Hi all, I'm Islagatt and I'll be hopefully starting a Way of the Wicked game today- or at least getting it set up.
I hope this is the right place to post this but I still need two more players, if you're interested it's at IRC Rizon #theresnowaythiscanendbadly
I logged on. can I play with you?
sure can, still getting all the people together at this point
VERY INTERESTED - no time right now, but have two potential characters.
We're starting hopefully within the hour, but if you'll be around later or next week we'd be happy to have you
well amazingly we're still waiting to start up, still need one more
Ah, did not realize that it was a chat network game. Never played one before. How frequently would you be playing? I really want to play Way of the Wicked.
Planning once a week, sundays at 8pm GMT
sorry about last night, my computer just went weird. But i would like to play next time.
Ah - then it is a no go for me, sounds like fun. That would be about 2pm CST for me which with 2 kids and a family might not be feasible. Thanks for the offer. If you ever decide to do a pbp of Way of the Wicked, please let me know.
Heck I don't mind running it again in another time slot if you've got some friends interested. I'm also CST, so when does work for you?
With family and other obligations, it would be hard to set aside a single time slot on a regular basis. If you want to run it as a PbP, I am sure that I could find some people. Or if you posted it here, you would get a ton of applications. It is a popular campaign being one of the few evil campaigns out there. For me PbP is much better as I can get lots of 5-10 minute blocks when I can check things either on my computer or on my phone, but getting blocks of time in the 3-4 hours range would be real tough, especially on a regular/weekly basis.
Fair enough, I've never done PbP so I'm not sure about running it, how's that work anyway?
Islagatt - I will respond via a personal message to not clog up this thread. Look at the top of the page, there should be a red envelope which indicates you have a personal message (mail).
This is old, but I'm interested if there's a chance!
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