DeusTerran |

Speed can be an asset in tabletop, but I just did some math for some serious pathfinder cheese.
A level 20 human character with 18 levels in monk, (shifts from lawful to chaotic) and 2 levels in barbarian. All of his feats are fleet, while the human bonus feat is run. With the base land-speed of a human at 30, +10 from barbarian. +50 from all the fleet feats, and + 60 from the monk. You are at a land-speed of 150. Add some ankle rings/boots with haste & permanence on them and you're at a land-speed of 180. With this speed that is a +60 on all jump acrobatics checks with a running start, and are effectively going 33 kilometers per hour as a move action.
At a full action run with the run feat, you are going 164.5 kilometers per hour. You are the fastest thing alive.
My question to you people of Paizo general is this: With all these stats laid out to you. If this character were to do the janni rush maneuver with the style feats granted by a monk of many styles. At a full charge (360 feet in 6/5 seconds) what would you rule/house-rule as bonus damage to both you and the target as you have hit them at speeds faster then most street cars

Sauce987654321 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Speed can be an asset in tabletop, but I just did some math for some serious pathfinder cheese.
A level 20 human character with 18 levels in monk, (shifts from lawful to chaotic) and 2 levels in barbarian. All of his feats are fleet, while the human bonus feat is run. With the base land-speed of a human at 30, +10 from barbarian. +50 from all the fleet feats, and + 60 from the monk. You are at a land-speed of 150. Add some ankle rings/boots with haste & permanence on them and you're at a land-speed of 180. With this speed that is a +60 on all jump acrobatics checks with a running start, and are effectively going 33 kilometers per hour as a move action.
At a full action run with the run feat, you are going 164.5 kilometers per hour. You are the fastest thing alive.
My question to you people of Paizo general is this: With all these stats laid out to you. If this character were to do the janni rush maneuver with the style feats granted by a monk of many styles. At a full charge (360 feet in 6/5 seconds) what would you rule/house-rule as bonus damage to both you and the target as you have hit them at speeds faster then most street cars
I've always found it best to view speed in this game as an abstraction instead of calculating it just from the number of your landspeed. Animals like a leopard can run at 40-50 mph but still have a landspeed of 30 (although they have a high dex). Even feats like lightning stance gives you concealment for moving so fast, and you still can have a landspeed of 30.

DeusTerran |

I've always found it best to view speed in this game as an abstraction instead of calculating it just from the number of your landspeed. Animals like a leopard can run at 40-50 mph but still have a landspeed of 30 (although they have a high dex). Even feats like lightning stance gives you concealment for moving so fast, and you still can have a landspeed of 30.
Pathfinder/D&D was never good at truly reflecting land-speed of animals, using the math I used but reversed the leopard would need a land-speed of 705 and have the run feet to achieve the 40 miles an hour.
This is admitingly a number-crunch/cheese/what if though so *shrug*

Sauce987654321 |

Sauce987654321 wrote:I've always found it best to view speed in this game as an abstraction instead of calculating it just from the number of your landspeed. Animals like a leopard can run at 40-50 mph but still have a landspeed of 30 (although they have a high dex). Even feats like lightning stance gives you concealment for moving so fast, and you still can have a landspeed of 30.Pathfinder/D&D was never good at truly reflecting land-speed of animals, using the math I used but reversed the leopard would need a land-speed of 705 and have the run feet to achieve the 40 miles an hour.
This is admitingly a number-crunch/cheese/what if though so *shrug*
I just figured that there would be little point in trying to calculate the exact mph on most things in this game in landspeed. Since the game's combat is grid based in 5 foot squares. Instead it's represented though armor class through dex and dodge, initiative, reflex saves, and other dexterity related abilities (like evasion) most likely for many creaures.
If I had a monk in my game with like 30 dex, lightning stance, 150 land speed, and high AC, I would just say he runs at mach speeds to sound speed.
That's just me though.

DeusTerran |

Monk speed is enhancement - does not stack with Haste (or expeditious retreat or anything like that). It does however stack with speed increases from changing base form, so you might want to look into shapechanging (unless that ruins the concept of being (hu)man).
Ah, I thought that they had changed the monks movement bonus to an untyped so that it stacked, mah bad. and as for shapechanging, it wasn't the concept of being human, it was so that I had 11 feats so I could take Fleet ten times and Run

stringburka |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sauce987654321 wrote:I've always found it best to view speed in this game as an abstraction instead of calculating it just from the number of your landspeed. Animals like a leopard can run at 40-50 mph but still have a landspeed of 30 (although they have a high dex). Even feats like lightning stance gives you concealment for moving so fast, and you still can have a landspeed of 30.Pathfinder/D&D was never good at truly reflecting land-speed of animals, using the math I used but reversed the leopard would need a land-speed of 705 and have the run feet to achieve the 40 miles an hour.
This is admitingly a number-crunch/cheese/what if though so *shrug*
Leopards have a base speed of 50.
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/cat.htmlThis means it moves 200ft in 6 seconds when running, or 2000ft per minute, or 120450 ft per hour (450 due to sprint special). That's 22 mph.
Now, if it had a speed of 60 and the run feat, that'd be 3000 ft per minute, or 34 mph. According to this site that's about the speed of a full-grown leopard.
So if you want a leopard with "real" speed, bump it by 10 and give it the run speed. Won't break anything.

Gignere |
Monk speed is enhancement - does not stack with Haste (or expeditious retreat or anything like that). It does however stack with speed increases from changing base form, so you might want to look into shapechanging (unless that ruins the concept of being (hu)man).
It probably does not here is the rules on polymorph.
While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), as well as any natural attacks and movement types possessed by your original form. You also lose any class features that depend upon form, but those that allow you to add features (such as sorcerers that can grow claws) still function. While most of these should be obvious, the GM is the final arbiter of what abilities depend on form and are lost when a new form is assumed. Your new form might restore a number of these abilities if they are possessed by the new form.
You lose movement type and extraordinary abilities based on form. Since the enhanced speed probably comes from martial arts training, losing your form will definitely screw up a martial artist.

DeusTerran |

Leopards have a base speed of 50.
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/cat.htmlThis means it moves 200ft in 6 seconds when running, or 2000ft per minute, or 120450 ft per hour (450 due to sprint special). That's 22 mph.
Now, if it had a speed of 60 and the run feat, that'd be 3000 ft per minute, or 34 mph. According to this site that's about the speed of a full-grown leopard.
So if you want a leopard with "real" speed, bump it by 10 and give it the run speed. Won't break anything.
That's the cheetah, leopard is right under that with a base landspeed of 30 with no sprint but a climb of 20 >.>

stringburka |

and as for shapechanging, it wasn't the concept of being human, it was so that I had 11 feats so I could take Fleet ten times and Run
Well then, I'd probably aim to polymorph or shapechange into something like a Deinonychus or Velociraptor, those have a 60 ft base speed that stacks with everything. There's probably faster beasts you can turn into too, but those are medium animals and as such easy to get access to.

stringburka |

That's the cheetah, leopard is right under that with a base landspeed of 30 with no sprint but a climb of 20 >.>
Oh, I see. Then double it's speed and give run bonus feat. Don't know where you got base speed of 705 from though.
EDIT: Though I don't know if it should have an increase in base speed or if there should simply be an "improved run" ability for certain animals, like "double running speed again after all other mods are added".

Sauce987654321 |

DeusTerran wrote:Sauce987654321 wrote:I've always found it best to view speed in this game as an abstraction instead of calculating it just from the number of your landspeed. Animals like a leopard can run at 40-50 mph but still have a landspeed of 30 (although they have a high dex). Even feats like lightning stance gives you concealment for moving so fast, and you still can have a landspeed of 30.Pathfinder/D&D was never good at truly reflecting land-speed of animals, using the math I used but reversed the leopard would need a land-speed of 705 and have the run feet to achieve the 40 miles an hour.
This is admitingly a number-crunch/cheese/what if though so *shrug*
Leopards have a base speed of 50.
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/cat.htmlThis means it moves 200ft in 6 seconds when running, or 2000ft per minute, or 120450 ft per hour (450 due to sprint special). That's 22 mph.
Now, if it had a speed of 60 and the run feat, that'd be 3000 ft per minute, or 34 mph. According to this site that's about the speed of a full-grown leopard.
So if you want a leopard with "real" speed, bump it by 10 and give it the run speed. Won't break anything.
First off, that's a cheetah in the beastiary page you were linking me to, not a leopard. Look below it, there's the leopard, with a land speed of 30.
I've seen a lot of webpages say that the leopard can run 40+ mph for short periods of time.
Secondly, the leopard does have a landspeed of 30, doesn't have the run feat, but has a high dex. Like a cat has 30 landspeed, but decent dex. It's an abstraction, so I doubt they have 30 landspeeds with good dexterity scores by accident.

Nu'Raahl |
First, I misread the topic as fattest man then became confused on why thins monk would be so fat if he could run that fast.
Second, I skipped over some posts, but the listed base speed is not a representation of running speed, it's walking speed (IMO) feats like run and abilities like the one the cheetah gets more accurately show top speed. IMO this wasn't given to all of the fast running animals for cr balance in favor of realism, but you could always house rule something that ups the running or charge speed.

stringburka |

First off, that's a cheetah in the beastiary page you were linking me to, not a leopard. Look below it, there's the leopard, with a land speed of 30.I've seen a lot of webpages say that the leopard can run 40+ mph for short periods of time.
Secondly, the leopard does have a landspeed of 30, doesn't have the run feat, but has a high dex. Like a cat has 30 landspeed, but decent dex. It's an abstraction, so I doubt they have 30 landspeeds with good dexterity scores by accident.
Yeah, saw that later. Cheetah speeds are pretty good for the leopard though - the sprint ability is used for that "40mph for short periods of time". And I'm fine with it not working _perfectly_; the game's an abstraction.
I just meant that 60 ft., sprint special ability and run speed would be good stats if you want an "actual" leopard (or at least far closer to reality).

3.5 Loyalist |

Speed can be an asset in tabletop, but I just did some math for some serious pathfinder cheese.
A level 20 human character with 18 levels in monk, (shifts from lawful to chaotic) and 2 levels in barbarian. All of his feats are fleet, while the human bonus feat is run. With the base land-speed of a human at 30, +10 from barbarian. +50 from all the fleet feats, and + 60 from the monk. You are at a land-speed of 150. Add some ankle rings/boots with haste & permanence on them and you're at a land-speed of 180. With this speed that is a +60 on all jump acrobatics checks with a running start, and are effectively going 33 kilometers per hour as a move action.
At a full action run with the run feat, you are going 164.5 kilometers per hour. You are the fastest thing alive.
My question to you people of Paizo general is this: With all these stats laid out to you. If this character were to do the janni rush maneuver with the style feats granted by a monk of many styles. At a full charge (360 feet in 6/5 seconds) what would you rule/house-rule as bonus damage to both you and the target as you have hit them at speeds faster then most street cars
I've made two high speed characters and they have been great fun. One was a very fast skirmisher scout, he could run away from almost anything. Another was a 3.5 knight actually, that got up to 60 speed in light armour. Chased down archers and spellcasters as if he were cavalry.

Sauce987654321 |

DeusTerran wrote:I've made two high speed characters and they have been great fun. One was a very fast skirmisher scout, he could run away from almost anything. Another was a 3.5 knight actually, that got up to 60 speed in light armour. Chased down archers and spellcasters as if he were cavalry.Speed can be an asset in tabletop, but I just did some math for some serious pathfinder cheese.
A level 20 human character with 18 levels in monk, (shifts from lawful to chaotic) and 2 levels in barbarian. All of his feats are fleet, while the human bonus feat is run. With the base land-speed of a human at 30, +10 from barbarian. +50 from all the fleet feats, and + 60 from the monk. You are at a land-speed of 150. Add some ankle rings/boots with haste & permanence on them and you're at a land-speed of 180. With this speed that is a +60 on all jump acrobatics checks with a running start, and are effectively going 33 kilometers per hour as a move action.
At a full action run with the run feat, you are going 164.5 kilometers per hour. You are the fastest thing alive.
My question to you people of Paizo general is this: With all these stats laid out to you. If this character were to do the janni rush maneuver with the style feats granted by a monk of many styles. At a full charge (360 feet in 6/5 seconds) what would you rule/house-rule as bonus damage to both you and the target as you have hit them at speeds faster then most street cars
If you play in a game that you plan on getting to at least level 15 to, then it's always fun to take the eldritch heritage feats for the elemental bloodline, fire. +30 landspeed that you can basically apply to any class.

Lythe Featherblade |

You lose movement type and extraordinary abilities based on form. Since the enhanced speed probably comes from martial arts training, losing your form will definitely screw up a martial artist.
Losing abilities based on form... that seems more like tail attacks, breath weaponts etc. Movement types? those would be climb speeds, swim speeds etc.
Isn't monk speed based on class, not on form? The bonus is added to your base, it's not an extra type added due to shape.

![]() |

Speed can be an asset in tabletop, but I just did some math for some serious pathfinder cheese.
A level 20 human character with 18 levels in monk, (shifts from lawful to chaotic) and 2 levels in barbarian. All of his feats are fleet, while the human bonus feat is run. With the base land-speed of a human at 30, +10 from barbarian. +50 from all the fleet feats, and + 60 from the monk. You are at a land-speed of 150. Add some ankle rings/boots with haste & permanence on them and you're at a land-speed of 180. With this speed that is a +60 on all jump acrobatics checks with a running start, and are effectively going 33 kilometers per hour as a move action.
At a full action run with the run feat, you are going 164.5 kilometers per hour. You are the fastest thing alive.
My question to you people of Paizo general is this: With all these stats laid out to you. If this character were to do the janni rush maneuver with the style feats granted by a monk of many styles. At a full charge (360 feet in 6/5 seconds) what would you rule/house-rule as bonus damage to both you and the target as you have hit them at speeds faster then most street cars
No to your question.
I tried to make a faster character and came up with an Elven, Monk 15 (Martial Artist), Cleric 1 (Travel Domain), Oracle of Flame 1 (Cinder Steps), Fleet x10, Barbarian 1 for a total of 18 levels and 175 base speed.
Elven Monk (+1 per level to monk's speed) + monk 50
Cleric, Oracle, and Barbarian +10 each
Fleet +50

Irbis |

stringburka wrote:Monk speed is enhancement - does not stack with Haste (or expeditious retreat or anything like that). It does however stack with speed increases from changing base form, so you might want to look into shapechanging (unless that ruins the concept of being (hu)man).It probably does not here is the rules on polymorph.
While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), as well as any natural attacks and movement types possessed by your original form. You also lose any class features that depend upon form, but those that allow you to add features (such as sorcerers that can grow claws) still function. While most of these should be obvious, the GM is the final arbiter of what abilities depend on form and are lost when a new form is assumed. Your new form might restore a number of these abilities if they are possessed by the new form.
You lose movement type and extraordinary abilities based on form. Since the enhanced speed probably comes from martial arts training, losing your form will definitely screw up a martial artist.
Considering that polymorphing modifies your physical stats, one could assume that relative fitness is not changed: A preternaturally trained human would transform into a preternaturally trained cheetah, whereas a weak wizard always stays a weak specimen regardless of current species.