AP Maps?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Am I correct in concluding that there are no GameMastery maps to go with APs? I'm aware of the RotRL Map Folio, but my understanding is that it contains no actual grid battle maps.

If this is true, Paizo is missing out on a solid revenue opportunity. What's the point of beautifully illustrated maps that only the DM looks at? Not that I don't appreciate having nice looking maps in my source material, but I'm not coming close to that when I start scribbling on our battle mat.

Or are some of the map packs based on AP encounter maps?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Many of the APs suggest GameMastery maps that can be used for certain scenes, but they do not require it.

For example this caravan map pack was recommended for Jade Regent. Sometimes the map are is reprinted in the AP (for example the theater in Council of Thieves was also a map pack/big map) but either way they do mention the map pack as a suggested use in many of the APs.

Hope that helps :)

James Jacobs on the feasibility of providing full-scale battlemaps for APs

Hint: It's not economically feasible.

However, they are synergizing their map lines more with their APs as time goes by.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

It's worth noting also that my response to that thread was in 2009. A lot has changed in 3 years.

We're now working on our own VTT—Gamespace. That'll have integrated into it our maps. And as the future continues unfolding, other opportunities that we couldn't imagine will continue to present themselves.

It currently still remains economically problematic to do a 300 page map product every month... but that could change once something crazy in the future chances everything about printing.

mtg3992 wrote:

Am I correct in concluding that there are no GameMastery maps to go with APs? I'm aware of the RotRL Map Folio, but my understanding is that it contains no actual grid battle maps.

If this is true, Paizo is missing out on a solid revenue opportunity. What's the point of beautifully illustrated maps that only the DM looks at? Not that I don't appreciate having nice looking maps in my source material, but I'm not coming close to that when I start scribbling on our battle mat.

Or are some of the map packs based on AP encounter maps?

if you buy the pdf when pick the picture to paint, it comes without leters and numbers, just the image and print it is cheapest way. and the players only can see whole the picture of the map without the spoilers as warnings

Grand Lodge

mtg, the Map Folios have evolved over the years.

The Folios for RotR, CotCT, SD, LoF, and CoT were reprints of most of the maps from the AP, with a couple of poster maps of cities or countries. The encounter maps were at the original size.
The Folios from Kingmaker on have been wholly poster maps.

This change was due to board feedback: people felt that the reprint was a waste for those of us who already had the pdf's.

If you want to use the AP maps for battlemaps, your best bet for now is to get the pdf version and print them yourself. HangarFlying provided a guide to how to do that here.

Scribbling Rambler wrote:

mtg, the Map Folios have evolved over the years.

The Folios for RotR, CotCT, SD, LoF, and CoT were reprints of most of the maps from the AP, with a couple of poster maps of cities or countries. The encounter maps were at the original size.
The Folios from Kingmaker on have been wholly poster maps.

This change was due to board feedback: people felt that the reprint was a waste for those of us who already had the pdf's.

If you want to use the AP maps for battlemaps, your best bet for now is to get the pdf version and print them yourself. HangarFlying provided a guide to how to do that here.

i disaagree with you!!

the map folio hasn´t evolution, they´re "Devolution". i only has the RotRL and is 15 pages with all the maps in the modules... Carrion Crown´s Map Folio, barely has 5 pages with only the maps for the cities we will explore...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
judas 147 wrote:
Scribbling Rambler wrote:

mtg, the Map Folios have evolved over the years.

The Folios for RotR, CotCT, SD, LoF, and CoT were reprints of most of the maps from the AP, with a couple of poster maps of cities or countries. The encounter maps were at the original size.
The Folios from Kingmaker on have been wholly poster maps.

This change was due to board feedback: people felt that the reprint was a waste for those of us who already had the pdf's.

If you want to use the AP maps for battlemaps, your best bet for now is to get the pdf version and print them yourself. HangarFlying provided a guide to how to do that here.

i disaagree with you!!

the map folio hasn´t evolution, they´re "Devolution". i only has the RotRL and is 15 pages with all the maps in the modules... Carrion Crown´s Map Folio, barely has 5 pages with only the maps for the cities we will explore...

The usability of 15 pages of maps (which I could just print out from the PDF anyway) with secret doors and DM-side information on them (so, no use for players) was moderate to low.

On the other hand, having few big maps I can use to shock and awe my players is far better. Also, the maps in newer Folios can be used in running adventures other than just the AP, unlike the old ones who were pretty much married to the AP making them useless outside of it.

Gorbacz wrote:
judas 147 wrote:
Scribbling Rambler wrote:

mtg, the Map Folios have evolved over the years.

The Folios for RotR, CotCT, SD, LoF, and CoT were reprints of most of the maps from the AP, with a couple of poster maps of cities or countries. The encounter maps were at the original size.
The Folios from Kingmaker on have been wholly poster maps.

This change was due to board feedback: people felt that the reprint was a waste for those of us who already had the pdf's.

If you want to use the AP maps for battlemaps, your best bet for now is to get the pdf version and print them yourself. HangarFlying provided a guide to how to do that here.

i disaagree with you!!

the map folio hasn´t evolution, they´re "Devolution". i only has the RotRL and is 15 pages with all the maps in the modules... Carrion Crown´s Map Folio, barely has 5 pages with only the maps for the cities we will explore...

The usability of 15 pages of maps (which I could just print out from the PDF anyway) with secret doors and DM-side information on them (so, no use for players) was moderate to low.

On the other hand, having few big maps I can use to shock and awe my players is far better. Also, the maps in newer Folios can be used in running adventures other than just the AP, unlike the old ones who were pretty much married to the AP making them useless outside of it.

True!! but if paizo´s guys do not be as lazy as they are with those 15 pages pdfs, there will be a lot of reusable dungeons, and, as i sai earlier; if you copy the image in paint, this dopy undo by itself the spoilers and marks in the maps, besides, its a shame that if we pay for it, still have to print it without those marks... lazy paizos i say

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

On a related note, the "lazy Paizos" have made the maps in the last four AP's + RotRL AE interactive, allowing you to hide any GM-only elements and print maps in a player friendly version. Interactive maps for older APs are to appear some time down the road.

Heh. "Lazy". Oh wait.... :(

Not very nice OR accurate.

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Gorbacz wrote:
On a related note, the "lazy Paizos" have made the maps in the last four AP's + RotRL AE interactive, allowing you to hide any GM-only elements and print maps in a player friendly version. Interactive maps for older APs are to appear some time down the road.

... ok i regret that!!

still i believe they can add more images to the folios

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As a brand new GM who would like to run APs, but doesn't have the time to draw my own maps, this is disappointing.

Silver Crusade

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This thread is 9 years old.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
This thread is 9 years old.

Yes? So?

Silver Crusade

Enjoy talking to ghosts.

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Hello Thomas Keller...

I'm sorry that the living are so rude...

I believe, from what was said up thread, that the more recent APs do come with digital map packs that allow you to toggle the GM layer on/off...

I hope that you do get the opportunity to run one of Paizo's excellent APS... May I be so bold as to recommend Carrion Crown... The first volume contains many excellent ghosts...


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Spooky Ghost wrote:

Hello Thomas Keller...

I'm sorry that the living are so rude...

I believe, from what was said up thread, that the more recent APs do come with digital map packs that allow you to toggle the GM layer on/off...

I hope that you do get the opportunity to run one of Paizo's excellent APS... May I be so bold as to recommend Carrion Crown... The first volume contains many excellent ghosts...


Thanks. Unfortunately, digital map packs won't help, as I will be GMing in person, someday...

I wanted to try Abomination Vaults because it's only three books and it's 2e, which I prefer. How difficult would converting a 1e AP to 2e be?

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*ghost shrug*

But I found this Reddit...

https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/cw670z/how_easy_is_it_to_con vert_1e_adventures_into_2e/

Hope that helps... I think there are threads discussing this very thing elsewhere on the Paizo forums....

Dark Archive

Converted into link:
How easy is it to convert 1e adventures into 2e

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks so much!

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