Grzegorz Sasiak's page

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The question is simple in nature, but I still would like some formal confirmation. Darkness can be negated with powerfull enough spells of light. My question is: Is there an official list of spells that can cast such light? A paladin has a spell called Light lance, would that dispell darkness?

What you are asking basically is if Greater sunder is tied only to the manouver of Improved Sunder.

The key with "Greater Sunder" is this part of the description: "You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to sunder an item."

It suggests that you get all the bonuses from that trait not only when you perform an manouver, but at all instances of sundering - sundering strike included.

There is nothing in the rules that says Greater Sunder applies only to Improved Sunder. Personally i think there should be, but if there is no errata I guess that part is intended. Sundering strike connected with Power attack and an adamantine weapon is VERY overpowered. You basically hit the guy for 50% more damag eand destroy his weapon in the process.

Connect that with whirlwind attack and you get a meatgrinder.

Just to clarify: So does the eidolon thingy?

I have a question about the rules of spells such as magic armor, or summoning an eidolon. What happens if the character becomes unconscious? Do the spells stay or are they immediately dismissed?
The rules say nothing about this, but one would assume the caster has to be conscious to hold the spell together.

Both a nightmare mount and an ankheg sound cool. A rhino is kinda impossible in the setting that we play in.

ok, im actually sorry about the previous comment. Not speaking english as a native language leaves me a bit insensitive to homophobia, or rather makes it hard to notice the border of joke/offense.

But back on track, interesting mounts ideas?

Thats butch but still gay :D
Looks cool though. The thing is arent unicorn blood and other parts extremely expensive? Im scared someone might try to shank it for money or something :<

Half celestial spider seems a bit hard to get into a city, ever. Neither is a griffon, but that thing can at least fly. And a seal told me unicorns are gay.

Also, how does one obtain an half celestial spider?

So im playing a fighter, im planning on getting an epic, rare mount. Something both useful and unique, under an CR of 6. No, a Griffon wont do.
Any suggestions?

So ive created a fighter, mostly a controller that mows down the skeletons when my mates take down the big baddie. Ive taken whirlwind attack and am currently thinking on taking power attack.

But in the whirlwind attack description theres:

"When you use the Whirlwind Attack feat, you also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities."

Does that mean the bonus damage from power attack does not apply? Im just trying to make sure because it seems unclear to me.