Pathfinder Society - Buying Equipment Rules

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge

I find myself a little confused on the topic of magic item purchasing in Pathfinder Society. In reading the Organized Play Guide, I am aware that +1 weapons, armor, among other items are available always, however my question concerns the Fame limit and Chronicle Sheet items.

"your character is restricted to purchasing additional items from his accumulated Chronicle sheets, or by capitalizing on his fame within his faction." - page 25

If I'm reading this (and the corresponding table in the guide) correctly, I can buy anything on my accumulated Chronicle sheets at anytime, as long as I have the gold. On top of that, saying that I have 13 Fame, I can buy ANY item that is valued at 3000 gp or less - as dictated by the table, even if it is not on a Chronicle sheet I hold. Is this all correct?

This comes up because my PFS GM was claiming that I had to have the Chronicle sheet with the item AND the appropriate amount of fame when buying items - specifically, I could not buy a bag of holding type I until I had 13 Fame and held the Chronicle sheet with that item on it.


Dark Archive 4/5

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You're correct, and your GM is incorrect.

Fame lets you buy anything that is legal in the campaign. Chronicle sheet drops are for unique items or if you don't have enough fame. As a result, chronicle sheet items end up being pretty meaningless a lot of the time because most people have enough fame to buy what they can afford anyway.

All mundane (completely nonmagical) weapons, armor, equipment, and alchemical gear found in any other source that is legal for play are considered always available.

Does this include Hellknight Plate? If so does this mean I can purchase Hellknight plate with a +1 enchantment bonus on it? If so could you get this armor that would cost 3000 gold which is normaly only affordable at 13 fame?


Basically the item you want to purchase has to meet one of several criteria. It either has to be on the always available list, on your chronicle sheet, or you must have the requisite fame to purchase the item.

As it was explained to me by our VC, everything is OR, not AND. If you had to have the fame AND it had to be on your chronicle sheet then people would begin looking into what items are unlocked by what scenarios and would be gunning for those scenarios because of the item they want. Kinda like how people cherry pick dungeons in MMOs.


there is no reason you cannot buy hellknight plate. it is just overpriced masterwork full plate, because for 2000g you get masterwork full plate, which normally costs 1650g. and yes you can get it enchanted to +1.

technically +1 mithral full plate is available to a level 1 beginning character,if they could manage the 11500g to buy it somehow.

Dark Archive 4/5

Hellknights may not appreciate you running around in their signature armour, but there's no reason you can't buy it.

Chelaxian players have a vanity that gives them the title of Hellknight, so I suppose they would be okay doing so.

I only asked since the Paladin I play needs Heavy Armor and is going into the Prestige class Hellknight, and it would be quite silly to waste money or even wait till sixth level just to get the armor. But I do agree with Mergy, they might not like that I run around in their armor until such a time I am a Hellknight.(But too bad for them I'm doing it anyways!)


go right ahead. i'd rather just buy masterwork full plate and say it looks identical to hellknight armor, saving 350g. youre the one buying it, it can look like whatever you want. it can have a pink metal tutu around your waist if youd like. functionally there is no difference and you save money.

4/5 ****

asthyril wrote:
go right ahead. i'd rather just buy masterwork full plate and say it looks identical to hellknight armor, saving 350g. youre the one buying it, it can look like whatever you want. it can have a pink metal tutu around your waist if youd like. functionally there is no difference and you save money.

Nope, can't re-flavor in PFS.

"This metal suit includes gauntlets, heavy leather boots, a visored helmet, and a thick layer of padding that is worn underneath the armor. "


it's not re-flavoring. re-flavoring is making something that has a specific look, look like something else. for instance, buying a guard dog and saying it is a wolf, while still using guard dog stats. there is what a guard dog looks like, and you cannot change that.

equipment is different. a long sword can have only 1 edge sharpened, or both. the only requirement in its description is that it be about 3.5 feet in length. anything else is up to you.

there is no specific look for full plate armor. it can have flanges so it looks more evil, or more rounded for functionality of deflecting blows. just look at the myriad of different art for characters who are in full plate. you are the person commissioning the armor to be made, so describing what it looks like as 'exactly like hellknight armor' is perfectly legitimate.

although on the other hand, hellknight plate actually gives a mechanical effect in the game, so no, you can't buy the cheap version and still get that.

but nothing stops you from having armor look indistinguishable from it.

4/5 ****

asthyril wrote:

but nothing stops you from having armor look indistinguishable from it.

Except for the rules that say no re-flavoring.

How is buying a dog and saying it is a wolf while still using the guard dog stats different than buying full plate and saying it's hellknight armor while still using the full plate stats?

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Rob, asthril was under the impression that Hellknight Armor used the same game stats as full plate.

One of the unfortunate aspects of Organized Play is that there are few ramifications for tweaking in-game organizations that no sane person would ever dare mess with. Go ahead: get yourself armor that looks like Hellknight armor. There's no GM who can stop you. For that matter, dress up like a Red Mantis assassin or an Andoran Eagle Knight. There's no reaction mechanism for making those kinds of enemies.

Making PC enemies might be a different story.

Back when Josh Frost was in charge of the campaign, he described what he thought should happen, if a paladin, or cleric of Pharasma went adventuring with a necromancer or Undead Lord who was carting around an undead servitor. He thought that the paladin would destroy the undead, and the necromancer could not retaliate because of the PvP rule.

If we applied that same reasoning, my Hellknight might sunder the offending mockery of Hellknight armor, and the other player wouldn't be able to retaliate.

I hedge all of that, because current campaign leadership might disagree with Mr. Frost's analysis.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

I really don't want this to turn into a war of words, but I will say this. Later this season, we have a scenario that involves a Hellknight fortress/prison. Regardless of what interaction would occur between PCs, Hellknight NPCs that see someone charading around in a Hellknight suit of armor when they are not a Hellknight is probably going to torpedo that scenario before it ever gets started. I leave it to GM discretion with the proper way it should be handled. Please read up on Hellknights if you don't think they will care.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Chris Mortika wrote:

Back when Josh Frost was in charge of the campaign, he described what he thought should happen, if a paladin, or cleric of Pharasma went adventuring with a necromancer or Undead Lord who was carting around an undead servitor. He thought that the paladin would destroy the undead, and the necromancer could not retaliate because of the PvP rule.

And no, I don't think a follower of Pharasma would adventure with someone toting around an undead servant. But, destroying that undead equates to PvP essentially and the player with the Pharsma follower would probably want to choose a different character to use. My oracle that venerates Pharasma certainly wouldn't go on an adventure with the "offending" PC. Also, if you are a strict follower of Pharasma, you probably believe it is a sacrilege to utilize Raise Dead or the like.

It equates to the same thing if my character was a pacifist. I can't go around stealing the weapons of other PCs because I don't think they shold resort to violence, and then give the weapons back at the end of the scenario.

Dark Archive 4/5

It would be difficult to pull off in that particular situation, but the hellknight prestige class gets extra benefits from wearing its signature armour.

That said, the glamered enhancement is fantastic for heavy armour wearers. Combine it with comfort and never take it off.


i was just pointing out it could be done.

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