Hide function acting wonky

Website Feedback

I was hiding some threads, and the function seemed to be acting oddly. Sometimes it hid the thread correctly, sometimes it didn't. Other times it marked it as hidden and still displayed it. In one instance it didn't hide the chosen thread, but instead hid another (though this could be user error).

Silver Crusade

Yeah, this has been going on for a while, and still is. Ever since the last board software upgrade, I think.

My best guess from seeing it act weird a few times is that it tries to hide the thread based on its position in the thread list, not the name of the thread. If the threads move in position after you get the list displayed on your computer, then it uses what it thinks is the current thread position, not what you're seeing.

ie You load the forums, and spend two minutes looking at the thread list before deciding to hide the first thread listed. During those two minutes, someone else posted to a different thread, which bumped it up to the top of the list. When you click "hide this thread" on the first thread on your list, it instead hides the thread that someone else bumped up to the top of the list since your last refresh.

But that's just a guess based on the weirdness I've seen. I haven't tested extensively to know for sure.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

Fromper's hypothesis is correct. It's on the list of things to fix but we haven't gotten to it yet.

Silver Crusade

Heh. Can you tell I have experience in tech support? :p Noticing trends in wonky behavior to narrow down exactly what's wrong is just second nature to me.

Here's what happens for me.

1. Open OTD or Rules forum. ;)
2. Hide thread I don't want to see (Thread #1).
3. Thread #1 turns grey (hidden) but still displays for confirmation that it is hidden.
4. Click hide Thread #2, which is listed below greyed-out Thread #1.
5. Thread #3, the one beneath Thread #2, now displays grey (hidden) as Thread #1 disappears.

... and so forth. I have to refresh the page to make the greyed-out confirmation thread disappear before hiding another one beneath it.

Cheapy wrote:

Deep 6 FaWTL is hidden when before it wasn't.

That's a feature, not a bug.

Chiming in to say I can confirm Fromper's observation and it would be nice to see this fixed.

Bug: The hide/unhide function ignores currently hidden threads that are still displayed

Steps to Reproduce: Start in "Focus" mode, with multiple threads visible. Hide the second thread. The page refreshes and the hidden thread is still in the list, but is gray, shows that it is hidden and its hide/unhide marker on the right now shows 'Unhide' in the hover tip. Now click on it in order to unhide it. The page will refresh and whatever thread was in the third position (i.e. second non-hidden thread) will now be visible/grayed/hidden and the thread you attempted to unhide is still hidden and no longer visible.

EDIT: For clarity, I'll include the example sequence. In focus mode, suppose you see three threads which you have replied to in the past.

Thread A
Thread B
Thread C

Now suppose you want to hide Thread B, so you click the 'Hide' icon on the far right. The page refreshes and now you see:

Thread A
Thread B (grayed, marked as hidden)
Thread C

You decide you have made a mistake and wish to unhide Thread B so you click the 'Unhide' icon on the far right for Thread B. The page refreshes and now you see:

Thread A
Thread C (grayed, marked as hidden)

Thread B is also hidden but isn't there. I suspect that a list of current (non-hidden) threads is maintained in memory and the just recently marked as hidden thread is temporarily inserted at its previous position. As a result, the indexing differs between "index into the currently displayed list of threads" vs "index into the currently non-hidden list of threads".

Moreover, I suspect that the Hide/Unhide option is simply being handed the index of the current row being generated in the table template, as opposed to, for example, an actual messageId. On the roundtrip, when the list of messages is checked, the temporarily inserted just-hidden thread is no longer available, so the indexing is off.

The ideal fix would presumably be to use messageId values when generating the Hide/Unhide icons, avoiding indexing. A less disruptive fix would be to make sure to retain a handle to the just-hidden message for one more refresh somehow.

Gary Teter wrote:
Fromper's hypothesis is correct. It's on the list of things to fix but we haven't gotten to it yet.

What needs to be sacrificed, and to which deity, to get this moved up the prioritized list? It is a daily annoyance for me.

I have developed one method that seems to work around the bug. Move to another section of the boards/refresh current section after each 'hide' or 'unhide'. If you don't hide/unhide more than one on a single screen it seems to stop the worst issues.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

This bug will be fixed the next time we roll the site.

Gary Teter wrote:
This bug will be fixed the next time we roll the site.

Sounds great!

(Hoping that the site is rolled frequently, or at least soon.)

Silver Crusade

Let's just hope they don't roll a 1 when fixing it.

Fromper wrote:
Let's just hope they don't roll a 1 when fixing it.

A "1" on a skill check isn't an auto-fail, and I'm confident Gary has sufficient ranks to get the job done. In any event, a test environment allows Taking 20.

I'm not sure if it is related, but I suspect that it is.. whatever has changed recently is now causing the "Stop tracking new posts for this thread" to pop up an alert box that reads something to the effect of:

There is no element on this page with the id "auc_2_1_StandardPageTemplate_1_37_3_1_1_2_3_4_1_1_MessageboardDisplay_5_1_ 3_1_2_3_2_2_7_0_1_1_3_0_1_2_3_1_1_3_3_2_1_1_3_3_0_3_1_0_3_11_3_1".

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

The "no element" error is a known bug and close to the top of the todo list to be fixed.

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