Why does a Cavalier get more starting wealth than Samurai?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

17 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required. 3 people marked this as a favorite.

Is it a typo that Sammies are 3d6x10 starting wealth as an alternate class of Cavalier, when Ninjas and Anti-paladins get the same wealth as their alternates? Has this been errata'd or at least FaQ'd?

Good question! I could understand if they started off with a free katana / masterwork katana...


Thank you!

Bump, hoping others will notice.

perhaps it's because they get the free exotic wpn proficiencies?

For something that's not relevant after level 1 I really doubt the exotic weapons are what covers it.

Maybe, that's the best answer I've gotten yet. Problem is so does the ninja so it shouldn't be that.

It may have something to do with the fact that there are definitely some cheaper heavier options available with Eastern Armor.

With just 45gp, you can start with four-mirrored armor (+6 bonus). My cavalier's usually start with either scale mail (50gp for +5 bonus), or chainmail (150gp for +6 bonus, and lower dex mod). So if you are limiting equipment thematically, then it is definitely cheaper to play a Samurai at first level.

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Merkatz wrote:

It may have something to do with the fact that there are definitely some cheaper heavier options available with Eastern Armor.

With just 45gp, you can start with four-mirrored armor (+6 bonus). My cavalier's usually start with either scale mail (50gp for +5 bonus), or chainmail (150gp for +6 bonus, and lower dex mod). So if you are limiting equipment thematically, then it is definitely cheaper to play a Samurai at first level.

huh that is interesting however just to get the iconic Samurai weapons costs a pretty penny, 50 gold for a Katana, not to mention wakizashi for committing seppuku for being so impoverished, Naginata (to match the cavs lance), a bow and arrows(for mimicking Ghengis Khan)that is ALL iconic samurai gear and he should be able to afford at least most of it at 1st level.

Kind of bummed/frustrated, I've asked SKR, he said to ask Jason Buhlman and so I found him and sent him this query early yesterday morning and haven't heard anything back.At least SKR answered my message if not my question!

Because its not a huge issue?

But it seems like if there wasn't a good reason then it's kind of a bone headed mistake and could lead to many discerning players not to use the class, which I doubt was the intent.May not be a huge issue but it seems obvious to me it's a mistake and therefore needs clarification.

Necro'd . So i guess developers aren't that concerned about balancing classes. The fact that this required no response at least indicates toward this conclusion.

No reply required? WTF? It might not be a huge issue, but it's also an easy freaking fix...

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