I need a good book on vehicles

Product Discussion

Hey all.

So my group is in a campaign right now and it looks like vehicle chases and combat may be a big part of it.

UC has stats for a few vehicles, but not many.

Any of you 3pp have what I'm looking for?

I need a book with loads of them.

Thanks all.

There's 30 here, if that's any help

#30 Evocative Vehicles


Honesltly does not look like there are very many. And by that, I mean I only found one here. Evocative Vehicles from Rite Publishing. It's part of the #30 series, so theory is there's 30 of them. I own it, but haven't really looked at it. They are specific magic vehicles, but they may help..

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One of the Super Genius Games Anachronistic Adventurer (The Tough) books has some additional vehicles and expanded vehicle rules. Also, Amethyst Renaissance has a bunch of vehicles in it as well.

By my count, The Tough pdf has a vehicle template which lets you create a vehicle from pretty much any base monster concept, and includes 3 stat blocks for vehicles.

Amethyst Renaissance has 14 ground vehicles, 7 aircraft, and 32 modifications you can customize your vehicles with.

How many of the Amethyst Renaissance vehicles can be used in a strictly fantasy world? Honestly considering buying it, but not sure I'd ever get to play in it, so I want to be sure there's stuff I may be able to use outside the setting, and I'm worried it's all high tech.

There are a couple that would work for a standard high fantasy game (airship types), the rest are probably going to be too high tech otherwise. I'd still recommend picking up the book for the other good content. I really like the rules and flavour which helps explain why so many fantasy settings are fairly stagnant technologically, and answers the question of what happens when high tech and magic mix.

Thanks for the plug. Yes, there are airships as well as various advanced vehicles. However, the vehicle rules themselves are relatively robust so making new compatible with our vehicle combat rules should be a cinch.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So, a carriage is a Large vehicle with 90 hit points, hardness 5, and does 1d8 ramming damage. By my estimation, two carriages would have to ram each other about 60 times to be broken 120 times to be wrecked.

Has anyone tried to do a really comprehensive book on vehicles?

Something I just picked up and have enjoyed flipping through is the Book of Multifarious Munitions: Vehicles of War. I haven't used it in play at all, but there is definitely some cool stuff in there, all designed for high fantasy (clockwork ballista tank, hoverboard, etc). Jon Brazer Enterprises also has 10 Pirate Ships from the same series, which I have not not picked up as of yet.

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