PFS boon added to Pathfinder Online MMO kickstarter

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 4/5

I personally am not against the kickstarter or the boon. But since I pay out of pocket for PFS adventures, my $5.00 is better spent buying PFS adventures and maps instead of boons. That's why I don't own Thornkeep or any other Paizo kickstarted ventures. My money is tied up in the current game in hand.

Still doesn't mean I don't want it want it to succeed, but my hard earned money is already tied up in something that already brings me and my groups joy. To invest in something that has not yet come to fruition is not something I can invest in. When I can play it and judge for myself whether to invest or not will be my deciding factor.

Grand Lodge

Add me to the list of people who think this is a bad idea.

It's a one-time thing. Yes, well the first compiled adventure path was also supposed to be a one-time thing before Revised Rise of Runelords, Limited Edition Revised Rise of the Runelords and Hologram Cover Limited Edition Rise of the Runelords.

I think it sets a bad precedent for players by making purchase of PFS benefits "legitimate". I don't think PFS should be in the business of promoting PFO. I am discouraged by the wave of Kickstarter promotions which are originating at Paizo. This is what, four in the past two months?

1/5 Contributor

JohnF wrote:

That's a road I don't want to go down. If I allow a shirt re-roll no matter what character the player with the shirt is running today, it's hard to argue that a Character Folio is only tied to a single character.

I know, I know. Like I said, I'll obviously always allow it unless there's some new ruling on it that comes down the pike. I'm just old and cranky and believe in long, detailed character sheets that start with a biography and have every feat and spell carefully detailed, for every character. My character folders use the two page sheet from the Guide, followed by Chronicles and my notes from the session where I earned them, followed by a brief biography, followed by annotated and personalized descriptions of all feats, traits, race and class features, equipment, and spells, and then at the end, printouts of the appropriate watermarked .pdf pages of whatever Additional Resources I might be using.

To paraphrase Wendell Berry, it's not the only way to do things, or the best way maybe, and I should be occasionally reminded that it's just one way. (Another way, apparently, is to flip back and forth between pages on my laptop trying to remember what all my character can do while the other players and the GM twiddle their thumbs. I haven't tried that one yet. ;) )


Dylos wrote:
Note that the kickstarter says you get a PDF, there is neither a need for photocopying or a possibility of such a seal on a PDF.

Extremely impractical, then!

sieylianna wrote:
I don't think PFS should be in the business of promoting PFO.

PFS isn't some kind of community service. It exists as a marketing tool for Paizo, because it encourages purchase of their products (both rulebooks and scenarios). In other words, PFS's business is promoting Paizo products.

Christopher Rowe wrote:
I'm just old and cranky and believe in long, detailed character sheets that start with a biography and have every feat and spell carefully detailed, for every character.

Me too! I just don't want to write them all out. Which is why I got Hero Lab.

1/5 Contributor

On this .pdf business, I know whenever I download a new product here I have to wait a moment for it to be personalized/watermarked. That suggests to me that the .pdfs of these boons could be individualized in some way that made them more difficult to black market.

It's probably too much work though, and frankly makes me a little sad to think it's even necessary, but there you go.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Umm everyone does realise you can buy a novel and get a boon right?

Cat has been out of the bag for some time

Shadow Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Nunspa wrote:

Umm everyone does realise you can buy a novel and get a boon right?

Cat has been out of the bag for some time

They even cost more then $5 typically.

Dylos wrote:
Nunspa wrote:

Umm everyone does realise you can buy a novel and get a boon right?

Cat has been out of the bag for some time

They even cost more then $5 typically.

And how many of the Pathfinder Tales chronicle sheets grant boons equal or superior to the advanced template of the PFO boon?


Nunspa wrote:
Umm everyone does realise you can buy a novel and get a boon right?

Though, it sounds like the PFO boon will be substantially more interesting than the novel boons.

Shadow Lodge

Mike Mistele wrote:
Nunspa wrote:
Umm everyone does realise you can buy a novel and get a boon right?
Though, it sounds like the PFO boon will be substantially more interesting than the novel boons.

I would personally see that as a reason why novel boons should give more interesting things, such as access to feats as alluded to in the rules text for the novel boons.


I think the difference between the novel and convention boons compared to the MMO Boon is that you buy a book and get a boon free, or you go to a convention and you are given a free boon.

With the MMO you're pretty much just buying a boon at the 5 dollar level.

It's a thin line.

Plus the resale of boons is frowned upon by Paizo which makes their direct sale of the boon seem a bit hypocritical.

Frankly I wish they sold more boons, or auctioned boons for charity, or even allowed people to sell race boons and the like. I'm sure a few of the people with extra race boons wouldn't mind being able to kickstart their holiday season by letting someone buy the boon they needed.

Hell I'd have loved to be able to buy a kitsune boon to give to one of my gms as a thank you for always being willing to run games for me.

Paizo Employee Developer

I just removed another string of posts in which members of the community were arguing over whether or not their respective reactions to the boon and the Kickstarter campaign were valid. This is the last warning before we close the thread. Discuss the topic, not how other people should act, feel, or post.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Dylos wrote:
Mike Mistele wrote:
Nunspa wrote:
Umm everyone does realise you can buy a novel and get a boon right?
Though, it sounds like the PFO boon will be substantially more interesting than the novel boons.
I would personally see that as a reason why novel boons should give more interesting things, such as access to feats as alluded to in the rules text for the novel boons.

Interestingly, when boons for the novels were first put forth, much of the same stuff you can read above was spread about these boards. Times do, indeed, change...

Jeffrey Fox wrote:

I think the difference between the novel and convention boons compared to the MMO Boon is that you buy a book and get a boon free, or you go to a convention and you are given a free boon.

With the MMO you're pretty much just buying a boon at the 5 dollar level.

It's a thin line.

Plus the resale of boons is frowned upon by Paizo which makes their direct sale of the boon seem a bit hypocritical.

Frankly I wish they sold more boons, or auctioned boons for charity, or even allowed people to sell race boons and the like. I'm sure a few of the people with extra race boons wouldn't mind being able to kickstart their holiday season by letting someone buy the boon they needed.

Hell I'd have loved to be able to buy a kitsune boon to give to one of my gms as a thank you for always being willing to run games for me.


If Paizo would simply reverse course and tell people with boons, "They're yours. We understand they are a commodity. So, do with them what you would do with any commodity. Please be sure not to plaigarize, counterfeit, or be otherwise disrespectful of our intellectual property," then I wouldn't be nearly as disappointed. Hypocrisy always irritates me. Like Jeffrey said, the line is thin, and as far as I'm concerned, that line was crossed.


Dylos wrote:
Mike Mistele wrote:
Nunspa wrote:
Umm everyone does realise you can buy a novel and get a boon right?
Though, it sounds like the PFO boon will be substantially more interesting than the novel boons.
I would personally see that as a reason why novel boons should give more interesting things, such as access to feats as alluded to in the rules text for the novel boons.

This is a good read.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

i don't play video games very often. when i do, they're almost never mmo's. i'm excited about PFO. to me it represents a possibility at a video game that more closely resembles what i want. i'm also a big supporter of not only paizo as a whole, but lisa stevens in particular and the incredible track record that she's had innovating the industry. i was particularly struck by her initial story of how she was resistant to the idea of a pathfinder video game, but had her mind changed by the meeting with ryan dancey. i've only met lisa briefly once, but i'm very sure that she does not change her mind like that lightly.

i backed the first kickstarter, before the thornkeep rewards were announced. i backed this kickstarter, before the emerald spire reward was announced, and well before the boon was announced, so personally, i really don't see the problem. even if i hadn't backed it yet, though, i don't find it offensive or worrisome at all. paizo has a long and successful history of cross-marketing their products. mike and mark have a great track record of doing good things for the campaign. to me, it seems like a no-brainer.

chalk me up as excited - for the boon, the emerald spire, and the PFO game itself.

just my two cents.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Where some people see "distasteful money grab", I see "brilliant business strategy". Good on ya, Paizo. I hope your sister company meets the same level of success you did. And you better bet I'm gonna donate at least $15 to that Kickstarter sometime soon, because what's better than a multi-level dungeon PDF for $15? A superdungeon PDF for $15, that's what.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drogon wrote:

If Paizo would simply reverse course and tell people with boons, "They're yours. We understand they are a commodity. So, do with them what you would do with any commodity. Please be sure not to plaigarize, counterfeit, or be otherwise disrespectful of our intellectual property," then I wouldn't be nearly as disappointed. Hypocrisy always irritates me. Like Jeffrey said, the line is thin, and as far as I'm concerned, that line was crossed.

You mean like I did in my post back in February?

I didnt say you couldn't sell boons. I simply advised I didn't like it. I am constantly misquoted in advising I said boons couldn't be sold. That is simply untrue. I advised, "This is similar to someone who wins a autographed book at a con and then puts it up for auction. Once it is in the person's possession, it is their property to do with as they wish."

Do I like it when people sell the free boons they received at cons? No I don't. And I don't like when people sell stuff they get at Free RPG Day. But it is what it is.

Can I stop it from happening? No I can't.

Are we selling a boon here on the KS? Yes, but it won't be made available for free anywhere, unless people photo copy and distribute them, which I hope doesn't happen.

Will selling boons become common place for PFS? I'm not planning on it whatsoever, as confirmed by Vic and Erik earlier in this thread.

The Exchange 4/5

Honestly, I haven't thought about playing an MMO in a while (I played SWTOR, but never intended to actually play it as an MMO, I bought it, played on characters' storyline then canceled it was a fun game :D).

I'm actually pretty excited for PFO, I'm hoping for great things.

I probably wouldn't have kickstarted if not for the super dungeon and the boon. I get that getting nonPFO rewards for KSing PFO seems wonky. It's a couple years off, I certainly want to get something BEFORE 2+ years from now that I can use.

The PFS boon is cool, it's a nice tie-in. Are you thinking about doing a PFS tie-in for the super dungeon? making floors into modules or some such?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes, when it is funded, the print version of the super dungeon will be sanctioned.

Shadow Lodge

Michael Brock wrote:
Yes, when it is funded, the print version of the super dungeon will be sanctioned.

The pdf won't?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Yes, the pdf version of the printed copy may also be used to run sanctioned PS events, just like Thornkeep can be used currently. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused by advising "printed."

The Exchange 4/5

woot this is good news :D

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Michael Brock wrote:
Drogon wrote:

If Paizo would simply reverse course and tell people with boons, "They're yours. We understand they are a commodity. So, do with them what you would do with any commodity. Please be sure not to plaigarize, counterfeit, or be otherwise disrespectful of our intellectual property," then I wouldn't be nearly as disappointed. Hypocrisy always irritates me. Like Jeffrey said, the line is thin, and as far as I'm concerned, that line was crossed.

You mean like I did post back in February?

I didnt say you couldn't sell boons. I simply advised I didn't like it. I am constantly misquoted in advising I said boons couldn't be sold. That is simply untrue. I advised, "This is similar to someone who wins a autographed book at a con and then puts it up for auction. Once it is in the person's possession, it is their property to do with as they wish."

Do I like it when people sell the free boons they received at cons? No I don't. And I don't like when people sell stuff they get at Free RPG Day. But it is what it is.

Can I stop it from happening? No I can't.

Are we selling a boon here on the KS? Yes, but it won't be made available for free anywhere, unless people photo copy and distribute them, which I hope doesn't happen.

Will selling boons become common place for PFS? I'm not planning on it whatsoever, as confirmed by Vic and Erik earlier in this thread.

Okay, now I've crossed the line, it seems. So, let me apologize.

I'm not against selling boons. It is, perhaps, a thing best left alone, considering all the extreme feelings floating around through this thread and the one Mike linked. But I have a background in Magic the Gathering, and watched as "certs" were bought and sold for LFR and Living Greyhawk. So, I want to be clear: a boon is a commodity. It can be sold by whoever owns one, and purchased by whoever wants to pay the price.

Manufacturing boons for sale? That's probably not good. Nor, I believe, would the feds be okay with it. It has something to do with the concept of printing money. Magic has this problem - it is always suggested that WotC simply print up Black Lotuses, Moxen, Time Walks, etc., and sell them for under what their current "value" is on the open market. They'd rake in tons of cash for next-to-no expense. However, if they were to do something like that, the FTC would jump down their throat. DID, in fact, jump down their throat when they put "treasure" cards (old, out of print, high value cards) into the first wave of Zendikar booster packs. They had to take a public stance of "We have no idea how that happened," and pulled all first wave product and, subsequently, made damn sure there was no "treasure" in future waves.

Anyway, I'm the last person who would be against buying and selling a piece of paper giving something to someone.

What I am against is a company stance of "no selling" and a subsequent offer for sale. That's not very fair to those who have tried this in the past and have been shut down.

Mike: For the record, I am remembering a conversation on these boards way back when the convention boons first became interesting. It wasn't in that thread you linked, but from GenCon two years ago (or further?). I don't recall who it was, but they said, "Don't." Seeing as it was before your time, it couldn't have been you.

Regardless, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to call you out, specifically (or anyone else, for that matter). I'm simply airing my own feelings regarding all this, and apparently I'm ruffling feathers I shouldn't be ruffling.

I'll just take Mark's advice and stop ruffling them altogether.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Drogon wrote:
Manufacturing boons for sale? That's probably not good. Nor, I believe, would the feds be okay with it. It has something to do with the concept of printing money. Magic has this problem - it is always suggested that WotC simply print up Black Lotuses, Moxen, Time Walks, etc., and sell them for under what their current "value" is on the open market. They'd rake in tons of cash for next-to-no expense. However, if they were to do something like that, the FTC would jump down their throat. DID, in fact, jump down their throat when they put "treasure" cards (old, out of print, high value cards) into the first wave of Zendikar booster packs. They had to take a public stance of "We have no idea how that happened," and pulled all first wave product and, subsequently, made damn sure there was no "treasure" in future waves

Wait, what? There was recall of Zendikar product? I seem to remember that they made a big deal at all the sealed events about the rules change which basically said that you couldn't use the priceless treasures in a limited event. They definitely publicly admitted that they did it. The trick was that they didn't manufacture new cards, they bought them off of the secondary market and repacked the cards that already existed. At least, that's what I remember from my PTQ-hunting experience at the time.

The Exchange 4/5

Iammars wrote:
Drogon wrote:
Manufacturing boons for sale? That's probably not good. Nor, I believe, would the feds be okay with it. It has something to do with the concept of printing money. Magic has this problem - it is always suggested that WotC simply print up Black Lotuses, Moxen, Time Walks, etc., and sell them for under what their current "value" is on the open market. They'd rake in tons of cash for next-to-no expense. However, if they were to do something like that, the FTC would jump down their throat. DID, in fact, jump down their throat when they put "treasure" cards (old, out of print, high value cards) into the first wave of Zendikar booster packs. They had to take a public stance of "We have no idea how that happened," and pulled all first wave product and, subsequently, made damn sure there was no "treasure" in future waves
Wait, what? There was recall of Zendikar product? I seem to remember that they made a big deal at all the sealed events about the rules change which basically said that you couldn't use the priceless treasures in a limited event. They definitely publicly admitted that they did it. The trick was that they didn't manufacture new cards, they bought them off of the secondary market and repacked the cards that already existed. At least, that's what I remember from my PTQ-hunting experience at the time.

They never admitted to having anything to do with putting the treasures into packs, it was made public that none of the cards discovered were newly printed cards, all of them came from the secondary market.

none of the product released after pre-release shipment had treasures.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Iammars wrote:
Wait, what? There was recall of Zendikar product? I seem to remember that they made a big deal at all the sealed events about the rules change which basically said that you couldn't use the priceless treasures in a limited event. They definitely publicly admitted that they did it. The trick was that they didn't manufacture new cards, they bought them off of the secondary market and repacked the cards that already existed. At least, that's what I remember from my PTQ-hunting experience at the time.

Nope. If you go back to news stories and press releases around that time, you'll find that the company very quickly reversed their stance on that. They went from, "Treasure? What treasure? Wink wink nudge nudge. Oh, by the way, if you find any, it is a card from that set, and not from Zendikar," to, "Treasure? What treasure? Let it be known that any treasure cards you find are not condoned by Wizards of the Coast. We don't know how they got there, and we don't want anyone to use them in tournaments if they find them."

I was a pretty active judge at the time. I remember when that came down the pipe. We all looked at each other and said, "Whaa...?" That's when the FTC rumors started up. Mind you, none of that was ever confirmed.

Edit: I owned my store by that point, as well. And, yes, there was a "recall" of sorts. The first couple weeks of release you COULD NOT find booster boxes to buy. They were just gone, and WotC was saying "it'll be back soon" over and over. Within a couple weeks, wave 2 hit, and we never had problems with restocking again. They yanked everything they could out of distribution and either repackaged it or buried it in their vault. Again, not confirmed. But I know their sales patterns, and I've never seen anything like that.

The Exchange 2/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Yes, when it is funded, the print version of the super dungeon will be sanctioned.

Yay! Was hoping it would!


teribithia9 wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Yes, when it is funded, the print version of the super dungeon will be sanctioned.
Yay! Was hoping it would!

Seconded. I decided I was in for $15 as soon as this announcement came out. The boon is just gravy.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Netopalis wrote:

Also: This makes me concerned that play of PFO will lead to PFS boons.

There are no plans for this. It hasn't even been discussed, and it's not something we've considered.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drogon wrote:

What I am against is a company stance of "no selling" and a subsequent offer for sale. That's not very fair to those who have tried this in the past and have been shut down.

Mike: For the record, I am remembering a conversation on these boards way back when the convention boons first became interesting. It wasn't in that thread you linked, but from GenCon two years ago (or further?). I don't recall who it was, but they said, "Don't." Seeing as it was before your time, it couldn't have been you.

Okay, so I went searching for what I thought I remembered, and have found nothing of the sort. And I was pretty thorough.

So, seeing as my memory is obviously faulty, I would like to apologize to Mike, specifically, and Paizo, in general, for getting huffy about their supposed "no selling" stance. Seeing as they never had that stance I don't think I have the right to peg them as hypocritical. Because, well, that would be hypocritical...

Anyhoo, sorry to fan the flames. I'm done, now.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
sieylianna wrote:

Add me to the list of people who think this is a bad idea.

It's a one-time thing.


This is not necessarily a "one-time thing". It's something extremely special and extremely rare, and we have no current plans to do something like this again, but if I've learned one thing in this business it's been "never say never." I don't want people to panic or to think that this is the start of a new trend or anything, but nor do I want anyone to think that we're making promises that something like this will never, ever happen in the future.

The future is the future. Just because we don't have plans to do something presently doesn't mean we'll never do that thing. Just to be clear.

sieylianna wrote:

Yes, well the first compiled adventure path was also supposed to be a one-time thing before Revised Rise of Runelords, Limited Edition Revised Rise of the Runelords and Hologram Cover Limited Edition Rise of the Runelords.

Putting aside for a moment the concept of a non-existant hologram edition, you do realize that these are different versions of the same book, yes?

It's silly to say we will never do anything again, including compiling Adventure Paths. We have NO present plans to compile Adventure Paths. Such an event would involve major changes to the company's strategy, probably something like another milestone anniversary for the company, and dozens of other factors with vanishingly small odds of happening, but 30 years from now, if we release Curse of the Crimson Throne in a single edition, some one will come out of the woodwork and say "neener, neener, neener, you said you'd never do this!"

Which is why I never say never, even when I have no expectation that something will ever happen.

sieylianna wrote:

I think it sets a bad precedent for players by making purchase of PFS benefits "legitimate".

Fair enough. That's a perfectly reasonable opinion to have.

sieylianna wrote:

I don't think PFS should be in the business of promoting PFO.

PFS is in the business of promoting Pathfinder. It is the entire reason that the campaign exists in the first place. In this case, supporting the MMO and bringing it to the attention of Paizo's most dedicated group of players is of clear value to the Pathfinder brand, and to Paizo in general.

sieylianna wrote:

I am discouraged by the wave of Kickstarter promotions which are originating at Paizo. This is what, four in the past two months?

No, this is two in the past six months, both supporting the same project.

Your discouragement, at least in this specific case, is misplaced and based on incorrect data.

The Exchange

Is the boon transferable? I have misgivings applying it to one of my characters, but would it be ok to hand out as a prize at a games day?

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

I would like to point out that the boon was added as an after thought to the kick starter. To me it was a cheap easy way to promote a new paizo/pathfinder based product. I think it is a great way to promote PFS to a wider audience while promting a new game. I like the tie ins with having a paper dungeon i can run with my group. AND i do not mean my Pathfinder Society based stuff that I do.

Its a new age of gaming. I think its great that Paizo has already considered the impact of a video game and moved on doing a paper based dungeon. You get all the new stuff to add to Pathfinder itself and the perk of Pathfinder Society Sanction. Does it help sell the product.........YES. But its giving us what we would already have been waiting and asking for. PAPER BASED CONTENT TO USE IN HOME GAMES.

I loved playing Temple of Elemental Evil on my PC and Running Temple of Elemental for my old gaming group years back. Same thing with the old I, Tyrant stuff. Consider the disappointment that people had when none of the stories or fluff from Baldur's Gate Series or the Icewind Dale Series was included in the main stream media. None of the story was tied in offically Book Wise to the grand scheme of things in Forgotten Realms. As time went on they realized that people loved having that stuff avaliable. If only they had taken a different approach. Paizo has capitilized on producing quaility products that people like. They are hitting were they can on all fronts. Seems business sound to me. If the product is successful and people ask for printed product they already have a test market and a quaility product to put to print on a massive scale. Either way they come out a head. No real loss. Like Pathfinder itself they are hoping that we help them make it. If you love video games and enjoy playing Pathfinder Take a chance and donate a dollar or five.

It is just different in the way it comes before us now. Think back to Diablo. Remember all the D&D 3.0 stuff and miniatures that came out for it. Too bad they did not invest in their own stuff as well. Icewind Dale Special Collectors. The offers floating around at Gen-Con for Planescape:Torment (I WOULD HAVE FREAKED IF THEY MADE AN ADVENTURE FOR TORMENT!!)????? The incentives are just that. They are sister companies and one hand washes the other. I just hope the project does become funded. I would like to see Goblinworks take a stabb at MMOs and see what they can do. They dont have the issues that bioware had and have a good relationship with people on the boards and paizo across the way. Not many companies have that.

I am excited about the Boon, the sound track and option for maps and of course the dungeon (Emerald Spire) offer incentives. I like the idea I could make and play a character with a boon to boot that adds to my playing of the Dungeon. :D To me all i see is potential Flavor, Campaign Stuff i can use and PFS options for me to run on Game Days. Can not beat that with a standard issue 10' pole :D

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Erik Mona wrote:
Netopalis wrote:

Also: This makes me concerned that play of PFO will lead to PFS boons.

There are no plans for this. It hasn't even been discussed, and it's not something we've considered.

Way to give em ideas Netopalis. :)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

This was just the thing that made me revisit the Kickstarter again. After reading through the list and considering pledging 5 $, I settled on 35$ instead (because of the pdf and the free digital copy of the game). So this worked to get me as a customer :)

And everybody's happy! I get cool stuff - Paizo gets my money - and get to make more cool stuff in the future! Huzzah! :)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Derwalt wrote:

This was just the thing that made me revisit the Kickstarter again. After reading through the list and considering pledging 5 $, I settled on 35$ instead (because of the pdf and the free digital copy of the game). So this worked to get me as a customer :)

And everybody's happy! I get cool stuff - Paizo gets my money - and get to make more cool stuff in the future! Huzzah! :)

Same here. I'm eyeballing that 100 dollar option right now. I know one of my local players threw down the 100 dollar one as well.

Honestly, given the time of year. I would think people would appreciate getting more for their money. Again it all falls back to the trust in the staff at Paizo. I can tell they love the PFS and have placed a high value on it. I doubt they would endanger it over a 5 dollar reward on a kickstarter.

People just need to have faith, and stop worrying that a continuation of a previously established incentive program is going to damage the purity of the game some how.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Pledged at the $15 point. It'll be interesting to get some GM credit out of Emerald Spire.

Ezekiel W wrote:
Dylos wrote:
Nunspa wrote:

Umm everyone does realise you can buy a novel and get a boon right?

Cat has been out of the bag for some time

They even cost more then $5 typically.
And how many of the Pathfinder Tales chronicle sheets grant boons equal or superior to the advanced template of the PFO boon?

seeing that one of those boons saved my party from a TK... they are pity good.. ::polishes his adimantum armored coat::::

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I pledged $35 the first day. I was excited for the MMO, and wanted to help in addition to getting the digital copy. The fact that they added the super-dungeon pdf and now the boon on top of it, makes me really happy I decided to pledge. I was shocked at how upset people were getting over the boon. To me it seems like a smart move to get PFS players to check out the MMO, and for those who were only interested in the MMO to potentially check out PFS.

Dark Archive 4/5

What I want to know is will this boon be PFS legal? This is the first Paizo Blog post where someone hasn't asked that yet and I NEED to know otherwise I will tear out my beard and yell at children and puppies!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
To me it seems like a smart move to get PFS players to check out the MMO

Possibly, or more likely it gets PFS players to check out and pledge to the MMO Kickstarter - whether they actually bother with the MMO when it finally comes out will likely have nothing to do with it as they will have their boon and the memory of the kickstarter will likely be a distant one by then. At most this will make PFS players aware that at some point in the future there may be an MMO.

If they really want PFS players to check out the MMO when it finally comes out providing a free PFS boon for registering an MMO account would more likely work. If you go through the effort of downloading the MMO and registering I can see most people actually at least giving it a try then.

One thing that does concern me (not sure "concern" is the right word as I have no interest in playing the MMO) is that if this KS actually fails to reach its goal some of the investors (i.e. those who would make the MMO happen even without the KS) may decide that the MMO is unlikely to give them the desired ROI and withdraw their investment or place extra conditions on their investment (perhaps higher interest rates etc) that could actually put at risk the possibility of the MMO happening at all.

And if the KS doesn't make its goal, all those backers who were looking forward to the Boons, flipmats, novels, adventures etc may get frustrated that they won't get them (afterall these aren't stretch goals) - perhaps even generating some bad publicity for Paizo.

If the KS does fail, would Paizo produce the tabletop RPG materials for sale through normal channels? Would they do another KS just for those materials (leaving out the MMO)?

Yeah, this is possibly what concerns me - if the KS doesn't meet its goals, backers get nothing, and unfulfilled anticipation could sour some goodwill that Paizo has built up.

1/5 Contributor

Todd Morgan wrote:
What I want to know is will this boon be PFS legal? This is the first Paizo Blog post where someone hasn't asked that yet and I NEED to know otherwise I will tear out my beard and yell at children and puppies!

Well, the title of this thread is "PFS boon added to Pathfinder Online MMO kickstarter." And the info on the pledge page describes what it does "[w]hen used at an official Pathfinder Society game table..."

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Todd Morgan wrote:
What I want to know is will this boon be PFS legal? This is the first Paizo Blog post where someone hasn't asked that yet and I NEED to know otherwise I will tear out my beard and yell at children and puppies!

It's only PFS legal when used at an official Pathfinder Society game table. Since the boon won't be released until January, I expect to see the new line of Paizo gaming furniture introduced in early 2013.

1/5 Contributor

Doug Miles wrote:

It's only PFS legal when used at an official Pathfinder Society game table. Since the boon won't be released until January, I expect to see the new line of Paizo gaming furniture introduced in early 2013.

I must admit that one took me a minute. Need more coffee.

I hope that it's surfaced with a blank battlemat and has little green felt-lined wells at each seating space for rolling dice!

The Exchange 5/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Care Baird is requesting a custom table with fullers inside the edges to shunt the tears of his players into a martini glass below.

Dark Archive 4/5

Christopher Rowe wrote:
Todd Morgan wrote:
What I want to know is will this boon be PFS legal? This is the first Paizo Blog post where someone hasn't asked that yet and I NEED to know otherwise I will tear out my beard and yell at children and puppies!
Well, the title of this thread is "PFS boon added to Pathfinder Online MMO kickstarter." And the info on the pledge page describes what it does "[w]hen used at an official Pathfinder Society game table..."

I don't get question still isn't answered by anyone official, so I'll say it isn't at my tables until they chime in...

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