Whirlwind attack, power attack will it blend?

Rules Questions

So ive created a fighter, mostly a controller that mows down the skeletons when my mates take down the big baddie. Ive taken whirlwind attack and am currently thinking on taking power attack.

But in the whirlwind attack description theres:

"When you use the Whirlwind Attack feat, you also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities."

Does that mean the bonus damage from power attack does not apply? Im just trying to make sure because it seems unclear to me.

"Extra damage" is not "extra attacks". That clause is there to say you don't get your iteratives, you don't get your bonus Haste attack, and you most certainly can't dump a bag of rats on the ground and then kill them with Whirlwind Attack and use Improved Cleaving Finish to get a hundred bonus attacks against your actual opponent.

Roberta is right - you can apply your PA bonus damage alright.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Ah yes, the old bag of rats trick. Gets 'em every time.

Yes it blends... But you realy need to think ablut you role/ build the mass clear that you get is waste of time cause by time you get it. The other class have better mass skeleton clearers than 5th level fighter. The cleric level 5 is doing 3d6 to 30ft busrt on him to all undead, the wizard is throwing 5d6 fire ball 20ft radius, and the alchemist is doing 3d6 in 10ft radius.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Ah yes, the old spellcasters do it better trick. Gets 'em every time.

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