A Brigand! |
Someone suggested in another thread i try something like this. Last time I tried, I didn't get much feedback, so lets see how this goes.
20 point buy, human
STR 15(17)
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 13
WIS 12
Carefully Hidden
1 Power Attack
1 Cleave
3 Toughness
5 Iron Will
7 Furious Focus
9 Finishing Cleave
11 Lunge
13 Improved Iron Will
15 Double Slice
Ranger Feats
10 GTWF?
Rogue Talents
2 Fast Stealth
4 Surprise Attack
6 Offensive Defense
8 Resiliency
10 Skill Mastery/Crippling Strike
I am not sure how many levels of rogue or ranger to take. I plan on two hand power attacking with a longsword. Scout's Charge and Skirmish should help when i can't get full attack actions. when i can, i will flank and go TWF with a cestus or spiked gauntlet for extra sneak attack damage.
Probably going to invest heavily into UMD.
Any advice or suggestions are much appreciated!

STR Ranger |

Sneak attack is Diluted and too circumstantial in a multi class build.
Ranger gets favored terrains/camouflage and can easily out stealth a rouge.
Full Bab AND a built in flank buddy means you hit more, break action economy and the WOLF can trip for you.
Guide Archetype is usable on ANYONE.
Ranger Talents duplicate and in some cases are just better than Rogue Talents.
Ranger is better armored and combat style means he doesn't need Mega Dex or Finesse to fight well.
Ranger has better HD and Saves.

A Brigand! |
You don't seem to be using the scout archetype, instead, this appears to be an all ranger build.
Can you break down classes and levels? If you're really thinking a 10/10 split, you can do better.
I don't know what you mean when you say it doesn't appear i am using the scout archetype... I very clearly have rogue talents listed.
I don't know class or levels, hence asking for advice. my initial response is a 12/8 split in favor of Ranger. The 8 rogue is for Scout's charge and Scout's Skirmish.
I did leave the possibility of a 10/10 split above in my build, but it is no certain thing. Please educate me on how i could do better.

Nicos |
A couple of ranger level would help a combat rogue. The contrary is not necesary true. The extra damage from SA is nothing compared to the weakened of the animal companion (specially since your build do not have bonn companion)
If you want to play the rogue archetype I still recomend just a dip n ranger of fighter and most levels in rogue.