Sadronmeldir |
Okay, so this might not be a problem everywhere but our party is currently in a region that generally treats halflings as second class citizens or worse. We're planning an elaborate Ocean's 11 style heist but the plan has one major flaw... the only two party members that can bluff worth a damn stand just under 3 feet tall!
Now, with the disguise self spell, my character can maybe break 4 feet and either pass as a very short female human or a short dwarf... maybe more if I'm allowed to wear stilts under the disguise self veil (is that allowed)?
I've done some looking but I can't seem to find which a male halfling would be better at passing at voice-wise: a dwarf male or a human female. Any thoughts or advice on how to pull this off?
The character has 5 levels in rogue and 1 in wizard.

Kevtor |
If you have another caster in the group that has enlarge person have them cast enlarge person, then use disguise self. Your disguise self should only last 10 minutes, so if the other caster is around your level, 6th, the durations will be close. Look into buying a lesser extend metamagic rod if you expect to need a bit more time.

Sadronmeldir |
If the two halflings stacked up, the one on the bottom could use Aid Another to help the one on the top bluff.
Epic! Unfortunately, the halfling bard will be outside creating a diversion by holding a rock concert (him on the pan flute, the half-orc paladin banging some rocks together). It might not be quality music, but it will keep that pesky paladin busy while the real work gets done.
It's starting to look like alter self in scroll form might be the way to go. Enlarge person and disguise self isn't bad, but it still wouldn't help the voice issue.
... and the muppet man rocks. :-)

Sadronmeldir |
Voice Alteration is a first level spell from ultimate magic that should fix the voice issue.
It totally would, thank you!
I failed to mention that the DM is restricting us to the Core Rulebook only... a restriction that continues to foil my evil schemes!