Dragon style

Rules Questions

Does dragon style let you move through difficult terrain if you are mounted? Or does it only work if your mount has it?

Only works if your mount has it.

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Dragon Style is a fighting Style, not a magical bonus.

Unless your horse knows Kung Fu, it's not gonna get that bonus.

Would an eidolon be able to take it?

The intelligence is high enough for it to take any feat it can do.

yes, as long as your eidolon meets all the prereqs he can take dragon style

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He can even take gangnam style.

I've been considering making a Gangnam Style feat chain, but wasn't sure if the meme was still fresh or not.

Liberty's Edge

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StreamOfTheSky wrote:
I've been considering making a Gangnam Style feat chain, but wasn't sure if the meme was still fresh or not.

David Lopan Style!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

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