NaturalSuccess |

Hey everyone! I have been speccing out a monk for what would be a level 8 start, stats with a +2 str belt and +2 wis headband are
Str: 18
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 18
Cha: 9
I was wondering if it would be more effective for the cost of the weapon and in combat (to hit and the like) if I were to start with +1 and shocking or a flat +2 enhancement. I know it doesn't make too much of a difference, since it only matters when I flurry, but I would like to know what some of you guys would do in this situation.

mplindustries |

Generally, I find the enhancement bonuses to do more than the equivalent special abilities. There are only a few exceptions in my mind, and most are for very specific builds/situations (Keen for an 18-20 crit weapon, Furious/Courageous for a Barbarian, Agile for Dex builds, etc.).
If I were you, I'd just take the +2.

NaturalSuccess |

Now, one more question and then I'll leave you guys alone...I promise :P
Is there any way to add your wisdom mod to attack rolls without any dips? If a dip or two would be needed, what is the minimum dip I would need to accomplish this? I really would like to get more added on to my attack rolls, because flurry at +6/+6/+1/+1 is kinda sketchy on the "to hit" range on the third and fourth attacks

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Somewhere in some book I believe there's a "Guided" weapon property-- you can get your weapon enchanted to use Wisdom on the attack roll instead of Strength.
But since your Strength and Wisdom are both the same, it wouldn't do you any good. Adding two stats to an attack roll, instead of switching stats, is VERY hard. If you need more to-hit, then definitely go with the +2 on your temple sword instead of +1 and an ability.
See if you can fit Weapon Focus into your build too-- the extra +1 will do you good. Also remember to use your increased speed for charging on the first round and get that +2 bonus, then you'll be in full-attack range for next round!

NaturalSuccess |

I was just thinking that about the charging, Silent Saturn. The +2 would be very important to my to-hit. Then, when the enemy would attempt to move out of my range, I would use side-step if he was taking a 5 foot step, or trip him if his move provokes an AoO. Weapon Focus is a great idea too...I'll have to fit that in my build.

NaturalSuccess |

I asked my GM about the Cleric dip...he said he would really prefer that I didn't take a one level dip for the sole purpose of furthering my optimization. Besides,after what Silent Saturn said, I realized that it would make no sense to substitute Wis for Str on attack rolls, and I don't think there is a way to add Wis to Str for attack rolls. So, I'm just going to have to rely on weapon focus, enhancement bonuses and flanking when possible.

NaturalSuccess |

Jodokai: That would work great, but how would I use that with a Temple Sword? It needs to be finessable to be an Agile weapon. I am kinda committed to using a Temple Sword. In the campaign, my character is a member of a large family (created by the GM) that has passed a Temple Sword through the generations (he has given me free reign on the enhancements. I have to pay for the enhancements tot he weapon, but not for the base cost of the weapon)
Liam ap Thalwig: Very true...I wouldn't need the Step Up feats for that. I keep forgetting that you can't move after taking a five foot step.