Dwarven Oracle of Flames (Blaster) Feats?



I want to make a Dwarven Oracle of Flames who is a Blaster, due to his background being that of being in a Dwarven Battle Squad. His focus is on Fire Magic, with secondary aspects being buffs prior to fights and healing after fights.

What Trait and Feat selection would you consider?

I am really tempted to get the trait that lowers metamagic cost on Fireball by 1, and then get the Feat that extends the dice of Fireball by 5 dice, and work towards Quicken Spell and Spell Perfection and somewhere along the way picking up Dazing Spell.

But I am wondering if you have any other suggestions?


Anything that will get your DCs up, like spell focus. As a dwarf, your charisma will be quite low.

Yeah, its a character concept thing. I dont mind the low Charisma too much tho.


Plus metamagic is a full round action, mostly, for spontaneous casters
That said, i love oracles, so enjoy!

How do Quicken Spell and Spell Perfection work then for Sorcerers and Oracles? Do they have no effect?

I'm pretty confident they both work as normal.

Spell Perfection states that metamagic won't effect the casting time.

Quicken spell also has a clarification that, for spontaneity, as long as the casting time isn't a full round action, you can apply it, thereby making it a swift action.

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Spell Focus: Evocation
Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
Varisian Tattoo: Evocation
Spell Specialization
Spell Penetration
Greater Spell Penetration
Empower Spell
Intensified Spell
Selective Spells (For those Fireballs).

I'd suggest you pick up the Blackened Curse for some extra fire spells.

If you're not absolutely married to the Dwarf concept, you could go Gnome and take the Pyromaniac trait for extra fire damage or go Elf for the Ancient Lorekeeper archetype, allowing you to have your choice of Wizard spells for your bonus spells.

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If you're DM lets you qualify without being an Aasimar, get the Consecrated SPell feat.

Alternatively, but an Aasimar Dwarf.

I am the GM. Well, I share the GM role for this game. This character is an NPC the party recruited for a time. I want to build the character on the same rules the PCs are built, but as for him being a Dwarf, thats who he already is. I am just winging his build currently, but Aasimar is out, and he will definitely be a Dwarf.

I am just wondering what feats people think fits this particular NPC.

I was definitely leaning toward SFEvoc, Greater SF Evoc, Intensified Spell, Dazing Spell, Quickened Spell, Spell Pen, Greater Spell Pen, and then Spell Perfection at 15th. Now the party may not even hang with the NPC that long, or he could be a long term recurring ally.

But I was just wondering if there are any feats more suitable than these. This guy is definitely more of a "blast first, buff second, heal only as needed or after a fight" type character. He was part of a Dwarven skirmish/combat unit, and is the only survivor, and now ally with the party. So I want his feats to fit the role.


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The Glorious Heat feat is damn good.

Don't use the errata as it makes it nigh useless. The problem with it originally is infinite healing with a cantrip, the solution is to make it only work with spells over level 1 and require damage to be done with them.

Blackened Curse+Flames Mystery gets you nearly all the important fire spells.

Eldritch Heritage:Arcane can net a lot of great bonuses(esp the metamagic ones) including some additional spells.

Alchemist Fire+Fireball burns people for another 1d6 per round, and that's great.

Dazing Spell is one of the best metamagics, especially for a blaster focusing on AoE's.

Dual Cursed is a great Archetype, and your second curse could be something like tongues so you speak in Ignan(fire language). It nets you two free Mysteries in exchange for Mystery Class Skills and the loss of your 2nd and 3rd mystery spells. I have no idea why they had to replace those spells, so I would only recommend that archetype if DM fiat removes the bonus spells.

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Why dont you make him empyral sorcerer? Honestly having 4 cha less than any similar concept kinda sucks. Especially because you rely on high save DCs...

The feat Glorious Heat is a favorite of mine. Sure its not very powerful but it is flavorful and resource free, action free healing is nice even if they are small.

-Edit- I would hardly call it useless in its fixed form. Before is healed have your caster lvl so that maxes at 10. Healing for spell lvl maxes at 9. Not that big of a difference.

How many level 9 fire spells are you going to cast, though?

Urist The Unstoppable wrote:
How many level 9 fire spells are you going to cast, though?

You sir have a good point. Silly of me not to catch that. Still even with the weakened version I would still take it. But disallowing lvl 0 spells is a much better fix.

I don't think Oracles make really good blasters.

The big thing is the lack of feats as opposed to wizards and even sorcerers.

Another issue is that the cleric spell list really has very few damaging spells (if you don't count the inflict spells). Harm is excellent but it is a touch spell. And the damaging spells are all fire, except for 50% of Flame Strike, and that weird outlier spell Cold Ice Strike.

If they want to change the type of energy they get they really don't have a lot of options.

It's pretty natural to think that the Blackened Curse complements Flame Oracles, but Burning Hands and Wall of Fire wind up being redundant between the two, with nothing out there as far as I know that lets you substitute spells.

I just don't think oracles are very good blasters compared to your other options. And Flame is about your only choice unless you leverage one of the other mysteries (Winds?) with blackened.

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sunbeam wrote:

I don't think Oracles make really good blasters.

The big thing is the lack of feats as opposed to wizards and even sorcerers.

Another issue is that the cleric spell list really has very few damaging spells (if you don't count the inflict spells). Harm is excellent but it is a touch spell. And the damaging spells are all fire, except for 50% of Flame Strike, and that weird outlier spell Cold Ice Strike.

If they want to change the type of energy they get they really don't have a lot of options.

It's pretty natural to think that the Blackened Curse complements Flame Oracles, but Burning Hands and Wall of Fire wind up being redundant between the two, with nothing out there as far as I know that lets you substitute spells.

I just don't think oracles are very good blasters compared to your other options. And Flame is about your only choice unless you leverage one of the other mysteries (Winds?) with blackened.

Elemental Spell is all it takes to handle the problem of all the blasting being fire. As for feats needed...? Since when do casters need feats that badly? A couple spell focus feats and a couple metamagics and you are set.

While there is overlap with a blackened it does get you the couple of fire spells one would really miss without it.

Best blaster? Nope. But you can blast with free mini heals (Glorious heat.) You get to have med armor and a shield. If you take seeker archetype (I suggest you do.) You get to be a trap monkey and some free metamagics. You still get the other lovely support spells of the cleric list.

So you get to be a versatile not squishy blaster with other tricks. Seeing as there is more to the game then damage numbers i would take this over a one trick blaster anyday.

The character already exists, has spells selected, has a personality and fills an explicit role as an oracle of flames blaster in his combat unit, so it really does come down to just wanting a few feats. I am not looking to change the rest of the stuff since its already well established.

I do like the Elemental spell or whatever. I may have to squeeze that feat in.

Thanks everyone!

This char is way more of a one trick blaster than any wizard or sorcerer. And its still worse at blasting due to a massive lack of feats. You'd need elemental spell in addition to all the other feats necessary to make a good blaster, you dont get any bonus on your blast damage... and then chosing a dwarf means his DCs will be poor and he misses out amazing fc-bonuses.

Idk, sure you can do it but its far, far from being optimized...

Thats fine. Its just an NPC. Our party isnt optimized either. Undine wizard (conj) 4. Halfling rogue 4. Elf wiz 1/inquisitor 3. Frankly, the Dwarf Oracle is probably more optimized than any of them.

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