Looking to start playing

Beginner Box

Hi everybody. I've been playing 3.5 D&D for some years now, and I've been interested in Pathfinder for a while now. I've been reading the SRD a bit, learning about the game, and I think I want to start playing. Problem is I work thirds, and don't have a whole lot of time to game. Is there some place I can do a play by post deal? I'm very new to Pathfinder (Just ordered core rulebook from Books-A-Million), so something a little slower, with a decent bit of combat, and role-play interaction. Thanks to all who can help, happy gaming! Oh yea, and Happy New Year I guess :P

Here's a link to the Online Campaigns forum. That's the "closest" place to find an online Pathfinder game.

Happy new year, and welcome!

Carrion Crown is pretty heavy on RP, at least for the first part (not sure about the second), while still having interesting scenarios and some good combat sprinkled in there. Kingmaker also seems to have a good mix of RP and combat.

So if you wanna check out the online campaigns posted above, those are the two that I can suggest finding to join off the top of my head.

Thanks to both of you for the info. Looking at the boards, and checking out the campaigns available.

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