Prestige Class for (Life-subschool) Necromancer


Scarab Sages

So, it would seem that Paizo has not bothered to convert/reprint anything along the lines of the Necromancer prestige class. (On that note, they didnt reprint very much of anything outside the prestige classes in the 3.5 DMG)

I had hoped to find the old "True Necromancer" somewhere among Paizo content, without having to convert something from 3.5 (or worse, from 3.0)
Does anyone know what I can do for this?

I want to play a wizard that can replace all energy-based spells with either positive or negative energy.

Ye olde popular examples: Holy fireball, or Black Magic missile

They can't reprint material that's copyrighted by WotC. You might need to convert stuff, so I pray your DM is competent enough to help you out and allow such material.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

IF it wasn't in the SRD, it could not be touched. Besides KQ did an excellent "White Necromancer" class that's worth a look.

Scarab Sages

I see KQ and all I can think is...Kings Quest? (can you link this white necromancer?)

Btw, Icyshadow- Everything that is in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook came out of the D&D player's handbook and Dungeonmaster's guide. I'm fairly certain that's all copyrighted as well. WotC didn't close the door on OGL until after 4th ed and the "class books" which True Necromancer and all the other really awesome stuff came out of- (Tome and Blood, Sword and Fist, etc) were all 3.0 content. So, I'm fairly certain that the reason it wasn't reprinted was because Paizo was only interested in polishing 3.5, not converting all the old stuff. Which is understandable considering that was ALOT of ground to cover. Even WotC didnt bother to reprint everything they created for 3.0.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

KQ = Kobold Quarterly

True necro was from the Liber Mortis (libris mortis in older prints) and is not on the OGL licence. Only the core rulebooks are under that license.

Scarab Sages

Dekalinder wrote:
True necro was from the Liber Mortis (libris mortis in older prints) and is not on the OGL licence. Only the core rulebooks are under that license.

AEG published a book called "UNDEAD" which I've discovered is "Libris Mortis" reprinted almost verbatim- with all the names of everything changed. (go look- most of the mechanics are the same)

Anyway- can someone post a link to this mysterious White Necromancer?

Also if anyone else has any ideas of prestige classes which play to the strengths of the Necromancy school (or life subschool) please let me know and I would be very grateful.

Shadow Lodge

Agent of the Grave: he-grave

Necro-Lord of Urgathoa: d/necro-lord-of-urgathoa

The White necromancer is in issue 19 of the Kolbald Quarterly. You can buy the PDF here: ;cPath=1&products_id=149&zenid=5592ac0fcdf0c73f9552bd3c77a9e994

But it is a full class, not a prestige class.

Scarab Sages

or maybe some way to convert elemental damage (like from a fireball or what-have-you)into holy/unholy? like....maybe through a feat or something?

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