Wonderful Wayangs


Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I picked up the boon that lets me play a kitsune, a nagaji or a wayang over the weekend (at the excellent CrispyCon near Peterborough, UK). I've seen kitsune and nagaji played, but never a wayang; if I'm honest, I'd never even heard of a wayang before, on Golarion or IRL*. I'm intrigued by them and I love the flavour, so I'm going to have a go.

Only problem is... I have no idea what to do with it. Or rather, I have too many ideas as to what to do. So, has anyone else seen a Wayang in PFS (or regular PF, for that matter)? What class were they, what did they do?

My thoughts at the moment are, as it is (I believe) the only small creature that doesn't take a -2 to strength, to go for a rogue that runs around the battlefield or to go for a rogue, ranger or fighter that uses stealth to snipe. As an aside, a +18 to stealth at level one is possible with a wayang.

What say you?

*Various types of Indonesian puppet. The PF Wayangs are based on wayang kulit, or shadow puppets, which are on the UNESCO Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity list. I've been watching them on YouTube and they are fascinating.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I have the same boon, and I used it to build a Wayang Lore Warden archer (although it could change; I already statted up two Nagaji characters that I abandoned before playing). The lack of a Strength penalty means I can start with a decent base damage for my arrows, and the lower move speed doesn't hurt as much.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Wayangs are now the best small mounted chargers. You get to ride on a medium mount so you have extra maneuverability and can take your mount in a dungeon much easier, plus you don't have a penalty to STR so you get to start with higher base damage. Grab levels of cavalier and go to town!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
DLandonCole wrote:
I picked up the boon that lets me play a kitsune, a nagaji or a wayang over the weekend.

Mike you are still giving this Boon out?...

I think I have gotten like 8 of those boons!

Iammars wrote:
Wayangs are now the best small mounted chargers. You get to ride on a medium mount so you have extra maneuverability and can take your mount in a dungeon much easier, plus you don't have a penalty to STR so you get to start with higher base damage. Grab levels of cavalier and go to town!

Yeah I got a Cavelier. He's pretty fun.

The Exchange

I went magus, scimitar dance build.

Cav is also really good, so is any sort of archer build

I played a very stealthy Wayang witch in a normal PF (non-society) game and it was pretty awesome.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Because of their connection to shadow puppet theatre, there is a terrific summoner / eidolon theme. It's a pity that the most flavorful eidolon evolutions, Shadow Form and Shadow Blend, are not allowed to Wayangs in PFS.

Sovereign Court

I think there's a fun bard build in there and also a potential for a good void element wizard. Take a look at their section in the Advanced Race Guide.

Chris Mortika wrote:
Because of their connection to shadow puppet theatre, there is a terrific summoner / eidolon theme. It's a pity that the most flavorful eidolon evolutions, Shadow Form and Shadow Blend, are not allowed to Wayangs in PFS.

No, but they're perfect for my Fetchling summoner! ;-)


I had a wayang player at my table a few weeks ago. They were playing a ninja and if I recall they worked well with the stealth and invisibility. As for myself I made an alchemist who is going to use stealth and spider climb at later levels to rain down surprise bombs from the ceiling.

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I have a Wayang.

Penumbral Accords:
He was captured and sold into slavery. Having been purchased by the Blakros family he was sent into the shadow plane to satisfy their bargain with the Onyx Alliance, where he was forced to serve as Mazzel Gol's assistant. When the Pathfinder Society operatives came to shut down the Wightir Conjuction he removed the brand from his head and escaped back to the material plane.

Having been through all that, he now uses what he learned to serve the Society as an alchemist to pay back his debt of freedom. Well that and he really had no where else to go.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Fantastic ideas there. Thankyou all! I'll be building the wayang on a train journey tomorrow. Should be fun :)

it's an old zen saying; no matter wayang you go, thereang you are.

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