Anyone for a Fallout Campaign?


So, recently on the forums I've seen some Fallout Campaigns cropping up. People seem itching to play in one--I know I am!

It's been a couple/few weeks since the last Recruitment thread I know of for one of these games closed, so hopefully some of the eager players and such are still around.

Here is my call: anyone want to play? And, anyone want to GM? I'd love to be a player in one of these, but I'm willing to GM if nobody else wants to. I'm working on setting up all the information I need right now, but once I get that done, I'd be happy to either use it myself or send it to someone else who'd like to GM, but doesn't want to go through the process of compiling data.

So... Who's interested, and in what role?

Depends on the geographical setting and details of the rules used, but I'd like to play. I always GM post apocalyptic games in real life, it'd be fun to get to play one. I was a big fan of Fallout New Vegas, I love the western/post-apoc fusion.

I'll keep my eye on this.

I've only ever played a bit of Fallout 3 (never have enough attention span for RPGs). I usually go for skills for something like this (It always bugs me when I can't open a door or something). If this really gets going, I may just have to dust off my copy of Fallout 3 and get refreshed on the world.

I'd be interested depending on the rules system used.

Maybe. Let's see what you come up with.

Well, there's 4 bits of interest, so at least I know a campaign has a chance to get off the ground.

System-wise, I'm rolling with basic PF rules for my idea, but incorporating plenty of variants and bits from other systems to make it all work better. Probably some rules from PFModern for weapons, rules from other places I've been to and found in other games... But in the end the basic ruleset would be Pathfinder, for me.

Dark Archive

i must express interest in this game, the pulls from other systems sound like an interesting surprise

Organized Play Developer

I've played a bit of Fallout 3 myself but I'm not terribly familiar with the world in general. Still, there's always wikipedia and, as Wofguy said, just dusting off my copy and getting in some play time. I would love to play a game like this. As much as I love Pathfinder I get tired of the same old generic fantasy settings. A post apocalyptic campaign would be a breath of fresh air.

I definitely would not feel comfortable GMing but would love to play. I often gravitate toward healer type characters but I'm not sure what would be possible in a Fallout-inspired universe. If I can't (or don't want to be) a healer/cleric I also enjoy getting up close and personal with monsters and whacking them with large weapons. I guess I'm saying that, if I were involved in this game, I would want to be a cleric type character (if possible) or a barbarian/fighter.

Let me know if you're interested if and when this game gets up and running.

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I was gonna suggest the guns from PFModern. They make combat deadly, especially the shotgun (because of the ridiculous crits), but that's kinda the way it should be.

You could use my custom Hero Class and make only the standard version and martial archetype available (to reflect the no-magic world). I designed it for sci-fi/modern games. I also converted most of the PF class features into feats for use with it, they are here. Again, you'd leave out the magical/supernatural ones.

If you wanted a lot of work, but to be really awesome, you could convert all the Fallout Perks into PF feats.

Armor as DR reflects how armor works in Fallout the best I think. However, you'd have to edit the wording in my hero class a little bit because it assumes you'd be using normal AC rules. If you used my class and Armor as DR it would basically be either A) no armor, and you're hard to hit or B) Wear armor, making you hard to damage but easy to hit and slower. Basically like real life.

List of Fallout Armor and clothes

Finally, you could create the Ghoul 'race' using ARG rules. Super Mutants would probably be too overpowered for a PC race, IMO but that that's up to you.

Okay, that's all the ideas I've had. Hope some of it at least is helpful or thought stimulating. I'd be happy to co-dm (help with resolving combat rounds, making maps, generating Fallout rules) but I'd still want to play a PC. I'd not want to help with monster stat blocks or writing the story because it would spoil the point of playing.

Silver Crusade

I play Fallout 3 and new vegas alot. played some of the others. D20 Modern would be fitting. just remember that Guns are hard to come across. mostly ones in good condition. but im interested if you lack players.

So very down with this idea. I've been interested in the Fallout world since Fallout 2, and been playing since. I'm also on board with your original plan for mostly Pathfinder with some PFModern or other touches thrown in. I think it's a broad enough system to cover what we need, particularly with the variety of options out of Ultimate Combat, although those might not be necessary if you wanted to keep it similar.

If this gets off the ground, I've got an ex-Brotherhood of Steel monk cooking in my head.

@DM Jelani: You actually said a lot of the things I'm doing! I'm going to use quite a few things I saw in SinBlade06's Fallout game thread, at least for the purpose of creating the mechanics. I'm pretty sure the Armor as DR and the Defense bonus variants are in order: if you're wearing armor, you're easy to hit but you don't take as much damage; if you're not wearing armor, you'll get hurt if you're hit but you're quicker and easier to dodge.

I think I'll do something with Fallout armor and clothing being converted to forms of armor; maybe clothing will allow you to keep the Defense bonus, but also gain a teeny bit of DR.

Race-wise, I've drafted up the Ghouls. I think I may allow other medium-size races from Pathfinder to be played and reskinned as humans (within reason; no Strix, for example).

Guns will be around, just often in not-great condition. Ammo might be hard to find, though ;)

I'll probably stick to a link to Fallout guns that I saw somewhere, although I'd be happy to accommodate someone who wants a gun off PF Modern.

For classes, right now I'm sticking with the Pathfinder classes and archetypes (though some 3rd party stuff would be allowed, and certainly some of it would fit beautifully in this kind of game). @Jennjski: I'm happy to include healer types. The powers can easily be reskinned as knowledgeable use of chems, skills, etc. In SinBlade's game, for example, the cleric is a member of the Brotherhood with special armor that can act like Stimpaks (a.k.a., CLW spells!) among other uses.

Looks like I'll be GMing this if it gets off the ground, which I'm fine with. After all, if you can't play in a game, next best thing is GMing it, right?

I find GMing just as, if not more rewarding than playing sometimes. It can take a while to get into, and is a major time sink, but good fun.

If we're using standard PF classes and 'races' it'd be fun to play a scarred witch doctor witch whose mask is an alien lifeform. It's like a face sucker that gives him crazy biopowers. Focus on debuffing.

So what do you want to see for character creation? Would you rather we focused on potential backgrounds and the like, or would you prefer to see some initial thoughts on builds?

I'll let you all know about that if/when I set up a real Recruitment thread for the campaign. I still don't have EVERYTHING planned out yet, including/especially the adventures themselves.

Unless you all want a complete and total random sandbox (not unlike Fallout itself), I may take a little bit until I get this going, but don't worry! I will.

ive got an idea for a super mutant gun tank (if super mutants can be drawn up on the race creator, i am in the other fallout game now and we have super mutants drawn up but not sure how you feel about the stats.

super mutant:
Super Mutant {9RP}
Type: Humanoid (Giant)
Size: Large {7RP] (+2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 Size penalty to AC, -1 Size penalty to Attack, +1 Size bonus to combat maneuver checks & CMD, -4 Size penalty on Stealth checks. Takes up 10x10 feet and has 5’ reach)
Base Speed: 30
Languages: Common (English), Trader, Chinese, Russian, Raider Cant, Latin, French
Racial Traits:Ghoul
Type: Monstrous Humanoid {3RP}
Size: Medium {0RP}
Mixed Weakness {-2RP}(+2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Wis, -4 Int)
Radiation Resistance {2RP} (+4 Constitution checks & Fortitude saves to avoid damage from radiation or radioactive sources)
Natural Armor {2RP} +1 Natural Armor bonus

I'd rather avoid Super Mutants for PCs--they're both difficult to work in, and difficult to visualize as being accepted or working with other races at all. As much I'd love to include the RP capabilities and everything--believe me, these guys are interesting--I just don't feel like trying to reconcile mechanics for them right now. Sorry, Tenro.

Edit to above: I see you posted some prelim stats. I'm still not sure on them though, at least for my game.

its understandable. i figured there might be a chance since theyre sometimes followers and peaceful NPCs in the games so i gave it a shot

I'm not against them being friendly, or even having (perhaps) a Super Mutant cohort or ally. But I don't know how one could easily play a SM PC, unless the party plans on living almost entirely in the Wastes.

I could go for this if you still need one more player....

Scarab Sages

I'd be interested in this a lot. I've been playing fallout since #2 and tactics and never get a chance to play in anything that isn't fantasy.

if you'd like some help lemme know.

I've got several ideas that could work and fit multiple roles.

Feel free to PM me or post here with ideas, Aiunder! Help would be most welcome--setting up the mechanics is turning out to be quite a bit of work. Trying to decide how best to deal with the unique aspects of the Fallout world like radiation and chems, in particular... Treat radiation as a hazard, with Fortitude saves? Same for chems, treat them like drugs? Or do something else?... I have a lot to do.

Treat chems like poison, with a beneficial affect. Radiation as a hazard sounds good. Perhaps a new stat called Rads or something, if it gets too high you either die or turn into a ghoul?

yeah sounds fun. don mind trying it out.

Well, it's still being worked on, guys. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

But, with luck, I'll get it around eventually!

Yeah, it takes awhile for G.E.C.K. to work.

Scarab Sages

One thing i tried for radiation was treating it as a poison vs constitution. Different severities had larger dice if fortitude saves failed and reducing con works well, meanin the more radiation you take the harder it is to resist but it doesnt make it overly complex and allows PCs to 'heal' their radiation over time instead of RL where it just adds up until the inevitable.

if your looking for something to bring guns and technology in i just found this Amethyst which has great tech based classes and is designed for pathfinder so less house ruling and figuring stuff out

Constitution Check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Can't hold breathe any longer and lets it out in a big gust

[Mother's I told you so voice]
Didn't I tell you not to do that?
[/Mother's I told you so voice]

I realized it should have been an endurance check.

Also, look up an rpg setting called Exodus. It was originally meant to be a fallout rpg, but licensing fell through. I haven't looked to much into it, but it might be helpful.

Wofguy takes a look at the obstacles surrounding this, laughs, then blows it up with a mini nuke, clearing the way for easy game play.

No adaptable environment, buddy. Bobby pins or nothing :P

Psh, we are throwing frostbyte 2 onto this puppy. Actually, that will change how explosives work with fall out. Not really safe to use mines as a form of intact inside the Super Duper Mart.

yeah Exodus is an interesting looking system (own it, never played it) and there is also a fan-made one that is on its v2 working on v3 that looks interesting as well. youd have to google for that one though, i dont have the link handy

Hey loup, is this going to happy any time soon? Is there an estimate? Week? Month? Year? Should I pray to Atom that this moves along?

I'm actually working right now on converting an adventure from 3.5 to my PF/Fallout/whatever system (work, work, work...) So, I'm thinking I may be getting an official recruitment thread up by the end of November. Keep eyes peeled!

Please note, I'm planning on throwing a fair amount of homebrew that isn't necessarily directly related to the game concept itself into this game, so if it doesn't end up sounding like it's for you, that's fine. Word to the wise/watchful: I tend to like RP-heavy-ish games and gamers. So be prepared for storytelling!

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