Cal neville's page

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I stumbled across a class the other day. it was third party but very well done. It was called the arcaknight. Basically its a paladin but arcane rather then divine. it had arcane auras it received Eldrich strike instead of smite but used the same mechanic. if anyone knows the source book it came from or where i can find the class id be grateful. I lost several books and am trying to rebuild my rpg collection. like the class but cant remember where it came from any one point me in the right direction i would be very grateful to.

was wondering to plan to to a core rule box set like D&D did it had a gm guide core rule book and monster manual id love to see one that way i have a set and a cool box to travle with

I understand the concern. Cavs do seem powerful at start. but the fact that each of the order abilities are only applied once per combat. and only last one round. rage which lasts much longer will most likely see over all higher damage out put. plus after all this isn't
an mmo that elusive balance every one complained about doesn't exists and if all things are to be the same and equal then why don't we all just go watch nascar. i understand far to well the need to keep classes from being over powered as i have seen my fair share of montey hall games but the cav with just a bit of tweaking isn't all that bad and did you read the part about if you challenge you suffer an -2 to your ac from all other opponents not a good thing in a huge melee with 12 orcs at your back so it isn't as bad as one would think at first glance plz pardon my horrid writing skills im not what you would call a skilled writer but look it over and see what you think with the ac penalty and the one round bonuses compared to rage which can be maintained its not all that much cooler id like to see a fair fight played out between the two classes she who came out on top and then against 4 foes and she who won that one would be interesting to see who best works the crowd

I just want to say THANK YOU.
MY name is Cal I'm an old school D&D player and Master DM.
I CoDM a group of 10 regular players, including A 63 year old lady(who we call mom) who's ranger survived well against the giants shes amazing.

Anyway when fourth rolled out we all waited to see what new and exciting things it would hold. like everyone we couldn't wait.

But after buying the core set and playing it we just didn't have the old D&D flavor.

With a bit of sadness we went back to 3.5 disappointed and worried that our era had ended. We scrambled to buy every 3.5 publication we could fearing it would be gone for good once 4.0 was at full steam.

By chance i was looking over some forums in hopes of finding a place to buy the books i was still missing from my collection.

And herd about pathfinder for the first time.

After getting my grubby little claws on the free pdf and sharing the Web sight with my best friend and CoDM.

We are hooked, we played for the first time as a whole group and everyone loved the system. there are a few things we would like to address, after more play testing but for the most part it was a smashing success.

And the biggest thing for me it saves me from the mmo feel i got from 4.0 my whole group plays a popular mmo we play D&D to get break from it and stretch our minds and creative muscle. 4.0 just didn't offer that for our group.

That is not a 4.0 flame its just a personal opinion Those folks who like 4.0 I wish great adventure and may fun evenings. I'm just glad we old schoolers get to keep playing the game we love as well.

Also our Gnome bard thanks you he didn't want to be a monster.

So with that i would like to add thank you Creators of pathfinder i wish you all the best of look and cant wait to see your books on the self .

Not even bulking at the idea of having to buy a new set of books to happy that my favorite game will be alive and kicking for my kid when hes old enough to play. thank you all for saving a game my group loves so much and a VERY VERY Merry Christmas to each and all of you.

A grateful DM Cal