POLL: Who Won The 'First' Presidential Debate 2012 ?

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POLL: Who Won The 'First' Presidential Debate 2012 ?


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============ END OF CHOICES ============


At the University of Denver, in the battleground state of Colorado,
moderator Jim Lehrer threw the first question to President Obama.

The opening remarks of both candidates attempted to define the other
but also outlined their differing visions.

"Are we going to double down on the top-down, or do we embrace a new
economic patriotism?"


Economic Patriotism is a neat concept. I'll have to cogitate about the
implications of such things ...

I mean would you really pay more for something on a regular basis because
of which country manufactured it. Maybe in the short-term, to make a
point, but in the long-run prices dominate. Who ever has the
competitive advantage wins.


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

7 people marked this as a favorite.


Stop making bad threads, Grand Magus.


3 people marked this as a favorite.


Come Back To Me, Grand Magus.


I'm not having babies with you. Stop calling me.


Shadow Lodge

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The Super PACs.

I think IBTL won.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I didn't watch; I think that means I did.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I hold judgment until I see Jill Stein or Gary Johnson lay a smackdown on both O and R. Personally, I have to go with the person who's trained profession is something more practical then business and law.

Liberty's Edge

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Big Bird, obviously.

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Everyone who didn't watch it won.
Which means I'm a winner!

I think Romney won.

CNBC.com "Poll: Who Do You Think Won the Presidential Debate?" has Romney 61%, Obama 30%, and Neither 10% as of this post.

Numbers may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

The fact checkers will tear him up tomorrow, but Rmoney won. He came off large and in charge. He shook the etch-a-sketch real well, better than I thought he would.

Obama looked bored and off his game. I can't recall seeing him do so bad in a debate. He spanked the house republicans hard back in the early days of his term. I saw none of that composure tonight. If anyone gets a bump in the polls, it'll be R.

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> Support Big Bird <


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A Man In Black wrote:


Stop making bad threads, Grand Magus.


Hints from Heloise:

1)click the off topic discussion area.

2)look to the right of every thread.

3)if you're using Google, you'll see a square there.

4)if you're using Google Chrome,....you'll see a "circle" (it's a round shape) with a "slash" through it.

5)if you're using Google, click the square, or......

6)if you're using Google Chrome,....click the "circle." The one with the "slash" through it.

7)repeat 5 and 6, depending on what browser you're using, and the bad threads VIRTUALLY GO AWAY.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
kaboom! wrote:

============ END OF CHOICES ============


"Won" is entirely too weak a term for what happened there. Romney pwned Obama.

Wow, Spanky, resorting to favoriting your own posts now, eh?

2 people marked this as a favorite.


What does . pwned . mean ?


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

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Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
"Won" is entirely too weak a term for what happened there. Romney pwned Obama.

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Heathansson, 2 minutes ago


Spanky the Leprechaun's page

17,766 posts. Alias of Heathansson.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

The title of the thread has the quotes in the wrong place. It should be "Who 'Won' the First..." blah, blah... since "winning" a presidential debate in America usually means America loses in the long run.

It's telling of the American people that many polls indicate they think Romney "won" the debate. I have often lamented that the US citizenry does not understand what "winning" in politics actually is. Romney was slick, looked into the camera, and threw out "zingers" that stung but were not grounded in fact or anything really helpful to telling what his actual plans are. However, being slick, seeming sincere, even when you are a known liar, and saying nothing with a big grin, are "winning" to a voting public who, as I have opined many, many times, too willingly reduces the presidential election to nothing more important in meaning than the winning of a football game.

Meanwhile, Obama appeared reserved and a little uncomfortable, which, despite that fact that actual facts and plans are on his side, and he actually DID say something relevant, means he "lost."

In short, if the election were tomorrow, the majority of Americans would lead the country down the road after an empty-promising corporate shark with no vision, just because he looked good and was louder.

You know. Idiocy as usual.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Bruunwald wrote:
In short, if the election were tomorrow, the majority of Americans would lead the country down the road after an empty-promising corporate shark with no vision, just because he looked good and was louder.

Obama still has a considerable lead in the polls. It remains to be seen if the debates will make any difference at all.

Liberty's Edge

A Man In Black wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
"Won" is entirely too weak a term for what happened there. Romney pwned Obama.

Favorites for this post:

Heathansson, 2 minutes ago


Spanky the Leprechaun's page

17,766 posts. Alias of Heathansson.

Oop. You got me there.

*takes off Leprechaun mask*


A Man In Black wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
"Won" is entirely too weak a term for what happened there. Romney pwned Obama.

Favorites for this post:

Heathansson, 2 minutes ago


Spanky the Leprechaun's page

17,766 posts. Alias of Heathansson.


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Romulan Don Freakin Rickles wrote:

Like so.


Romulan Don Freakin Rickles's page

65 posts. Alias of Heathansson.

I....I'm gonna come clean.....I really am Dwayne Dibbley.....

Oh man, I call Spanky out for favoriting his own posts, and AMiB gets credit.

*kicks sand*

Liberty's Edge

In fact,..........I have numerous favorited threads with 14+ favorites; I rent a sweatshop in Azerbaijan just to get people to favorite my shit.

I just figured that better come clean, before a man in black totally blows my game out of the water with his mad haxxor skilz.

Liberty's Edge

Dwayne Dibbley wrote:
I....I'm gonna come clean.....I really am Dwayne Dibbley.....

I'm sorry for you, man. That's a hard burden to bear.

meatrace wrote:

Oh man, I call Spanky out for favoriting his own posts, and AMiB gets credit.

*kicks sand*

You're like Hong Kong Phooey's cat, Sherlock.

Krensky wrote:
Dwayne Dibbley wrote:
I....I'm gonna come clean.....I really am Dwayne Dibbley.....
I'm sorry for you, man. That's a hard burden to bear.

Could you,.....like,.....favorite my thread? So I don't have to?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I need more AKA's on my username.

A Man In Black wrote:
Romulan Don Freakin Rickles wrote:

Like so.


Romulan Don Freakin Rickles's page

65 posts. Alias of Heathansson.

Wow. I can't believe the CIA hasn't swiped you up, Neo.

Liberty's Edge

Dwayne Dibbley wrote:
Krensky wrote:
Dwayne Dibbley wrote:
I....I'm gonna come clean.....I really am Dwayne Dibbley.....
I'm sorry for you, man. That's a hard burden to bear.
Could you,.....like,.....favorite my thread? So I don't have to?

Get away from me Dibbley.

Don't you have an anorak sale or train spotting convention to go to?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Wow. I can't believe the CIA hasn't swiped you up, Neo.

It's almost as if that function exists specifically to embarrass people who agree with themselves using sockpuppets.

A Man In Black wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Wow. I can't believe the CIA hasn't swiped you up, Neo.
It's almost as if that function exists specifically to embarrass people who agree with themselves using sockpuppets.

Please, stop; this is like the Monty Python with the killing joke I'm laughing so hard.

Embarrassing me is like throwing Brer Rabbit in a thornbush.

It can't be done, but I might die of mirth.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Captain Kirk,.....what is this....earth thing,,,,you call,.....embarrassed?.....

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Somebody: please put a disclaimer on this thread.

I mean, all those keyboards that are going to be destroyed when people read it.

It's.......just.....too much to bear......

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I enjoy the juxtaposition of Heathansson declaring that he doesn't care about embarrassing himself, posted in a thread where he came out strongly for Mitt Romney.

I didn't really think either of them won. They spoke to their respective audiences.

Freehold DM wrote:
I didn't really think either of them won. They spoke to their respective audiences.

This matches my opinion. If you didn't speak English, and just heard unintelligible blabbering when the candidates spoke, you would probably believe Romney to have had a much stronger performance. The more that the candidates' content and context are examined, however, the stronger Obama's performance looks. This lines up with my perception of what the respective bases care about - Republicans tend to want hard-hitting attacks and really aren't picky about their accuracy, while Democrats want someone willing to explain things in an intellectually honest manner. Unfortunately, while the latter is perhaps morally commendable, it makes for difficult politics when your opponent follows the former strategy.

Ultimately, it's not a big deal either way. As Nate Silver pointed out earlier tonight, there simply aren't many undecided voters left, and chalking up a solid blow in debate round 1 of 3 probably isn't going to shift the way this race is headed.

Scott Betts wrote:

Republicans tend to want hard-hitting attacks and really aren't picky about their accuracy, while Democrats want someone willing to explain things in an intellectually honest manner. Unfortunately, while the latter is perhaps morally commendable, it makes for difficult politics when your opponent follows the former strategy.


its called pulling a Dukakis.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
meatrace wrote:
Scott Betts wrote:

Republicans tend to want hard-hitting attacks and really aren't picky about their accuracy, while Democrats want someone willing to explain things in an intellectually honest manner. Unfortunately, while the latter is perhaps morally commendable, it makes for difficult politics when your opponent follows the former strategy.

its called pulling a Dukakis.

Really? I thought that "pulling a Dukakis" was looking short, Greek, and excited in a helmet and tank that are both too big for you. I suggest you find another phrase.

Fredrik wrote:
meatrace wrote:
Scott Betts wrote:

Republicans tend to want hard-hitting attacks and really aren't picky about their accuracy, while Democrats want someone willing to explain things in an intellectually honest manner. Unfortunately, while the latter is perhaps morally commendable, it makes for difficult politics when your opponent follows the former strategy.

its called pulling a Dukakis.
Really? I thought that "pulling a Dukakis" was looking short, Greek, and excited in a helmet and tank that are both too big for you. I suggest you find another phrase.

Perhaps "pulling a Carter" would work better.

He enjoyed a slight lead against Reagan until the debates. He was studied, scholarly, calm, factual. Reagan was an actor, and won on star-power over specifics. People love a good show, and R$ gave them one.

It's not about the facts. It's about looking "presidential," and R$ was on top of his game, and Obama wasn't. He just looked tired.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

A highly regarded expert wrote:

Perhaps "pulling a Carter" would work better.

He enjoyed a slight lead against Reagan until the debates.

No, he didn't. Reagan led Carter from June to the election. By contrast, Romney has not led in the polls at any point.

A Man In Black wrote:
A highly regarded expert wrote:

Perhaps "pulling a Carter" would work better.

He enjoyed a slight lead against Reagan until the debates.
No, he didn't. Reagan led Carter from June to the election. By contrast, Romney has not led in the polls at any point.

He might, tomorrow. And I misspoke. Reagan's lead spiked after the debates.

So, my initial point remains, as always, correct.


If the polls don't go anywhere you can expect to see obama continue to "take 10" so he doesn't get the nat 1 that costs him the swing states.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

A highly regarded expert wrote:

He might, tomorrow. And I misspoke. Reagan's lead spiked after the debates.

So, my initial point remains, as always, correct.

"There you go again."

The single Carter-Reagan debate was a singular accomplishment. Reagan outperformed Carter in a way which was and is basically unprecedented in televised debates, and had a single, repeatedly-played line that encapsulated how badly Reagan outshone Carter.

Since then, the debates have had less and less impact. Partially because of greater coverage of the candidates, partially because candidates are much more conservative in debating. Only eight years after Carter-Reagan, even "Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy" didn't make a noticeable impact on the election. So no, I don't particularly expect Romney to gain a significant amount of ground in the polls over the next few weeks, barring a "There you go again" moment.

R$ didn't change a lot of minds, but there's no way he won't see a bump. The only question is how much of one. More importantly, his base is ecstatic.

It still looks like Obama will win, but he lost ground last night.

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