Why we are confused, and perhaps irritating. Yes, another Monk thread

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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ciretose wrote:
master arminas wrote:

I stand corrected, then. I was referring to the most recent firestorm, to use your own words, when I spoke of 5 months. Since I only joined these boards around a year ago, I am not fully familiar with the history of this discussion and debate.


That was kind of why I laid it out the way I did in the original post to provide some context.

I was a monk defender, pre-nerfs. Everything I wrote was a discussion on the boards. The DD as a move, Vital Strike, Brass Knuckles, each of those was a firestorm on the boards about the class being fixed and then broken again.

This latest round of FOB is just the latest bit of confusion that nerfs the class when no one seems to think it needs the nerf.

I get why they did it, but I don't get what part of the monk they fear is so overpowered that they nerf it aggressively while saying things like metamagic persistent rods and simulacrum abuse are just part of the program.

Just a quick clarification please... I'm familiar with many acronyms, but this "DD" has thrown me for a loop and I cannot figure out what you are talking about.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dimension Door, I'm assuming.


He Who Sleeps On The Futon wrote:

Just a quick clarification please... I'm familiar with many acronyms, but this "DD" has thrown me for a loop and I cannot figure out what you are talking about.

Just like how OP has multiple meanings (Original Poster, Over Powered, Out of Print), so does DD. On these message boards it is equally used for Dragon Disciple as it is for Dimension Door. I haven't actually read this thread yet, but from the context of the above post, I assume it is for Dimension Door.

Edit: 15 second ninja, that TOZ. :P


Shadow Lodge


.....I kinda like the monk class as is.... Is it Perfect? no but im having fun...A tweak you mention? ok why not. Im for no big changes personally. The monk is a versatility class. always has some trick or two up his sleeve. That being said I do sometimes feel like Im trying to spin 5 plates on 4 sticks at the same time....(IT can be a very difficult and daunting task to pull off).

The monk does not actually have a lot of versatility. He just has a grab-bag of abilities and skills that are sometimes useful, but rarely synergise well.

Dabbler wrote:
The monk does not actually have a lot of versatility. He just has a grab-bag of abilities and skills that are sometimes useful, but rarely synergise well.

Technically, that still means he has a lot of versatility.

How effective that versatility is is a topic for another couple threads.

Cheapy wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
The monk does not actually have a lot of versatility. He just has a grab-bag of abilities and skills that are sometimes useful, but rarely synergise well.

Technically, that still means he has a lot of versatility.

How effective that versatility is is a topic for another couple threads.

Well true - you summed up what I meant to say very well!

Liberty's Edge

Dabbler wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
The monk does not actually have a lot of versatility. He just has a grab-bag of abilities and skills that are sometimes useful, but rarely synergise well.

Technically, that still means he has a lot of versatility.

How effective that versatility is is a topic for another couple threads.

Well true - you summed up what I meant to say very well!

As I've said before, this is a game of turns. What do you add on your turn and what can you avoid on their turn.

The monk has options, but few of them are good options. I don't mind some options being rarely useful if you have go to moves that are almost always useful.

Too often, the have no good options.

I agree, the monk is a one-trick pony with no trick.

That's a rather tricky class to make, don't you think?

I wish I could recall who designed the original 3.5e Monk.

Liberty's Edge

Dabbler wrote:
I agree, the monk is a one-trick pony with no trick.

I think stunning fist could be a good option...if they could hit.

I think flurry could be a good option...if they could hit.

You see where I'm going with this?

If a monk could hit as well as the other 3/4 classes, stunning fist would be a legitmate threat most of the time, particularly when followed by a flurry that could hit most of the time.

As scary as a fighter? Not usually, but against casters with relatively low fort saves who cast spells against touch ac or the monks all high saves...yeah.

So back to the question, to those who think this is too much can anyone take what I've proposed and make something "Broken".

And if not, can you build something that is competitive with just this "fix".

I've already shown how Stoneknuckles would be competitive with this kind of fix, above.

Liberty's Edge

Dabbler wrote:
I've already shown how Stoneknuckles would be competitive with this kind of fix, above.

Don't see it, can you link to it?

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