Kevtor's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


Can a magician bard use Expanded Repertoire to add spells to her list of spells known at a lower spell level than normal by selecting from the summoner's list? (i.e. Haste as a 2nd level spell, or Black Tentacles as a 3rd level)

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Have you taken a look at the Antagonize feat from Ultimate Magic. It seems similar to what you are looking for, or could at least give you a baseline to work from.

Correct, but he would take a -2 to AC using normal Lunge. Don't get me wrong i can't imagine a character ever taking Monkey Lunge, just saying it can be used.

Just to throw this out there, Monkey Lunge is obviously terrible, but not entirely unusable. For example, unless I am mistaken, a magus could use it to spellstrike with a quickened shocking grasp.

On the Pathfinder Society page, under Player Resources, their is a link to the Additional Resources page. This details what is, and is not, PFS legal from published material.

To specifically answer your question - CRB Races, Aasimar, Tiefling and Tengus are legal for all players. Any other race requires a specific boon.

Yea that makes a lot more sense then the way it was described to me.

Does the chronicle have to be applied as soon as the character is eligible? I have a cert from playing a 7th level pre-gen in a 5-6, 8-9. Does the cert get applied as soon as I hit level 5, or can I wait until the character hits level 6 to apply it?

Voice Alteration is a first level spell from ultimate magic that should fix the voice issue.

If you have another caster in the group that has enlarge person have them cast enlarge person, then use disguise self. Your disguise self should only last 10 minutes, so if the other caster is around your level, 6th, the durations will be close. Look into buying a lesser extend metamagic rod if you expect to need a bit more time.