Krowbar |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hello friends! Here's my very first post on the forums!
Since some friends and I are planning on starting a Pathfinder campaign, I thought to pull together a little spreadsheet.
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to help your GM:
- Pick the proper pacing
- Pick the proper CR per encounter
based on:
- How many party members you have
- How much time you're planning on spending on your campaign
- What level you're hoping to attain by the end of the campaign
The spreadsheet will tell you how many encounters of a particular difficulty it will take at any given level to attain the next level. You can divide this by what you think will be encounters/session and sessions/week in order to get a rough estimate of your pace. It already takes the CR shift into account for large parties. Of course, you can always take more or less challenging encounters to change the pace.
The spreadsheet can be found here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgsaQxa1UIRRdDlSZy0wamYyZVFzOF dLQ20tMFl0U3c
I don't know if anyone else will find this useful, but I just thought I'd throw it out here. It's still in an incomplete form but I plan on finishing it (based on the reception it receives).

![]() |

What are columns B, F, J, N & R indicating? Total encounter XP for that difficulty? And everything in between would be the player's individual XP for the encounter or?
Or are those columns indicating XP/encounter for individual players, and everything in between are the number of encounters required?
Your presentation is a bit confusing :(

Pol Mordreth |

What are columns B, F, J, N & R indicating? Total encounter XP for that difficulty? And everything in between would be the player's individual XP for the encounter or?
** spoiler omitted **
Your presentation is a bit confusing :(
If you look at the cells they are pulling the EXP for the appropriate CR monster. For example Cell B2 = EXP!D6. If you go to the EXP sheet cell D6 is the total exp for a CR 1/8 monster.
@Krowbar, your labels do need a bit of work. I like the idea, though.

Krowbar |

Baroh Steelcleave wrote:What are columns B, F, J, N & R indicating? Total encounter XP for that difficulty? And everything in between would be the player's individual XP for the encounter or?
** spoiler omitted **
Your presentation is a bit confusing :(
If you look at the cells they are pulling the EXP for the appropriate CR monster. For example Cell B2 = EXP!D6. If you go to the EXP sheet cell D6 is the total exp for a CR 1/8 monster.
@Krowbar, your labels do need a bit of work. I like the idea, though.
Agreed and agreed. I actually just put this together a few hours ago and thought I'd have another day before anyone took the time to look at it. ;) I'll try and make the tables a bit more readable.

Krowbar |

Ok, I just made several changes.
#1. Updated the labels on the "Encounters" tab to be more explicit/readable.
#2. Changed some calculations to now reference "Difficulty" tab to correctly apply APL modifiers
Note that nowhere does this table care about any individual MONSTER CR. It cares about the whole ENCOUNTER CR. In order to craft an appropriately challenging encounter (and find it's CR) reference the core rulebook p.397-398 (and tables).

Krowbar |

I just realized that I made an incredible mistake when doing some of the calculations. Table 3-1 on page 30 of core rulebook states how many TOTAL xp is needed to get to that level, and not how much MORE xp is needed from your last level up. (Forgive me for being such a newb!) If you have referenced this table before, please look at it again! Thankfully, all the numbers are referencing the values in "Levels" tab so a few quick changes should straighten things out!
EDIT: Obviously after refactoring the "Levels" tab things have become much more consistent! It really is quite beautiful how close values in the columns are. The chart should now display how many level-appropriate encounters are needed to level up. I love maths!

Krowbar |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Since I can't figure out how to edit my first post, I'll just note here that you can download the sheet either as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or as an Open Document Spreadsheet. No promises as to whether the formatting and calculations will be preserved correctly...
(Sorry for the double post)

Krowbar |

Nice work Krowbar. Your efforts are appreciated.
This is Spectacular! I'm going to be referencing this constantly as I build a new homebrew campaign!
Thanks! That really means a lot for my first submission on the forum and I can't deny the fact that you like me! (Or at least my work!)

jhunterj |

As it stands, the spreadsheet feels pretty "done" to me. I'm probably not going to mess around with it anymore. However, if anyone has suggestions for more features, columns, variables, etc, I'd be happy to hear them.
I changed the "=1" in Difficulty.B11 to just "1"; I don't think it makes a difference.
I also tried to figure what "spread" of Easy/Average/Challenging/Hard/Epic encounters to use to end up with an average of Average. 11/17/3/2/1 (or about 32%/50%/9%/6%/3%) would do it for level 1, although it won't work for other levels. If you want to fit them into the 20 needed for a medium-paced campaign with 4-5 party members, you could drop the Epic and use 10 Average encounters, 6 Easy, 2 Challenging, and 2 Hard.