Mythic Hekatonkheires

GM Feedback

A few things I noted on designing him.

First, he gets 11 mythic powers. I doubled up on some, but it really seems to be overboard. I tried to improve his existing abilities instead of adding new ones first.

Second, since I split the five +2 inherent bonuses he got across Str, Con and Cha, his attack bonus didn't improve very much in the way that one would hope ACs would improve across 10 mythic tiers.

Third, 150 more hit points is peanuts to the damage potential increase across 10 mythic tiers. I predict that even without all of the 'ignore DR' abilities that were spammed across mythic, his 664 hp will make for a very short combat against 20th level/MT 10 characters.

Measured against his offensive capabilities however, he is monstrous. He can easily deal over 300 damage per full round to everyone in reach, and few characters will have a defense against something like that. This is all before he takes his second action that round.

All in all, I feel the mythic powerset sort of skewed him in a particular direction, rather than opening him up as a more interesting combat encounter.

Mythic Hekatonkheires (CR 34/MR 10)
XP 1,228,800

CE Colossal outsider (chaotic, evil, mythic)
Init +26; Senses all-around vision, darkvision, true seeing; Perception +35
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common; telepathy 300 ft.

AC 59, touch 4, flat-footed 57, combat 71
(+15 armor, +2 Dex, +40 natural, -8 size)
hp 664 (24d10 + 432 + 100); regen 40 (epic); DR 30/epic and lawful
Immune aging, death effects, disease, mind-affecting; SR 45
Fort +32, Ref +12, Will +18

Speed 60 ft.; air walk
Melee 4 +10 weapons +46 (6d6 + 30 plus hundred-handed whirlwind) or
8 weapons +44 (6d6 + 30)
Vital strike weapon +46 (24d6 + 90 plus hundred handed whirlwind)
Melee slam +36 (4d8 + 30 plus stun)
Ranged rock +18/+13/+8/+3 (4d8 + 30 /18-20)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
Base Atk +24; Combat +52 (+54 bull rush)
Attack Options combat expertise (-7, +7), great cleave, greater vital strike, imp. bull rush, power attack (-7, +21)
Special Actions mythic power (10/day, 1d12), rock throwing (200 ft.), stunning slam

Spell-Like Abilities (Caster level 30th, Concentration +39)
Constant - air walk, spell turning, true seeing
At will - bestow curse (DC 23), break enchantment, chain lightning (DC 25), greater dispel magic, find the path, sending
3/day - greater scrying (DC 26), heal, mass suggestion (DC 25)
1/day - dominate monster (DC 28), greater spell immunity, imprisonment (DC 28), storm of vengeance (DC 28)

Abilities Str 50, Dex 15, Con 47, Int 22, Wis 19, Cha 28
SQ amazing initiative, mythic hands of war, planar leap, precision (x3), to the death
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Vital Strike
Mythic Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +29 (+41 jumping), Athletics +47, Bluff +36, Craft (weapon) +33, Diplomacy +33, Escape Artist +29, Intimidate +36, Knowledge (history) +30, Knowledge (planes) +33, Perception +35, Sense Motive +35, Survival +28
Treasure triple (50-100 various weapons, other treasure)

Mythic Hands of War (Su) Any weapon a hekatonkheires wields gains a +10 enhancement bonus while the titan holds it. A hekatonkheires’s attacks are treated as epic and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, a hekatonkheires’s multitude of arms allows it to effectively block attacks, granting it a +15 armor bonus to its AC.

Hundred-Handed Whirlwind (Ex) A hekatonkheires carries several dozen weapons of various types in its hundred hands, but when it attacks in melee, you don’t have to resolve each of these as a separate attack. Instead, when the titan attacks with its weapons, it rolls its attacks normally (either one attack for a standard action, or four as a full-round action) and hits every creature in its reach each time an attack roll exceeds that creature’s AC. If any such attack roll results in a possible critical hit, the critical is applied to one creature of the hekatonkheires’s choosing. The hekatonkheires can choose to deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage as a free action on each separate hit. A mythic hekatonkheires can also make four additional attacks as if it were two weapon fighting with a -2 penalty.

Planar Leap (Su) A hekatonkheires traverses the planes by physically smashing through planar boundaries and crashing devastatingly into the target plane itself. Once per year as a full-round action, a hekatonkheires can, as part of a jump, plane shift to any other plane (as per the spell of the same name). It can only bring itself and its gear when it travels in this manner. When the hekatonkheires reaches its destination plane, it falls from the sky and crashes to the ground, creating a devastating explosion of thunder and ire. Any creature within 300 feet of the point where the hekatonkheires lands (including the titan itself) takes 30d10 points of bludgeoning damage and 30d10 points of sonic damage (Reflex DC 40 for half). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Stunning Slam (Ex) As a standard action, a hekatonkheires may forgo any weapon attacks to make a single slam attack against all creatures in reach. If it hits, the targets take damage and must succeed at a DC 42 Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based.

To the Death A mythic hekatonkheires below 0 hit points doesn’t fall unconscious and or take damage from acting normally. It does not die until its total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than three times its Constitution score. (-141 for most mythic hekatonkheires) When finally slain, the corpse falls through the planar barriers, automatically triggering an explosion (as detailed in planar leap) on both the destination and origin plane.

This scares me. A lot. The non-mythic version kills gods.

His reflex seems kind of crappy, that could probably be abused somehow

Some lopsided numbers showing up here. 10 CR higher yet Reflex and Will are sitting exactly where the nonmythic CR 24 monster was. I think it would probably be fair to say that mythic powers have augmented his strengths and made his weaknesses weaker across the board (rather than just melee offense and defense) which isn't really a good thing since his weaknesses look like they might have sunk into need-a-20-to-pass ranges. DCs the PCs can throw out will have likely gone up by 5-7 at least over 10 mythic tiers.

CWheezy wrote:
His reflex seems kind of crappy, that could probably be abused somehow

Sun beam.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

wow.. nice reflexes... lol.. In all seriousness though, a few suggestions.

1.) The mythic rules says to take a look at the saves of the creature after you're done modding it since it's saves may not scale appropriately to it's cr and make changes if needed. I think this is a case where the dm may be justified throwing a few points onto saves.

2.) I'm not seeing improved vital strike as a mythic feat (although I just looked quickly). You may want to change that out for mythic lightning reflexes. Give mr. broadside of a hundred handed barn two chances to save against reflex based spells.

Granted the second suggestion is a bit of a meta-game look at plugging a hole in his defenses, but he has lightning reflexes already so it's not that big of a stretch.

WarDriveWorley wrote:
1.) The mythic rules says to take a look at the saves of the creature after you're done modding it since it's saves may not scale appropriately to it's cr and make changes if needed. I think this is a case where the dm may be justified throwing a few points onto saves.

A few points of saves are unlikely to make any difference at all. A Level 20 / Mythic 10 character is likely to have a key ability score over 40 (44 seems easy). Casting a 9th level mythic spell that produces a DC of 37 before spell focus or any other modifiers.

You could increase his reflex and fortitude saves in a s@#%ty ad hoc manner by 10 points and he'd still fail half the time. Not that it is likely to matter since a mythic sorcerer or wizard is likely to tag him immediately with a greater mythic meteor swarm, maximize it with metamastery (the only decent archmage ability) and take 640 hit points off the top with no save, resistance, or immunity. Finishing him off with a follow-up quickened spell doesn't seem that difficult at that point. Lets just hope that he's more than 300ft. away, because the planar explosion he sets off might kill the squishier PCs outright.

Of course, if he ever starts his turn in range of the party they all die as well.

All of which adds to my (and Kain's) current position that right now mythic offense scales comically fast compared to defenses.

WarDriveWorley wrote:
2.) I'm not seeing improved vital strike as a mythic feat (although I just looked quickly). You may want to change that out for mythic lightning reflexes. Give mr. broadside of a hundred handed barn two chances to save against reflex based spells.

Does absolutely nothing to help against a party with even 1 mythic tier. If the party lacks any mythic tiers why are they facing an opponent 14 levels higher than them? The mythic saves feats are garbage for most monsters. Depending on your campaign (whether you fight mythic enemies or just higher CR ones) they can be the same for most PCs.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Good points Peter, and I'm not saying it will completely fix the problems, but it's a solution (even if it's an inadequate stop-gap one).

Also I think you may not be giving the mythic saves a fair strike. Yes in the case of the mob outlined above it's a good chance that he'll need not 20s to save against a reflex based spell and rolling twice really only improves the odds by a small portion. However I have a character in a game I ran who got to roll twice for saves all the time and it seemed like he never failed (even when he needed a nat 20).

Granted this will vary from person to person and table to table, but I tend to like rolling twice for saves and what not. Personal preference though.

WarDriveWorley wrote:
Also I think you may not be giving the mythic saves a fair strike. Yes in the case of the mob outlined above it's a good chance that he'll need not 20s to save against a reflex based spell and rolling twice really only improves the odds by a small portion. However I have a character in a game I ran who got to roll twice for saves all the time and it seemed like he never failed (even when he needed a nat 20).

You missed the point. Go back and reread Mythic Iron Will, or Mythic Lightning Reflexes, or Mythic Great Fortitude. They only grant you a reroll if the attack source is not mythic. E.g. they don't function against mythic PCS or mythic monsters at all. Zero effect. None. Completely useless feat in mythic encounters.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Peter Stewart wrote:
WarDriveWorley wrote:
Also I think you may not be giving the mythic saves a fair strike. Yes in the case of the mob outlined above it's a good chance that he'll need not 20s to save against a reflex based spell and rolling twice really only improves the odds by a small portion. However I have a character in a game I ran who got to roll twice for saves all the time and it seemed like he never failed (even when he needed a nat 20).
You missed the point. Go back and reread Mythic Iron Will, or Mythic Lightning Reflexes, or Mythic Great Fortitude. They only grant you a reroll if the attack source is not mythic. E.g. they don't function against mythic PCS or mythic monsters at all. Zero effect. None. Completely useless feat in mythic encounters.

dang.. my bad.. completely overlooked that part. Maybe I was subconciously blocking it so it would be better then it is. My apologies

Not a problem. I'm frankly shocked they work the way they do and would much prefer it if they instead did as you suggest.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Agreed.. As it's written it may shore up defenses against on-mythic, but seems to be a waste of feat space overall.

maybe mythic tier should increase all saves by its tier so a mythic tier 10 monster would get +10 to all saves.. or at least its tier to its good saves and half of its tier to bad saves...
This should also increase for PC with mythic tiers

BEGS wrote:

maybe mythic tier should increase all saves by its tier so a mythic tier 10 monster would get +10 to all saves.. or at least its tier to its good saves and half of its tier to bad saves...

This should also increase for PC with mythic tiers

And suddenly mythic is doing the same thing as levels by handing out large flat bonuses. Further, because it is scaling saves twice as fast as DCs (at minimum) spells are bad.

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