Thunderstone - penalty to initiative and spell resistance?


2 questions from a PF noob.

The thunderstone is an alchemical weapon - would it bypass spell resistance?

Also, the description says that in addition to being deafened, the target that fails its fortitude save takes a -4 penalty to initiative. Does this mean that its turn order might change?

Thunderstones are alchemical items and are not magical, thus spell resistance does not apply to them.

I would say yes the initiative order would change.

I've been trying to look for a reference where it states that alchemical items are unaffected by spell resistance, but can't seem to find it.

It's not so much that alchemical items aren't affected by Spell Resistance, but that Spell Resistance doesn't affect them.

Bestiary, Universal Monster Rules wrote:
Spell Resistance (Ex) A creature with spell resistance can avoid the effects of spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it.
CRB, Glossary wrote:
Only spells and spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance.

Alchemical Items aren't spells or spell-like abilities, so they'd go through fine.

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