version of Dungeon & Dragon Magazines back - under Paizo's divine guidance!

This is incredibly unlikely to ever happen. The magazine business is a killer for a lot of reasons, and without Dragon or Dungeon's decades of presence and inertia and brand recognition, especially with magazines (unfortunately) on the way out, it would seem, as a viable business model, I'm relatively sure a Pathfinder magazine would die on the vine within only a few months.

Of course... the fact that we already offer monthly books with a subscription option makes the need for a Pathfinder magazine put out by Paizo unnecessary. And since they're books, not magazines, we avoid the complicated inefficiencies and unfortunate realities of the magazine business completely.

Most things have been touched on in previous posts, but one thing I am hoping for in great anticipation is an in-depth exploration on the entire solar system that was teased at within the Second Darkness AP. This would be a natural precursor to a 'Spelljammer-esque' line to the other planes and realities. There are so many directions that could be gone into with this line. It could actually be considered big enough to be it's own complete line.

Mind you, it would probably also be a good basis for epic rules too; If you're not epic, you're not black-faring! Beasties of truly epic proportion would be waiting within the void between planets. Or even on other planets (Take me to your leader! That indicates someone of high level). You need some ideas for epic? Re-read the article from the second chapter of Second Darkness, if you have it available. Frankly, using the 'Space' setting that is already established, would do wonders for at least play-testing any epic rules that Paizo wants to work with.

Edit: Or Psionics for that matter...

As much flak as this will likely recieve, I would LOVE to see a book on divine rules ie. Deities and Demigods AFTER (for shame Wizards...) the epic level handbook is out.

Believe it or not, some people actually do like to pit players against the divine...not to mention that it could have all kinds of stuff such as ideas and tips on building and fleshing out dogma's, divine politics, how to build complete pantheons of different sizes, etc.

I'd buy it!

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