Big Lemon |

IMO the way they handle time makes absolutely no sense.
Time spent crafting is based entirely on gp value, not taking into account intricacy in construction or more expensive base materials, and items that could be finished in a day's worth of work (a single vial of Acid) always take a week to create.
I handle time on a case-by-case basis. An alchemist could probably make 3 vials of acid in a day, maybe more depending on his check. So far I've only had character interested in creating very basic weapons and alchemy items, so I haven't had them spend more than a day on anything yet.

ohako |
I am also a very new GM. If my players take up crafting, then they'll find out that I'm very generous with crafting rules. Make your check, and you can craft up to 1000gp worth of stuff per day, same as magic items.
a) PCs only. NPCs will take longer
b) don't abuse this: it's Dungeons & Dragons, not Dungeons & Macrame
c) I also noted 6 special craft skills (for use with the Master Craftsman feat). They are
Weapons (including bows)
Armor (made out of any material)
Jewelry (for wondrous items like headbands or emeralds or crab robots)
Clothing (for wondrous items like belts and boots and gloves)
Alchemy (for wondrous items like elixirs, salves, or glue)
Glassblowing (this game has Sandpoint in it, so what the heck)

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What annoys me is the fact that you can't actually profit from taking item creation feats.
Somehow my +1 Greatsword is worth X because I made it but one at market is 2X because I made it.
The only way around it is to take 'orders' from your group and add on a charge to your own group, which goes against the whole 'one for all' vibe.