Ganny |

Alright, so I am debating playing a Witch in a future homebrew campaign. With that said, I was hoping to have fun with Spell Perfection. So, my question is: Which spell is best? I was thinking Mind Fog for Spell Perfection, and then focused on more enchanting spells (like Feeblemind!). However, I am open to suggestions.
Secondly, would the effects of the Metamagic Feat Focused Spell be doubled by Spell Perfection?
As an aside, if I did go that route, I would be picking up Threnodic Spell if I did go the Mind Fog. Pesky undead.

Furious Kender |

If you want the strongest possible effect, quickened ill omen is a monster.
Most witches use spells as an alternative means of control, a back up of sorts. They are alone among the primary casting classes in this respect.
In other words, a couple levels after you get mind fog, you can do some really nasty things with your hexes.
Undead are immune to mind effecting spells, so threnodic spell would allow mind fog to work, but it wouldn't allow further mind-effecting spells.

StreamOfTheSky |

Mind Fog is a trap.
In order for it to work, the creature has to fail a will save. The benefit? It makes it much more likely that.... *drum roll* ...he'll fail future will saves.
Just toss the will save effect you want to stick on the guy from the outset and save yourself a round and spell slot!
If this were a low level slot to soften them up before you risk a high level spell on the foe, it'd be one thing. But Mind Fog is most certainly not a low level spell.

Arizhel |

Evil Eye saves with quickened Ill omen and Cackle. (Meta Magic Rod)
Sets up for your other caster allies. Also sets up for...
Misfortune with quickened Ill Omen and Cackle. (Meta Magic Rod)
Buy a Combat Trained mount at low levels if possible, and guide with knees. as a free action so you can still move. (Non combat trained mounts require a DC 20 check to control in combat, counts as move action, defeating the purpose. Don't waste the gold on non-combat trained unless you have (1) Charisma (2) Handle Animal Skill (3) A Couple Months to Train Mount.

Dragonamedrake |

Looking at more low-key. I don't necessarily want to overshadow the party. However, I would love to hear your Game-Wrecking Powerful option.
Well there are a few options:
You have Beast-Bound archetype which is cheesey out of the box (Love it). There is also a few other tricks. Like going Spell-slinger Wizard 1 (Gunslinger archetype for wizards)/Winter Witch 19. I agree that Mind Fog isn't all its cracked up to be.

Ganny |

Mind Fog is a trap.
In order for it to work, the creature has to fail a will save. The benefit? It makes it much more likely that.... *drum roll* ...he'll fail future will saves.
Just toss the will save effect you want to stick on the guy from the outset and save yourself a round and spell slot!
If this were a low level slot to soften them up before you risk a high level spell on the foe, it'd be one thing. But Mind Fog is most certainly not a low level spell.
I know, but it will help with alot of my hexes. Mind Blank + Slumber Hex is made of win.