Identify applications of Newton's Laws of Motion

Off-Topic Discussions

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Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This is also called the law of inertia and can be derived from Newton's second law of motion.

Newton's second law of motion states that if a net force acts on an object, it will cause the object to accelerate.

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If Farael were to fall into the Abyss, that would be the first law of motion.

If Farael plowed into a flock of vrocks and was halted in his descent, that would be the second law of motion.

When the vrocks rip out his entrails and feast upon his eyeballs, well, I don't know if Newton ever made a law about that, but I bet it would be a hit video on youtube!

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Jean-Paul Sartre, Intrnet Troll, please take this seriously.

Shadow Lodge

Are you looking for examples? Or ways that the 2nd law is applied in science?

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Asphere wrote:
Are you looking for examples? Or ways that the 2nd law is applied in science?


Asphere wrote:
Are you looking for help with your homework? Or ways that the 2nd law is applied in science class?


Shadow Lodge

The gravitational force between two masses, the Coulomb force between two electrified objects, Hooke's law for springs, and frictional force are examples of a force that alters the momentum of a body.

F = G Mm/r^2

F = qQ/r^2

F = -kx

F = mu*N

Standard instructive problems include blocks rolling down ramps, elevators, Atwood's machine, pulley-tension, etc...

One way in which newton's second law has been applied is to develop the Navier-Stokes equations that describe the motion of fluids. You get this when you apply Newton's second law to the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy for fluids. These equations are used extensively in fields related to fluid dynamics. In my research I use these equations to understand how turbulence propagates in the atmosphere. Other people study aircraft flight with them, while some even use them to study accretion flows around black holes and neutron stars!

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Newton's First Law of Motion

The toddler is your object. The breakdancer is your external force.

Holy shiznit!

I don't whether I can bring myself to favorite that or not.

Shadow Lodge

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Shadowborn wrote:

Newton's First Law of Motion

The toddler is your object. The breakdancer is your external force.

One of the comments from Youtube:

Is the break dancer okay?

Oh the interwebs...

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Newton's third law states that forces on objects come from other objects and hence always exist in pairs. The force of object 1 on object 2 is equal and opposite to the force of object 2 on object 1. This 3rd law leads to the concept of work, which is force acting through a distance.

The Exchange

Farael the Fallen wrote:

Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This is also called the law of inertia and can be derived from Newton's second law of motion.

Newton's second law of motion states that if a net force acts on an object, it will cause the object to accelerate.

OK to Move planet Earth any distance without injury our part of space must be acted on by the rest of the universe to move our part of the universe to next solar system. Whole universe must be moved to point in front of us so it all acts to pull earth toward destination and then must be behind us for equal time to stop us when we get there - infinite mass equal infinite velocity.

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Jean-Paul Sartre, Intrnet Troll wrote:

Holy shiznit!

I don't whether I can bring myself to favorite that or not.

Jean-Paul Sartre, Intrnet Troll, I am trying to lead a serious discussion about Newton's laws, and you are being disruptive. I kindly ask you to leave. Thank you.

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Wait a minute...


You have returned!

[Bows and genuflects before Farael the Fallen]

I am sorry I didn't recognize you at once, Master! [self-flagellates]

But I rarely go into the comics forum and didn't see the Thanos Vs. Darkseid thread, [flinches in pain as another blow falls] or otherwise I would have known it was you at once [adjust hairshirt].

All hail Farael!

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Wait 'til I tell Gark!

I better be right about this because I just favorited all of your posts.

Silver Crusade

It took you that long to figure it out?

[Hangs head in shame]


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I do not know who Leafar the Lost is. I really am just trying to talk about Newton's Laws. That's it. Period.

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[Starts speaking like Peter Falk]

See, there's something I don't understand and maybe you could help me. How did you know that my Lord and Master was Leafar the Lost?


Don't worry, Master, your secret is safe with me. Don't look in that other thread.

Farael the Fallen wrote:
I do not know who Leafar the Lost is. I really am just trying to talk about Newton's Laws. That's it. Period.

You have been trolleb by comrade anklebitter.

But returnign to your original post i would like to poin that there is some controversy about if the first law can be derived form the second. It is not just putting F=0 and integrate for the velocity.
Without inertial frame of reference the concept of force is not clear, some poeple interpret the frist law as definig those frames of reference.

Asphere wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:

Newton's First Law of Motion

The toddler is your object. The breakdancer is your external force.

One of the comments from Youtube:

Is the break dancer okay?
Oh the interwebs...

Lot of judgement on the Mother too. I've got to say that as a parent of 4, sometimes one of those suckers escapes.

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