Ultimate Weapons?

Homebrew and House Rules

Just a thought of mine, since UE didn't deliver on bringing more ways to stab, slice, and crush people I thought I'd do 3 things. Find weapons that are in old 3.5 products that haven't graced Golarion yet. And secondly show off some of my own concepts.

Thirdly look for others to add to this, since this is all homebrew, and maybe a wish list if Paizo ever wan't to borrow the idea.

Bottom line. There is never ever enough weapons.

So I'll put up stats later but let's start with weapons themselves

Starting with 3.5 Exotics

Gnome Tortoise Blade: Style wise it's like the klar, being both a bone shield and steel blade weapon, GTB has a 19-20/x2 crit, and is P rather then S, so there are some differences. Also gives gnomes a racial weapon outside of the hooked hammer.

Dwarven Buckler Axe: I loved my Gold Dwarf having this thing, would love to see one in Pathfinder.


Orc Crusher: Okay it's a big ball on a stick and wielded according to the text in one of the dumbest ways possible (put stick in ground, pull back and release to send big ball into opponents face). But it gives Orcs and Half Orcs a racial martial weapon to catch up with Dwarves.

Elven Thinblade: The Pathfinder Elven Curve Blade is similar, but this is a smaller one handed version.

Stump Knife: For when your pc loses his arm to the Bulette.

Bladed Gauntlet: I like this one. Blades come from the metal of the forearm and curve down. If you have ever seen an Eldar Warp Spider Exarch. It's like thier arm blades.



Gyrspike: It's a great and verstile double weapon combining sword and flail.

Double Hammer: Add Orc in front of it. Make it an alternate to the Double Axe.

Garrote Cords

Double Scimatar: Like a double sword, but curvier.

Spring Loaded Gauntlet: A weapon for the medieval Iron Man. Instead of a pulse of energy, when the palm is held out, it launches a tiny dart at people.

Fukimi Bari: Mouth darts. And you spit them at an opponent. Good for a villian npc, or a pc that 'spits in the eye' of authority. :P

Orc Shotput: It's a solid lump of iron, and it's a ball. It's simple and deadly. Pure Orc goodness. A returning one and/or a MLB style pitcher character would be great with this. Beaning becomes lethal.

Pincer Staff: It's a crab claw on a stick, granted, but it's also a more lethal version of the mancatcher.

Caber: Tell me this doesn't belong with a Shoanti fighter. It's a tree that you throw at people. Scots do weapons right.

Tigerskull Club: A weapon that'd probably be 'fragile' and probably should be simple rather then exotic, but one of my favorites (including the Gyrspike) A catfolk oracle of bones, or ancestor with this would be epic.

Sugliin: It's a massive staff weapon with deer and elk horns on it. Again would be 'fragile' in Pathfinder, but could do seriously high P damage to something.

Goliath Greathammer: Earth Breaker's bigger brother.

Fingerblade: Rapier like weapon, but it's handle reminds me of the of the Sith villian that was around in the Star Wars episode 2, and got killed in 3.

Scorpion Claws: It's a giant scorpion's pincers what's more to say?

Cresent Scythe: Basically a double scythe with a more pratical curving blade.

3.5 Martial

Razored Armor, and Razored Shield: Basically the slashy version of the stabbing armor and shields. But I like them as much as the spiked variant.

Dart Thruster: It's a crossbow for darts. Small and concealable.

Pike: Very long spear. Reach out to 15 instead of 10 like a spear. I'm really surprised it isn't in more d20 books. It's a known real world historical weapon.

My ideas:


Shiv: Simple prison weapon, defiently a P type weapon, more then likely fragile. But also cheap and easy to make.

Boat Oar: Tempted to call this exotic, but it is a familiar weapon for sailors, and I know it's a traditional weapon in a lot of real world martial arts. So it'd certainly be a 2 handed monk weapon.

Spring Launched Knife: Got the idea from the ballistic knife the Soviets used. Press button and knife shoots out.


Ball and Chain: Again a good Scot weapon, seen alot in olympics like the javelin.

Bat'leth: Maybe can't use the name but I'm think a 2d4, 19-20 /x2 weapon that can do P or S type damage. Still I think people would jump at the chance to use this weapon on sight.


Combat Scissors: Oversized sheers in the basic terms. But good for 'snipping' off limbs. Idea came from the Clocktower survival horror game. Need two hands to wield. A vorpal pair would be funny.

Throwing Hat and Bladed Throwing Hat: Attributed to Oddjob from 007 and Kung Lao from MK respectfully. It's a hat...that you throw to do lethal damage. Normal one is B type, the blade is S.

Bear Trap Fist: Inspired by Warhammer's version of Ogres. Probably should do the same damage as a bear trap...trap. And help make grapples easier.

Spiked and Razor Net: Like a normal net, but does damage if trapped opponent struggles. Spiked nets are like barbed wire, or fish hooks woven into a normal net. A razor net is more futuristic/high fantasy, but basically sharp as hell wire.

Dart Gun/Pistol: Similiar in theme to the Dart Thruster crossbow, but darts made to carry poisons and such.

Dart Rifle: Bigger and better delivery. Think both weapons should do nonlethal damage. Give a pacifist gunslinger some time in the spotlight, armed with sleep darts and the like. It'd be fun.

Also speaking of nonlethal. Rock Salt ammo for Shotguns and blunderbuss type weapons.

Anyway intentional thoughts? Additions? Subtractions?

The weapon I miss most was from Dark Sun in AD&D 2E: Wrist Razor. Think Wolverine :)

Athas.org did release an updated version of the weapon for 3E, which I *think* did 1d4 damage with a 18-20/x2 critical range.

*nods* I think they have the Tekko Kage which is 3 blades on the wrist, but it would be a cool variant to have it spring out like Wolverine's.

Dark Archive

I miss the ebberon weapons like the big war scythe thing and the boomerangs

Talenta Boomerangs. Yup.

There are no exotic double weapons in the 18-20 or x4 crit categories. Closest is the Gnome Hooked Hammer, which is x3 on one end and x4 or the other.

Suggestions then Atarlost?

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