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I don't need specimens, but I might like to speak with one of your more discerning merchants concerning a supply of quality fresh meat for a restaurant venture. Preferably still screaming, as I'd imagine the clientele might prefer their meals rare. Alternatively, perhaps The Black Cauldron is in need of another chef.

Everyone is welcome within Shadow Haven! We do not discriminate amongst friends, unlike those with... loftier ideals.

Kyndriha, there is always room for the smaller of our people in Shadow Haven. Mostly because you can fit into places that others can't!

Necryn, I am sure we can come to some kind of arrangement. I have... contacts who are skilled in the matter of meat procurement.

Yawn (streach) sorry guys I have a bit of a medical problem for the last few weeks but I am back for more , for now at least. for all the newcomers the name is Arlock and the game is undead. it is good to see new faces. Mr. Eunson seems very good at keeping thingsss in order. hope to see everyone on release and congrats to all who helped the kickstarter.

Goblin Squad Member

I would like to invite The Community of Shadow Haven to join with us in creating and signing The Treaty of Rovagug.

-Andius Meuridiar, Grand Master of The Empyrean Order

Goblin Squad Member

Ey! If you ever needs a guide to keep people outta trouble, I dunn mind. I like dat stuff. Even better.. if dem squeaky cleans ever need someone to take them around Shadow-Haven, I don't mind taken em' da long way into summa yer boys.

Just sayin.

Goblin Squad Member

Will we be able to find all forms of debauchery in your fine settlement?

If so, I shall tread your streets with a mug of ale in one hand, a sultry wench in the other and nothing but sinister thoughts on my mind!

Goblin Squad Member

*faint smile appears, and releases the grip on hidden (and generously poison coated ) dart* I think I just found a new home

All are welcome. All are welcome. just walk into the light. you will find the black cauldron right next to the big bonfire. mind the flaming skeletons now they get a litle hot headed around new folk.

Goblin Squad Member

Out of curiosity, is the settlement of Shadow-Haven bent on conquest of other hexes? Or, is it meant just to be a place open to those that tread a slightly darker path, a free city if you will?

If you have a website set up for this enclave, feel free to email it to me. I would like to create ties between The UnNamed Company and this settlement idea of yours.

As you may know, we are Mercenary - Bandits, who follow a business model designed to maximize profits. Our company would be a valuable asset to the creating of this Shadow - Haven

Master of Shadows
The UnNamed Company

Goblin Squad Member

Greetings those who walk in shadow! I am Nadya, one of the ambassadors with the Keepers of the Circle. While there may be some disagreements between our groups, we may yet find some common ground. If you would like to pursue diplomatic relations with the Keepers, please feel free to visit our Chancery at any time, or feel free to contact me. I wish you luck in your endeavors.

-Nadya, Warden of Shadow, Keeper of Gold

Glad to hear from both of you. I am sure Mr. Eunson can help you with that.

Goblin Squad Member

Please use this section of Tony's forums to advertise/recruit for your company.

It may not get as much traffic as the PFO forums, but it's another thread for you, and it is organized in a section that will keep your thread visible in a set list dedicated to helping people wanting to play a shadier style find a proper company for them.

Goblin Squad Member

And to think I thought this settlement was shelved, silly me!!!! February 6 th was like, yesterday!

Seriously, is there any intentions of this settlement being in EE, and who is (or which company) is the contact person for this settlement?

Evil, inquiring minds, would like to know.....

Goblin Squad Member

I wonder myself how much momentum an evil settlement is likely to get at this early a stage.

Some thoughts I'd contribute to anyone planning this, set something up as far away from other settlements as possible, and keep an eye out after game launch for suitable people to steer towards your settlement. There will be players who will go for an evil playstyle - it may take a little bit though for many to realize how much they'll need a place like this.

Sovereign Court

I'm curious about how this is coming along. I've longed to dust off my LE bard.

Goblin Squad Member

If your looking for LE, Golgotha may suit you more.
Golgotha thread..

Goblin Squad Member

Sadly due to RL constraints I’ve had to shelve this idea. It would have been grand, but I won’t have the time I had hoped to put into this, not without a divorce ;-p

Goblin Squad Member

Ravening wrote:
Sadly due to RL constraints I’ve had to shelve this idea. It would have been grand, but I won’t have the time I had hoped to put into this, not without a divorce ;-p

Divorce solved all the problems in my life too.

Goblin Squad Member

Don't you offer some kind of bread or pastry that solves marital issues without the hassle of a divorce?

Goblin Squad Member

Ravening, you and yours would be more then welcome in the city I plan on founding.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm thinking there will need to be several Evil aligned settlements, in order disperse some of the attention a single settlement would get from its Good aligned enemies.

So far we have had three Evil settlements proposed, and once again, only one is currently in the planning stages.

I'm contemplating establishing a Chaotic Evil (Corner CN-CE-NE) settlement that will be an absolute cesspool of debauchery and amoral behavior.

Goblin Squad Member

House Karnath expresses an interest in seeing this idea revisited. It would be in the best interest of Golgotha to see more settlements harboring these ideals. If another community leader wishes to raise this from its early grave, contact us to see what kind of support we can offer.

@ bluddwolf.
I for one would like to see that. See above comment

Goblin Squad Member

Ravening wrote:
Sadly due to RL constraints I’ve had to shelve this idea. It would have been grand, but I won’t have the time I had hoped to put into this, not without a divorce ;-p

Find someone to raise it up. Bludd would be good... I know how you feel though, Im in the same boat. Would love to run something, but it would cause a divorce.

Goblin Squad Member

I have looked into a charter to devote my time on, but not many out there is going for an viable evil aligned community.

I like the thought behind “Shadow-Haven”, and it appeals to my own ideals of what I want to do in PFO.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Long story short, I will be playing Pathfinder Online, but unlike others I won’t have copious amounts of time to invest into the game. However, since a settlement is a ‘community project’ the establishment of Shadow-Haven could still go forward, if people are interested in an evil settlement that isn’t interested in world domination. To be clear the main goals of Shadow-Haven would be as follows

  • Provide a safe encouraging environment where people are free to pursue knowledge that many deem unwholesome or down-right repugnant
  • Provide a haven for misfits, the maligned and the malevolent. As well as services and products to cater to their needs and other discerning customers

So if Shadow-Haven sounds like your kind of place then post your interest and we’ll see if we can’t get another evil settlement into the game.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Greetings I’m withdrawing from this project as I’ll be focusing my energies of the Viridian Circle.

If there is still interest in creating a NE settlement called Shadow-Haven then you have my blessing to carry-on with this project.

Goblin Squad Member

Anyone who was interested in this idea please drop Deacon Wulf, Morbis, or myself. We would love to have you in Golgotha.

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