Goblins PFS Characters

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Sovereign Court 3/5

I am wondering what the modules titles are that reward players with a chronicle sheet that opens the goblin race as a legal option for character creation. I would like to play a goblin character but due to the current rule, it must be awarded in a chronicle sheet.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Currently there are none. The only legal goblin characters are from a chronicle given to the select few "winning" tables from part two of the GenCon special from this year, but that was a one-time only event and is not eligible to be run again. Mike is fully aware of the demand for goblin characters, but as of yet has not waivered on not making them available for general consumption.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Bob Jonquet wrote:
but as of yet has not waivered on not making them available for general consumption.

But I have a great recipe for Goblin Liver stew I want to cook!!!! ;)

Sovereign Court 5/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
but as of yet has not waivered on not making them available for general consumption.
But I have a great recipe for Goblin Liver stew I want to cook!!!! ;)

Catch me if you can!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Mike is fully aware of the demand for goblin characters, but as of yet has not waivered on not making them available for general consumption.

And I hope to God that he doesn't...


As much as I love the little buggers I hope they don't become widely available as PCs. Goblin antics could easily derail a scenario if not played carefully. I keep thinking of Kenders from Dragonlance, but 10X as obnoxious. ;-)

Grand Lodge 5/5

The We Be Goblins module is the only way to really play as a Goblin in PFS. The mod is a lot of fun and really captures the essence of the Pathfinder goblin. The sad part is its over to soon.


Dragnmoon wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
but as of yet has not waivered on not making them available for general consumption.
But I have a great recipe for Goblin Liver stew I want to cook!!!! ;)

I don't know.....Did you see all of them running around in PFS etiquette 101? I heard they had to bring in a high level priest to clean the cooks dog up after one of them decided that it was lunch. The darn goblin gave the dog rabies. You're likely to get typhoid just looking at them. I hope they get them settled and civil before sending them out into the PFS meat grinder. We will just have to wait and see.

5/5 **

Me like Pathfinder tribe of Longshanks. They give me fire and horse meat and even get me job at horse killing place. Some Longshanks not so friendly and try to hurt me like Murg and bite my ear.


Ekkie, I hope you are staying out of trouble. The Longshanks won't be so kind if they find you stealing again.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Mike is fully aware of the demand for goblin characters, but as of yet has not waivered on not making them available for general consumption.
And I hope to God that he doesn't...

Those boons really shouldn't show up ever again. The goblins are crazy and flavorful but have no place in a lodge.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I might set my VCJames on fire if doesn't quit teasing us with his guy! Just kidding, in a way I don't envy the Goblin players. There are like what 3 dozen or so of you guys who have to come up with awesome concepts to these once in a lifetime characters. That has to be hard.

I would LOVE to hear stories and origins on them as the little green land sharks appear.

Scarab Sages

Well ... I won't get into goblins being added as PCs in a particular MMORPG. ;) <impish wink>
But, yeah ... there's no need for the goblin-schtick to be played out by players, except as a diversion. I love Pathfinder Goblins. They're fantastic! I even have a creepy voice that I do for them that's like Gollum/Smeagol, with a tinge of hyperactive Problem Child thrown in. ... But, that's for NPCs. There's not a need to have PCs doing the same schtick over and over.
Yes, yes ... I know some of you will say, "why are you presuming someone won't have good RP?" I realize that people could play goblins differently, but, let's be honest - we all love Pathfinder goblins for all the same reasons. And there's not many people that would want to not play the goblins that we all know and love - maniacal rhyming chants, and all.

I think that having a few of them out there is cool enough. They're fun, and they're rare. I think they're just fine being limited to being in a special scenario ("We Be Goblins") or special event (GenCon).

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

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If someone really badly wants to play a goblin, but doesn't feel like playing We Be Goblins, have him GM Frostfur Captives, or Rise of the Goblin Guild. :)


Just speaking up as a fan of We Be Goblins that another similar PFS legal module/scenario would be fantastic fun.... Definitely one of my favorite PFS scenarios to run for the very different experience and the fun to be had with the characters. I've run it a couple of times and always enjoyed playing in it or running it.

Goblins as PFS characters seems really fun as well - rather different I'm sure but in some ways not that much different from the various other unusual races which are now also PFS legel (Tengu for example... )

Rycaut wrote:

Just speaking up as a fan of We Be Goblins that another similar PFS legal module/scenario would be fantastic fun.... Definitely one of my favorite PFS scenarios to run for the very different experience and the fun to be had with the characters. I've run it a couple of times and always enjoyed playing in it or running it.

Goblins as PFS characters seems really fun as well - rather different I'm sure but in some ways not that much different from the various other unusual races which are now also PFS legel (Tengu for example... )

The problem is Tengu don't have crazy personalities like goblins. In their very nature, goblins just love to ruin everything. Tengus, not so much. I personally hope I never end up at the same table as a Goblin PC (although, mostly that may be because of jealousy.)

I really think playing a down-to-earth goblin would have everyone throwing books.


The issue with Tengu isn't the personality it is (minor spoiler) that there are scenarios where the players are encouraged to KILL Tengu - to kill lots and lots of Tengu (Quest for Perfection series) with even some faction missions depending on the # of Tengu you personally kill (most DM's include ones you assist in killing otherwise this faction mission is nearly impossible if the party is successful in minimizing their enemies #s)

I can only imagine that playing a Tengu PC through that series would be really interesting - could have some potential for good RP situations - but in many other ways it would be very awkward (similar to playing a Shadow Lodge faction in a mission fighting the Shadow Lodge however)

Tengu, Wayang, Nagaji and Goblins also while being really interesting character options that open up all kinds of concepts have some potential issues in making urban based adventures a bit less believable.

i.e. it already stretches things to accomodate many characters into some of the more roleplay heavy urban aspects of some scenarios (say the very beginning of attending the Opera in Among the Living or attending the party during the First Steps part 2 etc) - but if you aren't talking about just a Barbarian with a big ax but a PC of a race either almost never seen or almost always assumed to be evil (i.e. goblin, potentially also Tengu or likely misunderstood - Nagaji) it is a bit harder to accomodate that within the normal flow of the scenario. (Kitsune have the built into the race ability to shapeshift to fit in - but the other races have issues)

For that matter Tieflings or Aasimar have similar issues. (or for that matter many PFS Alchemists with multiple extra limbs etc)

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Rycaut wrote:

The issue with Tengu isn't the personality it is (minor spoiler) that there are scenarios where the players are encouraged to KILL Tengu - to kill lots and lots of Tengu (Quest for Perfection series) with even some faction missions depending on the # of Tengu you personally kill (most DM's include ones you assist in killing otherwise this faction mission is nearly impossible if the party is successful in minimizing their enemies #s)

I can only imagine that playing a Tengu PC through that series would be really interesting - could have some potential for good RP situations - but in many other ways it would be very awkward (similar to playing a Shadow Lodge faction in a mission fighting the Shadow Lodge however))

So what's the difference between a tengu PC killing lots and lots of Tengu bad guys and a human PC killing lots and lots of human bad guys?


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Serving fried chicken for dinner.


The difference is the hand-waving that has to happen to explain away the Tengu PC being accepted by the NPCs.

As a player (and a DM) I'm actually not a huge fan of the kill/assassinate Faction missions. I'd rather see more that allowed for alternative means of success other than just killing someone or lots of someones. Yes adventurers kill - but faction missions that ask for killing outside of combat or which encourage killing instead of merely defeating enemies seem a bit troublesome to me.

But this is getting a bit off the subject of this thread.


Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am happy to have goblins as incredibly rare within PFS (although being in Australia it's a bummer some boons only get released in some areas not others - ...I understand why, just a a tad jealous I missed out).

My vote would be for a couple more similar mods like We be Goblins I know that it's nice to just let your hair down and be mad for day (can't think how that would be like to play through to level 12 in PFS - it might get wearing on your party, unless they are really patient).

One-Shot modules like We be Goblins are be a great way to show off upcoming races in the future or even play evil-ish PC's within PFS. It might even work introducing a background or story arc into the society..

Dark Archive 3/5

Rycaut wrote:

The issue with Tengu isn't the personality it is (minor spoiler) that there are scenarios where the players are encouraged to KILL Tengu - to kill lots and lots of Tengu (Quest for Perfection series) with even some faction missions depending on the # of Tengu you personally kill (most DM's include ones you assist in killing otherwise this faction mission is nearly impossible if the party is successful in minimizing their enemies #s)

I can only imagine that playing a Tengu PC through that series would be really interesting - could have some potential for good RP situations - but in many other ways it would be very awkward (similar to playing a Shadow Lodge faction in a mission fighting the Shadow Lodge however)

That is quite interesting. I have a Tengu gunslinger that has played through QFP. It was some fun.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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I have sworn to kill all goblin PC's that sit at my table until Mike grants me my very own shiny goblin chronicle boon. You will likely be unrecoverable and the society is NOT going to send a recovery team for a smelly, illiterate, pyromaniac regardless of your fame and prestige. And don't even think of becoming a Risen Guard...You have been warned!


Explore! Report! Cooperate! except with goblins ;-)

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Bob Jonquet wrote:

I have sworn to kill all goblin PC's that sit at my table until Mike grants me my very own shiny goblin chronicle boon. You will likely be unrecoverable and the society is NOT going to send a recovery team for a smelly, illiterate, pyromaniac regardless of your fame and prestige. And don't even think of becoming a Risen Guard...You have been warned!


Explore! Report! Cooperate! except with goblins ;-)

Challenge Accepted! See you on the other side of the screen come Gen-Con. I will bring some friends. We travel in packs you known :D Worse things could happen when the stars align lol

Grand Lodge 4/5

Kyle Baird wrote:
Serving fried chicken for dinner.

Were you playing with us last Friday?

The Tengu Rogue did NOT outlive the Blindheim.

Then again, there are some nominally legal builds that may not be the best at the Cooperate! portion of the tenet. Like my Kitsune Razmiran Priest...

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

That is if my Goblin lives that long :D


James Apostolou wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:

I have sworn to kill all goblin PC's that sit at my table until Mike grants me my very own shiny goblin chronicle boon. You will likely be unrecoverable and the society is NOT going to send a recovery team for a smelly, illiterate, pyromaniac regardless of your fame and prestige. And don't even think of becoming a Risen Guard...You have been warned!


Explore! Report! Cooperate! except with goblins ;-)

Challenge Accepted! See you on the other side of the screen come Gen-Con. I will bring some friends. We travel in packs you known :D Worse things could happen when the stars align lol

Count me in. Bob owes me a few deaths anyway. ;-)

Actually, I think this goblin will likely be the first of my characters to die. Repeatedly. Something about not running up recklessly and biting things leads me to believe he's not going to last into late life. From Goblins of Golarion:

"Barbarian: While admired for their ferocity, goblins are generally ill-suited to be barbarians because of their Small size and low Strength. Although the mayhem of a raging barbarian might appeal to goblin sensibilities, the unfortunate fact for most is that their rage overrides their already marginal sense of self-preservation, making those few who adopt this class short-lived, even by their peoples’ pitiful standards. Goblin barbarians above 1st level are perhaps the rarest of all classed goblins."

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

James Apostolou wrote:
Challenge Accepted
Kyle Baird wrote:
Count me in

Um, you do know I have a GM screen, right?!? ;-)

Sovereign Court 5/5

You're still a big softy and I'm not scared.

Grand Lodge 4/5

James Apostolou wrote:
That is if my Goblin lives that long :D

See? he even teases here! I'm gunna set 'im on fire I am! GRRR!!!

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

of course it would not be fun or a challenge otherwise. already living up to goblin standards lol

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

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as much as i love the goblins. if things go right there should be three from my group last year. just think of the possibilities :-) plus anyone else wanting to get in on the love. the singing, the beer, the questionable chinese take out. we could just pretend its horse meat instead of cat meat that we pretend is chicken ;-)

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Thomas Graham wrote:
James Apostolou wrote:
That is if my Goblin lives that long :D

See? he even teases here! I'm gunna set 'im on fire I am! GRRR!!!

sticks and stones,

mince tells human to suck on putrid bones,
human with big nose can never catch me!


hopefully i will see you for sundays game. :-)

Grand Lodge 4/5

James Apostolou wrote:
Thomas Graham wrote:
James Apostolou wrote:
That is if my Goblin lives that long :D

See? he even teases here! I'm gunna set 'im on fire I am! GRRR!!!

sticks and stones,

mince tells human to suck on putrid bones,
human with big nose can never catch me!


hopefully i will see you for sundays game. :-)

Hope too. I want to see more lines like "Et baby, iffin yer a mountain, Ah'd climb yer peaks!"

(Which promptly earned him a crit slam from the Eidolon in question for our Audience's edification)

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

it was the perfect woman for a dwarf :-) iwas suppose to grab her attention. i succeeded,. critically some might say. :-) it was a fun game and something that this posted asked about. a new kind of bad guy that had some good reactions from the players and something i would like to see more of! no matter how many times the dwarf is knocked out.

So basically because people don't want to be bothered with rp, those of us that love goblins and are capable of playing them without disrupting a party are S.O.L. if we wanted to use one for society? I think having it be a limited thing for people who were able to one specific event at one point in time is kind of rediculous. I own We Be Goblins, Goblins of Golarion and the Advanced Race Guide shouldn't that be enough to allow me to play my favorite race?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And people who own Orcs of Golarion and the Advanced Race Guide aren't allowed to play their favorite race. And the people who will own Kobolds of Golarion and the Advanced Race Guide won't be allowed to play their favorite race. And whenever there is a gnoll, drow, duergar, or any other evil race, those people won't be able to play their favorite race. They won't ever be open for everyone to play.

Just because something is printed doesn't mean it is a good option for Organized Play. And just because you think you are able to play a goblin correctly doesn't mean the other 5000 people who would play one may be able to play correctly, and could in fact, ruin your game.

You're right, it was a one time event, where people who participated had a very slim chance of earning the right to play a goblin. 36 people out of 40,000 received that chance. It was a marketing plan to boost excitement for the Gen Con 2012 special much like fetchlings were a marketing plan to boost the excitement of the Grand Convocation 2012. We reserve the right to keep some things extra rare, such as the ability to play a goblin character, and special so we can use them as marketing tools to boost excitement. That has never been a secret and will continue to not be a secret.

Guess what? We are doing the same thing this year at Gen Con. Tier 1 GMs have the opportunity to play a grippli. When that chance will ever be open again is currently not in the foreseeable future. Those 116 people currently signed up as Tier 1 GMs may be the only people to ever have the chance to play a grippli (and I still have some tier 1 spots available if you don't need a hotel room). If you want that chance to be one of the rare few that gets a chance to play a grippli, come and GM 8 games at Gen Con, while receiving $80 store credit, a free $70 full con badge, a free Mythic Hardcover Rulebook, and four free volunteer shirts.

It is similar to other marketing programs of other companies. When I ordered DirectTV, I didnt receive the opportunity to get the NFL Sunday Ticket for free. Everyone who ordered last fall, they received the NFL Sunday Ticket for free. Everyone who orders this summer will receive it for free this fall. I am probably a bigger fan than they are and I have to pay my $299 every year. It happens. Sometimes you miss out on a reward of a marketing effort.

But, there is good news. You are able to play a goblin (or Orc, drow, duergar, gnoll, or whatever) as much as you like in a home campaign. You can utilize everyone of those books you purchased as many nights as you want to play a home campaign. And if you want to be a goblin in the Pathfinder Society, talk to your home GM. I'm sure you could pla one of those as well. Win win. You simply can't play a goblin when you play a four hour PFS scenario.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Chris Mortika wrote:

Nope. Not in PFS.

And it has nothing to do with people not wanting "to be bothered with rp." It has to do with the fact that evil, vicious goblins who hate writing don't belong in an organization trying to explore, write things down, and cooperate.

If you want to play a goblin who gets along fine with all sorts of people, including cavaliers on horseback and druids with hound companions, if you're willing to write down your adventures, and if you're willing to wander the wide world -- then what do you really want to play?

It also has to do with it being cool to be rare. I really like fetchlings. I didn't attend PaizoCon last year, and I don't get to play my favorite race. Them's the breaks.

And what this guy said ^^^^^^


Zombiepocalypse, I can appreciate your desire to play goblins. I love the little buggers too. It's not that people don't want to be bothered with RP. It's that goblins don't generally fit in with the whole Pathfinder Society concept. I find it highly unlikely that a goblin would make it through the rigorous training to become an agent of the Pathfinder Society. Plus the whole "writing" thing. Pathfinder are supposed to be chronicling there discoveries ya know.

Also, while you may be able to RP a goblin in an awesome way and contribute positively to the game, many people (me!) wouldn't be able to resist the opportunity to burn everything and kill all the puppies! I've run We Be Goblins and I've seen what goblin PCs can do. ;-)

Seriously though, if you like goblins so much, consider running or getting someone to run, a goblin home campaign. That could be loads of fun. And, don't forget that We Be Goblins Too! is coming out soon. :-)


Beat by Brock. :-)

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

13 people marked this as a favorite.

And for those that don't think I know the pain....oh, I hear about it almost every week. My wife wants to play a goblin character. It's her favorite race. She owns We Be Goblins, We Be Goblins Too, Goblins of Golarion, Advanced Race Guide, both goblin plushes, every goblin pathfinder mini (metal, plastic and paper) and every DDM goblin and Reaper goblin mini.

She wasn't at Gen Con and didnt earn one so she doesn't get to play a goblin either, even though she knew months in advance that earning one was a possibility and I know for a fact she knows how to play one. What do I tell her? Life isn't fair, babe. Enjoy your Elven druid or Halfling rogue. Can I get you another beer? I then get smacked and life goes on.

I have seen a few people spend the PP for a squire or herald, making it a certain female goblin, after playing a certain adventure.

Although that's not as much the player getting to play a goblin as it is the GM getting to torture the party with a lil spitfire who really just wants to help!


Grand Lodge 5/5

Michael Brock wrote:
And for those that don't think I know the pain....oh, I hear about it almost every week. My wife wants to play a goblin character. It's her favorite race. She owns We Be Goblins, We Be Goblins Too, Goblins of Golarion, Advanced Race Guide, both goblin plushes, every goblin pathfinder mini (metal, plastic and paper) and every DDM goblin and Reaper goblin mini.

Emphasis mine.

Cheater. :P


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can't you just run a Halfling that was "raised" by Goblins, and RP a goblin anyway?

Grand Lodge 5/5

I believe you could say that if you wanted for flavor purposes, but you cannot actually take the Adopted Trait to gain access to Goblin Race Traits unless you have a Goblin race boon.

I could be wrong about that though.

Dark Archive 3/5

Seth Gipson wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
And for those that don't think I know the pain....oh, I hear about it almost every week. My wife wants to play a goblin character. It's her favorite race. She owns We Be Goblins, We Be Goblins Too, Goblins of Golarion, Advanced Race Guide, both goblin plushes, every goblin pathfinder mini (metal, plastic and paper) and every DDM goblin and Reaper goblin mini.

Emphasis mine.

Cheater. :P

Oh, the benefits of a Paizo employee.

David Shaw wrote:
Can't you just run a Halfling that was "raised" by Goblins, and RP a goblin anyway?

Or just play a regular halfling and know that, deep down in your heart, you're really playing a goblin. No one can change the fluff that you keep to yourself and don't bring up in conversation!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

David Shaw wrote:
Can't you just run a Halfling that was "raised" by Goblins, and RP a goblin anyway?

We've got one of those at our table.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Michael Brock wrote:
fetchlings were a marketing plan to boost the excitement of the Grand Convocation 2012.

They were? I played in the Grand Convocation (in the UK) and this is the first I've heard of it. Not that my excitement needed to be boosted.

Is this what the dice roll on the Sunday was for?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Paz wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
fetchlings were a marketing plan to boost the excitement of the Grand Convocation 2012.

They were? I played in the Grand Convocation (in the UK) and this is the first I've heard of it. Not that my excitement needed to be boosted.

Is this what the dice roll on the Sunday was for?

No. For those who played the 12+ tier and successfully completed the mission received a boon that opened access to the race. There are roughly 55 fetchling PCs in the world now.

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