
Voragh's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Thanks a lot for your effort, you are giving me a great help at understanding the class!

Hi there folks, I'm running a Strange Aeons campaign as a melee focused Occultist. We just started and are now at level two, my implements are Transmutation, Abjuration and Divination. What are in your opinon the most optimal implements from now on? Should I invest in something new or should I reinforce the implements that I already possess? Are there some tricks a higher level Occultist should be aware of? Thank you in advance

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Hello there guys, I am asking you some help for a Sacred Fist for an upcoming Jade Regent campaign. I know, I know, guides and builds are already there, but here start my problems, since this guy can't dip in moms. Are Sacred Fists still viable without that fated dip? And in that case, which style would suit me better?

I have the standard 20 pt build at my disposal, and I'd rather focus on strength, something like this:

Str 15+2
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 7

Race: Human

Thank you very much!

Hi there community!

I'm soon to join an evil aligned campaign, in which I'll play a crazed terrorist driven by his lust for revenge against the good-aligned kingdom we should contribute to destroy as a party.

I was intrigued by the techy guy image, so i chose to play an alchemist.

Human, 20 points, starting at 5th level.

Str 12

Dex 14

Con 12

Int 20 (17 + 2 racial + 1 level)

Sag 10

Car 08


1 Point Blank Shot

H Precise Shot

2 Smoke Bomb (+Precise Bombs as bonus by class)

3 Rapid Shot

4 Stink Bomb

5 Tentacle

The base strategy is to control the enemies via stinking clouds and then shoot them with a longbow.

The questions:

would that strat be viable? Or shoud I go straight with the bomb-lobbing?

Do you see anything worth changing in the stats/feats?
Note I'm NOT interested in changing race and class, and no stat dumping for rp reasons.

what about traits? The GM should give us two traits to choose from, restricted by race and campaign if I'm not mistaken (not sure on the latter tho)

And last but above everything else : p the equipment!

We have a budget of 21000 gold, but I've not that much worthy ideas on how to spend them : D in particular an advice on some good goggles and helmet would be really appreciated (rp reasons again)

Thank you very much mates!: D

Wonderful job Tark, it will be most helpful to me and my gaming group, thank you very much : )

Thank you! Totally looking into this :)

Also, is Life the only advisable mystery for a dedicated buffer?

Thanx for the reply : )

I'm reading some interesting stuff in your post, but I feel it's a bit too much stealth oriented as a build for my mate, whose approach is more of stayin' in the back rather than exploring

I forgot to mention that his character concept is about a blacksmith guy who, afteter an accident at the forge, lost the use of a leg. After a long delirous coma he awoke with a brand new leg of a strange material that he knew was stored in his father's warehouse, but noone was ever able to work. (hence the lame condition)

Any advice on the spell selection?

Thanx a lot!

Hi there Paizo Community,this is the first post from a long time lurker :)

I'm running as GM a game in a homebrew setting, and my new player decided to roll an Oracle dedicated to buffing.

I audited his sheet and found out the mess therein contained, so a rebuild is in order. I'd point him the good guide contained in the "Guide to the Class Guides", but he can't read a word in English, so I'm asking your help here.

Aside from his buffing role and the Lame curse that won't change due to party balance and background respectively, everything is opened to modification.

We're using the 20pts build, every core race permitted, two traits are also allowed. The starting level is 4th with 6000 gp available. We also need badly advice on spell selection : )

The rest of the party is composed by:

A melee heavy Inquisitress
An Invulnerable Rager Barbarian
A Dex focused Magus
An Arcane Bloodline Sorceror focused on controlling/save or suck

Thank you very much folks! :D