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The map folio is basically worthless.
The item card pack has some cool stuff for the first module, and I just realized I haven't looked through it since then.
The advice about music in the first part of each book really helps set the mood. I've gotten a ton of use out of the 'Castelvania: Symphonies of the Night' soundtrack.

Rakshaka |

We've really liked using the Harrow Deck for various parts of the adventures. Besides this, Rule of Fear has been invaluable for detailing the what lies between the modules.
I have both Classic Horrors Revisited and Undead Revisitied and while I find them useful, I've used something from those books about twice so far (used them far more in my Council of Thieves game). If you have to choose one book out of those three, get Rule of Fear

Inkwell |

On the cover title of book 6, there features a lich. My recommendation, if you love miniatures is to consider this mini

Neil Spicer RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor |

Legendary Games has an entire line-up of Adventure Path plug-ins which work exeptionally well for Carrion Crown. Some of them are written by the very same authors who penned the individual adventures for that campaign.
The products include two low-level adventure side-treks designed to help build trust with the townsfolk in The Haunting of Harrowstone (The Murmuring Fountain and The Fiddler's Lament). There's a collection of 8 pregenerated PCs (Gothic Heroes) you can play, use as NPCs, or just use as fodder for kickstarting the imagination of your players as they design their own characters for the campaign. There's a short bestiary (Construct Codex) of gothic-themed constructs of varying CR's you can drop into the adventures. There's three distinct collections of horror-themed books and tomes for your PCs to find and expand their powers over the macabre (Tomes of Ancient Knowledge, The Necrotic Verses, and The Inverse Calculus of Unseen Refraction). There's also a collection of new gothic-themed magic items (Treasury of the Macabre). And, there's even a FREE collecton of the assorted artwork from many of those products to serve as inspriation and player handouts (Gothic Visions).
If you're looking to expand on any of Paizo's adventure paths, keep an eye on Legendary Games and their entire collection of plug-ins. For instance, there's also a set that works well with the Jade Regent AP and there's some preliminary work underway for products which will complement the Kingmaker AP.