Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Kyrademon’s Jade Regent PBP, Part II

Game Master Kyrademon

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Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1
Kyrademon wrote:
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
"Just one more thing... can you tell us anything about Runecaster and Silverskorr, off the top of your mind, that might help us in our upcoming 'meetings'? Spells, bodyguards, home fortifications... habits?"
Fynn shakes his head. "What I can tell you will help you little, for it is only that they are legendary for not making public appearances. That's been true for years. I don't know where they live, and don't know if anyone does. A personal meeting with them is by appointment only - an appointment neither you nor I stands a chance of obtaining."

While Fynn is speaking to the others, Lio will quietly attempt to speak to one of the servants who was clearly a thrall at one point. She will attempt to address one who looks like s/he might speak Taldane, or who responded in Taldance to any requests made during the light meal.

1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32 Perception to notice Taldaneness
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29 Diplomacy to not be rude.
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 Sense Motive for answer from Servant
DC 15 Perception, or Servant:
"Excuseh meh." Lio says, quietly. Maye aye aske ye, when ded ye stort werken 'ere? Do ye laike et?"

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Myri and Jorum etc:
Kyrademon wrote:
"We have to save money," he says. "What we took is going to have to last us until we figure out ... how to get more."

"Do ye, annee of ye, 'ave skells ye koulde use en a traide, ta fainde worke? Ah am naught from thes ceteh, so ah dunna knou whot kainda opportunetehs ye kann 'ave." She tries to think about what they could do to earn money, since Lio can't actually afford to put all eight of them up for the entire winter.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Myriana Bayden wrote:
At Kalimac's words, Myri thinks to herself, "Wolf Poetry Reading?", I never thought I'd ever even see a wolf write A word, much less a poem....unless it was a werewolf, of course. She frowns for a second, then shrugs it off. She pulls out something small from a pocket, puts one end in her mouth, "Close your ears." she says to Attatoq. She turns away from him, then lets out two short, sharp breaths on the silent whitsle...and waits.
Kyrademon wrote:

In a short while, Silmemir trots up, looking attentive and curious.

In the brief wait for Silmemir, Kalimac makes sure Attatoq is presentable, with a quick brushing as necessary.

Human Ranger
Myriana Bayden wrote:
At Kalimac's words, Myri thinks to herself, "Wolf Poetry Reading?", I never thought I'd ever even see a wolf write A word, much less a poem....unless it was a werewolf, of course. She frowns for a second, then shrugs it off. She pulls out something small from a pocket, puts one end in her mouth, "Close your ears." she says to Attatoq. She turns away from him, then lets out two short, sharp breaths on the silent whitsle...and waits.
Kyrademon wrote:
In a short while, Silmemir trots up, looking attentive and curious.

Myri drops to one knee to greet her, putting her arms around Silmemir's neck. She gives her a hug then leans back to look her in the eyes. "Attatoq आप के लिए कुछ लिखा है और मुझे उसे पढ़ने के लिए Taldane में आप के लिए करना चाहता है रहो तुम कहाँ हो जब तक मैं पढ़ कर रहा हूँ, उसके नोट., ठीक है?"

"Attatoq has written something for you and wants me to read it for him to you in Taldane. Stay where you are until I'm done reading, his note, okay?"

Myri gets up, her hands leaving Silmemir's shoulders and motions Attatoq to come closer, putting her right hand on his left shoulder as he comes within reach and guiding him to a point in front of Silmemir. She withdraws the paper, smoothes it out again, and comes up behind Attatoq on his left flank. She holds the paper in a position where she can see both it and Silmemir at the same time. Her right arm remains partially draped over Attatoq's back. She reads it through to herself once, before reciting it out loud, just to make sure she has it down. She looks into Silmemir's eyes, then recite's the poem which reads as follows when she speaks she automatically corrects his spelling/pronunciation, she hope's Attatoq will forgive her for that




Myri takes a couple of deep breaths through her nose in Attatoq's direction, from right along side of him.

Myri rubs her cheek up from his side towards the top of Attatoq's back.

She ends still looking at Silmemir (as she has been the whole time), letting her tongue hang out a bit and panting quietly. You can almost imagine an imaginary tail wagging if that would be appropriate.

Wild Empathy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 don't know if this helps, but don't think it can hurt to roll


On a quiet street ...

Something small and on fire is hurled towards Alaric from ahead of you. Since he specifically noted he was wearing his armor: It bounces off of his armor and lands harmlessly in the street.

Then you are all suddenly engulfed in fog, and can see no more than 5 feet away, and that blurrily. And the fog consists of stinking, nauseating vapor.

Fort saves (DC 14):

Melinda 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Kalimac 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Rhost 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Alaric 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Hrunndalf 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Liothonae 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Myriana 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Those who fail the save are currently Nauseated. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move actions per turn.

Please post your initiative and first round combat action. You cannot act in the surprise round unless I specifically contacted you. I will not be posting a map yet, as you are all in fog. You are on a north/south street; ahead is north. There are a few random passers-by about. If you have any ranks in Survival, you automatically know which way is north. If not, you must attempt an untrained Survival check to find your direction. You will have a reasonable idea of where the other members of your party are at the start of all this, but they are probably in motion.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

After leaving Fynn's, Kalimac will turn to Rhost and Helgarval. "Since you've already been investigating this, do you have any ideas about where to find Runecaster and Silverskorr?"

Please also, at this time, let me know if there is any way in which your character is not fully equipped for combat -- e.g., not in armor, lacking weapons, animal companions or familiars left back at the Inn. I will remind you that this is the same day as the funeral ship incident, so if you did not or could not refresh spells or daily abilities since that time, you will not have any you expended.

Since there was no mention of NPCs being left behind to guard the Inn, I am presuming that all NPCs who were staying at the Inn are currently with you.

Rhost, quick note, you would have used up 5 rounds of Rage getting onto the kayaks.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Amazingly Lio does not go instantly on the defensive. "Ef ye wishe." She offers at her normal volume, which tends toward the quiet, and waits for him to continue.

"Shalelu has brought to my attention that you specifically reminded me to be quiet when we entered the ship. I had completely missed that. Your anger now certainly makes more sense to me. I wish to... apologize for my part in this. I am a rather oblivious person in general, but particularly so in the face of imminent danger. In these transcendent moments I glimpse a sliver of divinity. It takes all my attention."

He releases some breath and continues. "As for the fact that we haven't talked much yet? I haven't really thought about it much, but I suppose it's true. The last longer conversation we had must have been when you told me about your past. That was rather... intimidating, for lack of a better word. You've lived through several of my lifetimes of pain and suffering. What is there I can tell you that wouldn't seem petty and pointless compared to that?"

Ehrlich gesagt hab ich mich (als Spieler) tatsächlich nicht mehr dran erinnert. Der Schiffskampf hat sich ja auch auf viele Forumseiten erstreckt... und am Ende, bei all dem Feuergetose und Shalelu's gebellten Befehlen, war das mit der Heimlichkeit sowieso eher relativ. Ich hab dann ja auch den Preis in Pfeilen bezahlt. /:P

Human Ranger

Lio, Ameiko, Shalelu:

Kyrademon wrote:
"Standing out is the entire point," says Ameiko. "These are things to wear when you want to be noticed. Do you not like the skirt? Should we try a different one?"

"Oh." Myri says, "Um, no, I like it but...I'm sorry Aunty, I um, I like standing out when I'm dancing, I mean, that's usually the point in any solo performance, right? but...I guess, usually I prefer something a little more subdued. Um, but maybe I'm wrong, give me a sec will you?" Myri finished changing, then tries to do a catwalk type strut for the girls.

Perform:Dance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Round 1:
Since I failed my save, that makes deciding my actions this round easy.

I will note that Kalimac has Survival ranks, and therefore knows his directions.

After all the violence we've been seeing, and since Kalimac specifically went back for Attatoq once before already, and think it makes sense that he'd have his armor and weapons and wolf.

Trying to hold down the meal he just ate, Kalimac staggers ahead to try and leave the noxious cloud.

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Attatoq's Fort Save (I imagine it's necessary): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Myri, Shalelu and Ameiko:
Kyrademon wrote:

"Dwi ddim? Wyf yn ei olygu, na, byddwch yn ei wneud. Rwy'n golygu ..." says Shalelu.

Elven: "I do? I mean, no, you do. I mean ..."

There is a slight, nervous laugh from the shorter elf. She smiles, blushing. Then she twirls around, in place, like she has seen Myri do on many occasions while she dances, around herself once, so Shalelu can see the entire outfit, and so the skirt flares just a little. "Felly mae'n ceidwad?" Still blushing, happily. Still having a terribly difficult time stopping herself from checking out every inch of Shalelu in public. "Rydych... rydych yn cael y mor." She insists about Shalelu's mini dress. And then she realizes Ameiko and Myri are right there. She turns colors. It's probably kind of amusing to watch..

Elven: "So, it's a keeper?"
"You... you are so getting that"

Male Human Cleric 10

Round 1:

Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Coughing and hacking, Alaric attempts to get out of the fog back the way he came.

<Zaiobe! Help.>

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Mel Round 1:
Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Mel quickly casts a protective barrier around herself, grabs Alaric's hand (if he is still near her when her turn come around) and moves (hopefully) a head in the direction she was going before.

Cast shield.
Survival 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20
Spellcraft (maybe? to recognize fog effect) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Human Ranger

Round 1:

Initiaive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Assuming there is not at least a moderate wind, Myri will head North to get out of the cloud. She will "fight defensively" if possible and use acrobatics once she emerges from the cloud to get by any potential aoo brought on because of her movement. She draws her bow out of her efficient quiver as part of her move action.

if applicable - acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 or not

Myri emerges from the cloud gasping for untainted air. (hopefully)

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Round 1:

Hrunndalf is here for business, so he is wearing his proper armor. I assume walking around town with two melee weapons and three javelins might just be weird, so I assume I left the javelins at home (unless everybody does that in an Ulfen city).

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 or 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Hrunndalf moves forward (North), unslinging Þrumublað from his back and starting to intone a Terran spell as soon as he clears the fog (Shield of Faith).

Clearing the fog takes priority over casting, so take two moves if necessary. If there are enemies to be seen, try to be at least 15' from each of them so they provoke AoOs upon approach (not if that means hiding behind other party members).

Possible AoOs (up to 2x, even flatfooted):

Þrumublað, two-handed, Power Attack:
To hit: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 (crit 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9)
Damage: 2d4 + 10 ⇒ (3, 2) + 10 = 15 (crit 6d4 + 30 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3) + 30 = 40)
. . . plus 1d6 ⇒ 3 electric.

Þrumublað, two-handed, Power Attack:
To hit: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 (crit 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25)
Damage: 2d4 + 10 ⇒ (1, 4) + 10 = 15 (crit 6d4 + 30 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2) + 30 = 44)
. . . plus 1d6 ⇒ 3 electric.

Human Ranger

Lio, Ameiko, Shalelu:

liothonae cromvathar wrote:
There is a slight, nervous laugh from the shorter elf. She smiles, blushing. Then she twirls around, in place, like she has seen Myri do on many occasions while she dances, around herself once, so Shalelu can see the entire outfit, and so the skirt flares just a little. "Felly mae'n ceidwad?" Still blushing, happily. Still having a terribly difficult time stopping herself from checking out every inch of Shalelu in public. "Rydych... rydych yn cael y mor." She insists about Shalelu's mini dress. And then she realizes Ameiko and Myri are right there. She turns colors. It's probably kind of amusing to watch.

Myri is amused. Highly amused. However, she also understands that she is nearly as likely to be providing as much amusement for her 'sisters' as not. She doesn't care, she is very much enjoying herself.

Human Ranger

Round 1, Addendum:

I actually had assumed that Silmemir was going to remain in the room. I will leave it to your discretion if you therefor decide she is not here.

"Silmemir, अलैरिक बचाव." Does she have a sense of where the uncleric is headed too?
Perception: 1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 4 = 22 FE human(+4)incl.

If she does, she points the direction, if not, she hopes Silmemir will find him sooner rather than later.

Sylvan: Defend Alaric.
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 4 = 19 Animal Companion bonus incl

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

"As opposed to the traditional Ulfen manner?" she asks lightly. "In which we declare Blood Feud on them, following which they declare Blood Feud on us, following which we declare Double Blood Feud on them, after which they declare Blood Feud Infinity Plus One on us, until, when at last all the people involved plus their friends, associates, pets, relatives, and strangers they met on the street one day are all dead, justice has presumably been served."

Hrunndalf nods gravely, but then breaks out in a grin. "Glorious, isn't it? Somebody's gotta give you minstrels something to sing about."

His grin relaxes into a regular smile. "So... how was the shopping?"

Increase your Relationship score with Ameiko by +1

Yay! :) I figure this is getting tougher and tougher now, with my Intimidate skill lagging behind the relationship score. Maybe I should get myself one of those circlets of persuation...

From your dark prophecies, I gather we won't be seeing Ameiko for a while now. That means I'll have to leave the "coming-out" for afterwards. Hope that won't be too late. :S (Well, technically, I could even fit it into this last remnant of flex time, but it might be tricky.)

Male Half-elf Barbarian

Round 1:

Initiative: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5

Surprise Round

Rhost is at 58 HP

The hope is to make her (the woman Rhost has seen) come to Rhost.


Rhost drops into Rage. Round 9 of Rage

Rhost is at 68 HP

Intimidate to Antagonize: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Rhost's voice harmonics are more unpleasant than usual in the close alleyway filled with nauseating gas. "Dark bride! Ég mun bræða skugga þínum! Ja sa paistetama päike...."

Skald: "I will melt your shadow!"
Halfling: "And you will bloat in the sun...."

Should she not reach Rhost to attack this round, here is my roll to extend the Antagonize: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Round 1

Round 10 of Rage

Expecting direct attack (hopefully the woman), Rhost's response is a flaming Earth Breaker to the soft underbelly of his attacker.

To hit: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 3) + 7 = 16 plus 1d6 ⇒ 3 fire

Preview tells me that I need new virtual dice.

Here is my Fumble Roll: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

5d20, none higher than a 7. I would like to remind the laws of probability that I expect this whole Fumble -versus- Critical thing to even out over the long run

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Mel wrote:
She doesn't really seem to care if he surrenders, but she keeps him happy for a long time. After, she falls into his embrace and very quietly whispers, "yours"

Green eyes almost closed, fingers gently playing up and down Alaric's torso as she cuddles in close, "When did you learn Tien? I've... wondered that for a while."

Male Human Cleric 10

"In school," he says contentedly. "That's why my accent is garbage. I'm looking forward to actually using it practically."

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Round One:

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
i think Lio would have her armor and weapons, and likely her scroll case too, just because they've been having so much trouble lately, and they did have time after shopping/speaking to Jorum to get geared up.

if there is wind, and it is at all making the cloud move, and if Lio is capable of doing so, she would be heading the opposite direction that the wind is blowing the fog in. If not... then:

Lio, overcome by the stinking fog perhaps it smells of cabbage? ;) quickly backtracks South, hopefully out of the cloud. She pulls an arrow from her quiver, and takes her bow from where it is slung over her shoulder if she can do so... would that be a separate move action?

Myriana and Liothonae 2:
Myriana Bayden wrote:
"Oh." Myri says, "Um, no, I like it but...I'm sorry Aunty, I um, I like standing out when I'm dancing, I mean, that's usually the point in any solo performance, right? but...I guess, usually I prefer something a little more subdued. Um, but maybe I'm wrong, give me a sec will you?" Myri finished changing, then tries to do a catwalk type strut for the girls.

The outfit brings out the color of Myriana's eyes and gives her a wild, somewhat fey appearance. Ameiko applauds the catwalk strut, and even Shalelu and Liothonae manage to tear their eyes away from each other to watch.

"I get what you're saying," Ameiko says. "But you need something on hand when the time comes that you don't want to be subdued. Preparation, right? So how about you keep the skirt, and we find you something different for more regular wear."

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

"I don't think I can help. I can understand what most of what people say, but I can't really say things correct. For example, 我想,让你在冰上高兴." She looks at him to see if she got it right. "I was trying to say 'I want you to be happy when we are on the ice.'"
I think, make you happy on the ice.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Lio addendum round 1:
move North, not South. missed the enemies in front thing... ;)

Human Ranger

Lio, Ameiko & Shalelu:

Kyrademon wrote:

The outfit brings out the color of Myriana's eyes and gives her a wild, somewhat fey appearance. Ameiko applauds the catwalk strut, and even Shalelu and Liothonae manage to tear their eyes away from each other to watch.

"I get what you're saying," Ameiko says. "But you need something on hand when the time comes that you don't want to be subdued. Preparation, right? So how about you keep the skirt, and we find you something different for more regular wear."

Myri teeth show white as she smiles, "Oh, okay, I guess that makes sense. Sure." She turns. Slowly. "So...what's next?" She looks around at the bewildering assortment of...stuff.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Myri, Shalelu and Ameiko:
Kyrademon wrote:

The outfit brings out the color of Myriana's eyes and gives her a wild, somewhat fey appearance. Ameiko applauds the catwalk strut, and even Shalelu and Liothonae manage to tear their eyes away from each other to watch.

"I get what you're saying," Ameiko says. "But you need something on hand when the time comes that you don't want to be subdued. Preparation, right? So how about you keep the skirt, and we find you something different for more regular wear."

"Ah laike 'e veste, ye koulde probable pair et weth trousers an' ah whaite shert." Lio adds helpfully, because apparently she's been paying attention to at least some of what Ameiko was saying while picking out clothes. All the while she is sneaking another look over at Shalelu. Hopefully no one notices how much she likes looking at Shalelu's legs.

Male Human Cleric 10

He smiles. "That was more or less right. Although in Taldane, it sounded like you meant that you wanted me to be happy on the journey, whereas the Tien made you sound like you want me to be happy when we're making love on the ice. But I could just be hearing what I want to hear."

Enemy and NPC Action:

Init 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Shuriken 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 261d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Damage1d2 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (1) = 51d2 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (5) = 9


There is, incidentally, no wind right now.

"Leek!" calls out Rhost, as he drops into Rage.

Rhost's voice harmonics are more unpleasant than usual in the street filled with nauseating gas. "Dark bride! Ég mun bræða skugga þínum! Ja sa paistetama päike...."

"I will melt your shadow!"

"And you will bloat in the sun...."

Lio, overcome by the stinking fog perhaps it smells of cabbage? ;) quickly heads North, and makes her way out of the cloud. She pulls an arrow from her quiver, and takes her bow from where it is slung over her shoulder.

Lio will be Nauseated for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 subsequent rounds.

Hrunndalf moves forward, unslinging Þrumublað from his back and starting to intone a Terran spell as soon as he clears the fog.

Myri emerges from the cloud gasping for untainted air, drawing her bow.

Myriana will be Nauseated for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 subsequent rounds.

If you intended to leave Silmemir back at the Inn, that is where she is.

Silmemir has been left on guard back at the Inn.

Those emerging from the cloud see a woman on a low, nearby rooftop dressed in black clothes, her face covered. She is surrounded by several other shadowy images of herself, obviously some kind of spell. She throws a couple of small, flaming objects which slice into Hrunndalf.

Hrunndalf takes 11 hit points of damage.

Hrunndalf’s Reflex saves: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 191d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Hrunndalf catches fire. Hrunndalf takes 1 additional hit point of damage. And is on fire.

Trying to hold down the meal he just ate, Kalimac staggers ahead to try and leave the noxious cloud. Attatoq follows him, similarly distressed.

Kalimac will be Nauseated for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 subsequent rounds.

Attatoq will be Nauseated for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 subsequent rounds.

Coughing and hacking, Alaric attempts to get out of the fog back the way he came. He is not quite able to clear the fog.

<On my way ... but I’m ... throwing up.>

Alaric is still Nauseated.

Mel quickly casts a protective barrier around herself and moves ahead in the direction she was going before.

It’s actually Knowledge Arcana since you didn’t see the spell being case, but I’ll let you keep the roll. It is a Stinking Cloud.

Rhost remains in the nauseating cloud, apparently expecting his enemy to come to him. She does not. (Perhaps fortunately, as he would have fumbled.)

Rhost’s Fort Save: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Rhost is still not Nauseated.

And now

here is

the map


. = 5‘ square
B = Building
X = Cloud

O = Black-clad woman (on rooftop, 15’ up)

L = Liothonae
H = Hrunndalf
Y = Myriana
K = Kalimac
Q = Attatoq
A = Alaric (in cloud)
M = Melinda
R = Rhost (somewhere in cloud, not seen)

All other NPCs not seen

Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:

Hrunndalf nods gravely, but then breaks out in a grin. "Glorious, isn't it? Somebody's gotta give you minstrels something to sing about."

His grin relaxes into a regular smile. "So... how was the shopping?"

"Shopping was lovely. I even managed to convince Shalelu to buy a dress, if you can believe that. How was your morning?"

Myriana and Liothonae:
liothonae cromvathar wrote:
There is a slight, nervous laugh from the shorter elf. She smiles, blushing. Then she twirls around, in place, like she has seen Myri do on many occasions while she dances, around herself once, so Shalelu can see the entire outfit, and so the skirt flares just a little. "Felly mae'n ceidwad?" Still blushing, happily. Still having a terribly difficult time stopping herself from checking out every inch of Shalelu in public. "Rydych... rydych yn cael y mor." She insists about Shalelu's mini dress. And then she realizes Ameiko and Myri are right there. She turns colors. It's probably kind of amusing to watch..

"Y ... Ydy," is all Shalelu manages to say.

Elven: "Y ... Yes."

Note: if anyone who failed their save wants to post a general course of action for the next few rounds until they feel better, barring extreme change to the situation, that would be fine.

Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
After leaving Fynn's, Kalimac will turn to Rhost and Helgarval. "Since you've already been investigating this, do you have any ideas about where to find Runecaster and Silverskorr?"

no, replies Helgarval.

Male Human Cleric 10

Round 2 and beyond:
Alaric wants to get free of the cloud and if possible, take cover. If nothing else, he'll hide behind his shield.

<Don't worry about me. Take care of yourself... unless you need someone to hold your hair.>

Wolf poetry reading

Myriana Bayden wrote:
She ends still looking at Silmemir (as she has been the whole time), letting her tongue hang out a bit and panting quietly. You can almost imagine an imaginary tail wagging if that would be appropriate.

Silmemir seems happy at the attention, but it is doubtful that she understood of word of what was just said.

Attaoq seems extremely proud of himself.

Liothonae and Myriana:
liothonae cromvathar wrote:
"Do ye, annee of ye, 'ave skells ye koulde use en a traide, ta fainde worke? Ah am naught from thes ceteh, so ah dunna knou whot kainda opportunetehs ye kann 'ave." She tries to think about what they could do to earn money, since Lio can't actually afford to put all eight of them up for the entire winter.

He grins humorlessly. "Doesn't matter what skills we have, does it? The jewelry means no one's going to arrest us on the street, but no one's going to hire a freedman without proof of their status. Might be a runaway thrall, you know."

Human Ranger

Lio, Ameiko, Shalelu:

liothonae cromvathar wrote:
"Ah laike 'e veste, ye koulde probable pair et weth trousers an' ah whaite shert." Lio adds helpfully, because apparently she's been paying attention to at least some of what Ameiko was saying while picking out clothes. All the while she is sneaking another look over at Shalelu. Hopefully no one notices how much she likes looking at Shalelu's legs.

Myri smiles, "Thank you, Lio. A white skirt...oh, shirt, yes, of course." Myri finds herself a tinge pink as she also looks away from Shalelu's legs.

liothonae cromvathar wrote:
While Fynn is speaking to the others, Lio will quietly attempt to speak to one of the servants who was clearly a thrall at one point. She will attempt to address one who looks like s/he might speak Taldane, or who responded in Taldance to any requests made during the light meal.

One does appear to understand the conversation. It is a woman who appears to be about forty years old.

Liothonae or Perception DC 15:
"I have been a part of this household since my birth," the woman says proudly. "And I think it is the finest household in all Kalsgard."

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Kyrademon wrote:
He grins humorlessly. "Doesn't matter what skills we have, does it? The jewelry means no one's going to arrest us on the street, but no one's going to hire a freedman without proof of their status. Might be a runaway thrall, you know."

Knowledge Local as to what proof of status they would need, and if it's something she could acquire: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
A bit later, Hrunndalf indeed presents Silmemir with a hefty beef bone replete with marrow, and gives her neck fur a good ruffle as she descends upon it. "Hver er góð stelpa?"

The Handle Animals rules state that if you have no ranks in Handle Animal, you can use a Charisma check on nonwild animals for purposes other than rearing, teaching, or training.

Hrunndalf's Charisma check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

The interaction appears to have left Silmemir feeling quite friendly towards Hrunndalf.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Looking up at the woman, "So... I don't suppose you feel like talking, by any chance, do you?"

Mel Round 2:
Draw wand of scorching ray as part of the move action to put the woman within 30' (staying out of the stinking cloud, thank you please). Unless she seems to want to chat usefully, wand use.

K:arcane for spell effect on woman 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
to hit (touch ac): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
damage 4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 4, 6) = 16
preview says no clue what the spell effect is, if it is mirror image, even if I miss if it's within some amount I can still take out a image... not a clue if that is the spell or not... but I can hope for some utility from the round. :)

Assuming that the woman wants to kill us all for some reason, Mel pulls a wand as she moves, and attempts to hit her with fire. As the ray misses, "That was a warning shot..." really :P

liothonae cromvathar wrote:
"Is, that, bad?" Lio asks, a little concern crossing her features, perhaps the thought that maybe Shalelu doesn't want to love her, enters her mind. She tries really hard to keep that thought out. She knows she doesn't deserve Shalelu's love. She was just so happy to have it. She had hoped. She had dared to hope. And now maybe it was slipping though her fingers.

"Bad? Lio, I was terrified that I wasn't ... capable of it anymore. That I was going to live my whole life without ... And then you, you walked into my life ... and I ... it's been so wonderful."

Human Ranger

Round 2:

Battle in the Streets of Kalsgard

Edited: Myri is nauseated and cannot attack.
Nauseated: Round 1 of 4

Having exited from the cloud, Myri gasps for air, trying hard to stay defensive and ready on the balls of her feet. She scans the area for any other attackers.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 +4 FE:Human not included

"You can't seriously be attacking us just by yourself, can you?"

Alaric Graff wrote:
<The inn idea was... problematic. I'm talking about directly funneling cash to the underclass and letting them choose what to do with it. As an idea, it's also problematic. And I don't know much about this country. And I'm always open to hearing better ideas.> He shrugs. <It's what I have now.>

<Hm. I'd think such a thing would work best associated with some form of abolitionist movement, to keep the situation from being perpetuated. But then, my knowledge of this country is merely a vague idea of what it's like to live in a cave here.>

Alaric Graff wrote:
<That's the problem. Of course, you're basically saying 'what if this lack of government collapses into every other form of government?' I don't have the answers, Zaiobe. I barely even have the questions. All I know is that freedom is preferable to slavery and that's what I'm going to fight for. I plan to make a great deal of mistakes along the way, but I'm hoping that as a healer, I can fix those and maybe produce a net amount of good.>

<Is freedom the highest good, then? More so than say, happiness, or ... I don't know, knowledge? Or do you think the latter goals, and other similar ones, are dependent on the first?> She seems to be asking more out of genuine desire to understand rather than it being an attempt to argue with you.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Kyrademon wrote:
"Bad? Lio, I was terrified that I wasn't ... capable of it anymore. That I was going to live my whole life without ... And then you, you walked into my life ... and I ... it's been so wonderful."

The amount of relief visible on Lio's face is astronomical. "Oh." She exhales. "I thought... I..." She smiles, embarrassed, happy, blissful. She takes another breath. Moves whatever little distance remains between the two of you, looks up at you, pulling you into an embrace. "Why would you feel that way, that you wouldn't...?" She says softly.

liothonae cromvathar wrote:
Knowledge Local as to what proof of status they would need, and if it's something she could acquire.

You would need a document stating that their freedom had been granted or purchased. A will might be easiest, as their last master is demonstrably dead. It is hard to see how any such document could be obtained legally.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

She looks at him, slowly turning mint. "I really think... I should stick to simple declarative sentences. Maybe." She looks torn, half embarrassed and half inordinately pleased, "I... did get you a present. For the ice."

Human Ranger

Wolf poetry reading

Kyrademon wrote:

Silmemir seems happy at the attention, but it is doubtful that she understood of word of what was just said.

Attaoq seems extremely proud of himself.

Myri smiles with a little sigh, she pats Attatoq as she gets to her feet, "You did good, boy." Her expression reads something along the lines of well at least she's acting fairly normal. maybe after she's grown a bit. You never know, I guess. She hands the paper to Kalimac, "for safekeeping? He is...very talented." She smiles at the halfling, and again at both wolves. She also looks around, just to see if Xander is anywhere nearby.

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