maikeru marimoto |
I would like to know how you all feel about reincarnation primarily of a pc and manly how you would go about reincarnating a character in the past I have had some gms do this but they all did it differently but most would make you roll a percentile die to see how much of your memory you would retain than roll again to see how much of your former levels and and feats you would retain. And almost always make you reroll for all of your abilitys and some times make you flip a coin for your gender and let you choose six races and then roll to see wich one you would end up being but that is only from my experience. What's yours
Umbranus |
My usual GM handled it as follows when it came up once:
The player rolls for race and the GM roll for race. If the player doesn't like what he rolled he can take the GM's secret roll. He was allowed to choose sex but the gm chose genotype. So our white human ranger became a black human ranger.
I would rule that for non human races I change the human entry with the entry of the original race the pc was and allow a reroll.
Human is (if I remember right) the most likely result (having the most % of all single results) and I think the original race should be a little more likely than the rest.
Marthian |
At most, I could see adding some of the newer races to the list.
Trying to bone your players who use the spell just seems mean, and unneeded.
While I do agree GMs shouldn't screw with players, you ARE getting what you paid for: Reincarnate (I think) is a poor party's Raise Dead (1000GP vs 5000GP.)
Don't be surprised if you end up a gnome barbarian instead of a half-orc barbarian. Ought to teach you adventurers not to cheap out on it.
maikeru marimoto |
Iv personaly never had a problem with the way my past gms have done it many because there typicaly nice about bending things on occasion to help the players but of course after asking if they can. But then again the campaigns I typically play are corquie and and very fun , I just asked them why they like to add more to the reincarnation and both replyed similarly because it adds to the realistic nature of being reincarnated and it spices things up. But
like I implied our games are not always by the book but every one knows the house rules and agrees with them my main gm keeps extensive record of every game we play. And uses them to write books its always fun to go back and read his books when your done with a major part of the campaign he even quotes us very lively books
Ganryu |
The problem is that if you can lose feats without losing levels it means that you're screwing up the very core mechanic of the system.
You gain feats by levelling up.
If you level down you lose feats.
But if you can suddenly lose feats without levelling down you're also losing your ability to regain those feats by regaining those levels!
In that case it would be better to lose a few levels than to lose feats because the feats can't be regained.
The same applies to class abilities.
Dust Raven |
I can't imagine a DM requiring, or even providing a chance to lose levels/feats or memories due to Reincarnate. Does he for Raise Dead or Resurrection?
As for a change of gender, I've assumed that simply doesn't change. The new body, though randomly determined, is still artificially "grown" by the spell, so it would just grow a body of the same gender.
Ash_Gazn |
The only time reincarnate has come up in my games...
EARLY in the game (everyone was 2nd level I think), the human alchemist confirmed their critical fumble (using the critical miss deck). Random draw: Treat this a critical hit against yourself... Which resulted in a draw from the Critical hit deck... which turned out to be "Decapitate".
Human was reincarnated as a halfling. The campaign now includes a quest to acquire the resources or favour to pay for the Wish or Miracle to restore alchemist to human form.
Deadbeat Doom |
blackbloodtroll wrote:At most, I could see adding some of the newer races to the list.
Trying to bone your players who use the spell just seems mean, and unneeded.
While I do agree GMs shouldn't screw with players, you ARE getting what you paid for: Reincarnate (I think) is a poor party's Raise Dead (1000GP vs 5000GP.)
Don't be surprised if you end up a gnome barbarian instead of a half-orc barbarian. Ought to teach you adventurers not to cheap out on it.
Don't forget it works like a poor man's immortality too, since you always end up in a young body regardless of your age.
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |
Ive never understood that. I mean, as a player and GM I have a hard time remembering what gender you are playing if it is different. But, why would I have a problem with a guy playing a girl PC? Actors used to play female parts all the time (back when females were not allowed to act).
- Gauss
I STILL get BS for wanting to play a female character from time to time.
For some reason some of my fellow PCs and one GM I played with just was not cool with the idea of a guy playing a female character. So I imagine that these same people would be equally irritated with being forced to play a different gender.
Da Cultist |
Marthian wrote:Don't forget it works like a poor man's immortality too, since you always end up in a young body regardless of your age.blackbloodtroll wrote:At most, I could see adding some of the newer races to the list.
Trying to bone your players who use the spell just seems mean, and unneeded.
While I do agree GMs shouldn't screw with players, you ARE getting what you paid for: Reincarnate (I think) is a poor party's Raise Dead (1000GP vs 5000GP.)
Don't be surprised if you end up a gnome barbarian instead of a half-orc barbarian. Ought to teach you adventurers not to cheap out on it.
Yes I sure does! It was cool when I turned into a half-orc, then a dwarf, then a half-elf, now a Gnome, I think that was the order.. So many bodies I have had in my time. Good thing too, my body would have started to show its age by now.
Jubal Breakbottle |
I played in a campaign from 1st to 20th level using only reincarnate. Only druids were available and no clerics. It was very deadly. The GM always threw CR+3to5 at us knowing reincarnate was available and free. We just needed to return with a part of the character, which wasn't large sometimes. My character died about 8 times.
We rolled on the table for race. Kept the gender. Kept our Ability Scores but changed the racial modifiers. It was a blast.
My friend got lucky with a bugbear and never died after that. I started as a dwarf and finished as a half-orc.
Malachi Silverclaw |
There seems to be a divide in the gaming community regarding playing characters of the opposite gender.
Speaking for myself, I'd say nearly half of the characters I create are female while I'm male. I tend to create characters as if I were an author writing a book or a TV exec casting for a show; some people are male, some female. It's not weird. The writer writes the dialogue and creates the motivations for characters of either gender when it is likely that the writer is only one of those genders!
I had a friend who refused to play a character 'without a sausage!' Fair enough.
I had a DM who really didn't like it when I played a female Elven duelist! He thought that a man simply cannot know what it's like to be a woman, so it's impossible to play a female with any degree of veritas. I pointed out that none of us was Laurence Olivier! I also pointed out that he found a male playing a female as too alien to succeed, but he had no problem with me playing an Elf!
Takes all sorts, I suppose...!
Arizhel |
We rolled on the table for race. Kept the gender. Kept our Ability Scores but changed the racial modifiers. It was a blast.
My friend got lucky with a bugbear and never died after that. I started as a dwarf and finished as a half-orc.
That is how it has always worked for me. Last game I played in where it was a big deal was 3 man group, 1 Melee Druid, 1 Caster Druid, 1 Wizard. We died a LOT. Racial changes happened to one party member almost every other session.
blackbloodtroll |
blackbloodtroll wrote:I draw all of my PC pics, and as such, have a slight push to play female PCs, as they are more fun to draw.
Hell, all of my favorite Pathfinder Iconics are female.
I wish I could draw beautiful women!
With a Ring of Sustenance I'd never leave my room! : )
Nevermind that your comment suggests something, um, inappropriate.
If you were a fellow player, I would draw your character pic if you wanted.
I do the same for all my fellow players, if they ask.
sgtrocknroll |
Malachi Silverclaw wrote:blackbloodtroll wrote:I draw all of my PC pics, and as such, have a slight push to play female PCs, as they are more fun to draw.
Hell, all of my favorite Pathfinder Iconics are female.
I wish I could draw beautiful women!
With a Ring of Sustenance I'd never leave my room! : )
Nevermind that your comment suggests something, um, inappropriate.
If you were a fellow player, I would draw your character pic if you wanted.
I do the same for all my fellow players, if they ask.
Do you have an online gallery of stuff you've done?
Gordon the Whale |
I have a much extended reincarnation list, which I try to keep current with chances for all 0hd races (76.2% chance), as well as quite a few other options up to CR 3. It also breaks humans down into the various human subraces from Golarion. Right now, my LoF party has a half-elf -> elf -> tiefling and a human -> bog strider.
I generally let them keep their same gender, by default. Once a female NPC got reincarnated as a Skum, which are all male, so that was a switch.
In the game I am playing, I am a half orc -> ondine. It turned out to be a good change for a pirate captain, though I do miss the intimidate bonus.
I split up ability modifiers and racial abilities into mental and physical, and reincarnate only affects the physical abilities. This has the general effect of making it have a greater potential effect on martial characters than casters. The risk of becoming a kobold is much more serious for martials, but so is the benefit of becoming an ogre.
Weirdo |
We've generally rolled for both race and gender, though once the DM let a player roll twice and pick his race from the two options. The randomness is enough of a drawback to compensate for the lower price - no need to take away abilities or levels. Reincarnate specifically doesn't change the mind, so your learned abilities should be safe.
Most dramatic change we saw was a male half-orc monk who came back as a female elf. It was about the third time that particular player had been turned into a female elf by some magical effect or another.
People in my group frequently play different-gendered characters - three out of four players in my current game are playing that way. I've seen it done extremely well. Twenty-something guys are able to convince me that they're a middle-aged mother of three, or a preteen girl. It's called acting, also known as playing a role.
LazarX |
Most of my players are Dr. Who fans. With just a bit of encouragement, they'd go to town on it.
In Living Death, the reincarnate spell operates a bit differently. The standard tables are used, but any result that doesn't come up human means the player comes back as a undead monster. So we had to put down the character three further times before he came back in an acceptable form. It was rather disconcerting to have our dapper British butler come back as young Greek he-man though.
I of course was completely sporting about it. After a few months, I finally ran out of Henry the Greek jokes.
Nakteo |
The sad part about all this for me must be the fact that I've known at least two guys who whenever they played female characters (one of them played them more often than not) they'd play "Look at me! I have boobs! I am amazingly hot and sluttish! And also arbitrarily bisexual! Who wants to sex with me?!"
I personally have never played a female character and even tend to play male char's in video games even when female roles are available. I just tend to gravitate towards playing those characters who I can relate to, which typically means male. That being said, my reaction to a character being reincarnated as female would probably vary greatly based on the GM and how they worded it. Since pretty much every GM I've played with in the last 3-4 years would make it a "random" roll thrown in just because they want to see how I react to it, followed of course with many sessions of "You've got boobs!" comments, I probably wouldn't be very receptive to the idea. Though reflecting upon most of my characters, I think it would have made an interesting plot point in any of their lives, if only it wouldn't be accompanied by incessant player and GM teasing. On a vaguely related note I'm not currently playing under them anymore. Wow. That got a bit ranty. Sorry about all that. :\
I've never actually had a character get reincarnated, or really die for that matter, but it could be an interesting roleplaying experiance, I think. :)