Does this feat exist?

Rules Questions

I had a question from one of my players the other day.
He was wondering if there was a feat that allowed a character to use their Dex bonus for damage, rather than Str. Kinda like the feat that allows Dex to be used instead of Str for to hit rolls.

I don't know of one, but I thought I'd ask the board.



Nope. Current thought is it would make dexterity too important a stat. I don't know if that's really the reason or not, but there isn't any such feat currently.

Actually, there is Dervish Dance, but it's highly specific to the scimitar (and kind of implies Sarenrae worship). I think I read something about a new prestige class that does something similar for the Aldori dueling sword, but I don't have that supplement yet.

Grand Lodge

Dervish Dance will do that, but only with the Scimitar.

The Agile enchantment will do that too.


I stand corrected. :)

Honestly I think there should be a feat that let's you use any ability score for attack and damage.

Maybe a feat chain the first to get the attack bonus, the second to get the damage bonus. It would make a lot of character builds more optimal, wisdom or dexterity based monks, clerics that could dump strength but still be front line guys, magus using int to know where and when to attack, ect....

Silver Crusade

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Paraxis wrote:

Honestly I think there should be a feat that let's you use any ability score for attack and damage.

Maybe a feat chain the first to get the attack bonus, the second to get the damage bonus. It would make a lot of character builds more optimal, wisdom or dexterity based monks, clerics that could dump strength but still be front line guys, magus using int to know where and when to attack, ect....

This is Pathfinder, not 4E

Some GMs I know make a Feat in the Weapon Finesse chain that allows a player to use DEX for damage with any weapon usable with Finesse.

It requires I believe Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse

Sovereign Court

Paraxis wrote:

Honestly I think there should be a feat that let's you use any ability score for attack and damage.

Maybe a feat chain the first to get the attack bonus, the second to get the damage bonus. It would make a lot of character builds more optimal, wisdom or dexterity based monks, clerics that could dump strength but still be front line guys, magus using int to know where and when to attack, ect....

I would not be able to take a CON-based attack seriously. You cannot be so healthy that it hurts.

Grand Lodge

Scarred Witch Doctor can use Con for spells and Hexes, including the Prehensile Hair Hex.

There are a number of Rage based feats that allow you to add Con to damage.

Sovereign Court

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Scarred Witch Doctor can use Con for spells and Hexes, including the Prehensile Hair Hex.

There are a number of Rage based feats that allow you to add Con to damage.

...Scarred Witch Doctor Bloatmage with prehensile hair. I'm terrified of this.

Grand Lodge

As Hexes can be used during Rage, a human with the Racial Heritage(Orc) feat who multiclasses Scarred Witch Doctor and Barbarian is strong.

Personally there are many archetypes that allow replacing Attack and Damage stats with another. Also there are Magical Properties that do it as well.

We don't need feat chains that allow any stat to be used for attack and damage.

P.S. a Magus can get something that adds INT to attack or damage rolls.

Erich, there isn't a generic feat to accomplish this.

How do you feel about the concept as a GM? Do you think that it's possible that certain types of fighters could use their speed and finesse to increase the damage of their weapon attacks? I do.

Here's my house rule. My players seem to like it:

House Rules:

Weapon Finesse: Bonus feat for all players

Finesse Strike (Feat) [Prerequisite- Weapon Finesse, Dex 15]: As a move action, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls with light or finessable melee weapons.

Improved Finesse Strike (Feat) [Prerequisite – Weapon Finesse, Finesse Strike, Dex 17, BAB +6]: Finesse strike no longer requires a move action.

Obviously my wording is not perfect, but the idea is there. Really just depends on how you feel about it. I like to watch this clip for inspiration.


He's not incredibly strong but his mastery of motion just makes him incredibly powerful!

@Kybryn: Why DEX 15? I would think DEX 13 more reasonable...

Here is the one I am going to use:

Fatal Finesse(Combat)
Prerequisites: Weapon Finesse, DEX 13
Benefit: When using a Weapon with Weapon Finesse. You may use DEX in place of STR for your damage bonus.
Normal: You use your STR when determining your damage bonus.

This allows my NPC Experts to use this feat while still using the array.

And when I use a point buy it allows my players to get it before to many levels.

There is the Agile Weapon Enhancement in APG it's a +1 mod and uses your Dex to damage, but I would make it a feat chain starting with weapon finesse and make another feat for Dex to damage. Dex already gives AC, initiative, Reflex save, range attack bonus, if you took weapon finesse and let it add dex to strength than it would turn strength into a dump stat since it would lose all of it's value.

Elamdri wrote:
Paraxis wrote:

Honestly I think there should be a feat that let's you use any ability score for attack and damage.

Maybe a feat chain the first to get the attack bonus, the second to get the damage bonus. It would make a lot of character builds more optimal, wisdom or dexterity based monks, clerics that could dump strength but still be front line guys, magus using int to know where and when to attack, ect....

This is Pathfinder, not 4E

I like both Pathfinder and 4E, run games using both systems and Savage Worlds. They could all learn from each other.

I like how a paladin in 4E can use charisma to swing a great sword and do damage with it. It is based on them channeling divine power through the weapon. But then I also like being able to trip oozes and push huge dragons around the battle mat like a cat with a toy.

Grand Lodge

Let's avoid an edition war.

I dont know about a feat...

but in the case of monks a monk with weapon finess can get an amulet of mighty fists: agile and pretty much dump str.

I mean seriously. 10 str becomes optimal.

@Kybyn: I'm actually OK with a feat that allows a monk or finesse fighter to use dex instead of str for damage. It allows for some interesting builds.
I think I will however, make it two feats.
Thanks for the opinions.


.so it's not exactly what you're looking for but consider the Piranha Strike feat.

It's like power attack but you have to have weapon finesse as a pre-req.

what about agile? isnt that what the Op is looking for

Dark Archive

When crafting a feat like that, I would compare it with other feats that imitate weapon enhancements. Keen is a +1 enhancement that is imitated by the Improved Critical feat, but only with a specific weapon. I don't see anything wrong with allowing Improved Weapon Finesse that requires BAB +6 or +8 that allows a character to pick one type of weapon they're really good at finessing.

Lobolusk wrote:
what about agile? isnt that what the Op is looking for

The granted power is exactly what he's looking for. The fact that he proposed it as a feat gives me the impression that he feels that with training, someone can use their Dex to increase the damage they deal in melee.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
@Kybryn: Why DEX 15? I would think DEX 13 more reasonable...

I chose 15 and 17 for a couple of reasons. Obviously these are just my perceptions of reality, and I accept that you may disagree.

1. (background) I give Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat to all players because I think that it's more than feasible to use your Dexterity to aim your strike... though the true definition of Dexterity works to aid my case better than the Pathfinder definition.

2. I think that to even have the capability of increasing the damage of a strike takes serious mastery and precision. I think that 15 is just more accurate than 13. 13 is a +1, which is barely effective anyway, and close to useless unless you have a 6 to strength.

3. As for the 17, being able to always use your Dex for damage instead of Str is an amazing feat. You basically need to be in a circumstance where no focus is required to strike with such precision and momentum. I think 17 captures that.

Just my logic when building the requirements.

Sovereign Court

Fredrik wrote:
Actually, there is Dervish Dance, but it's highly specific to the scimitar (and kind of implies Sarenrae worship). I think I read something about a new prestige class that does something similar for the Aldori dueling sword, but I don't have that supplement yet.

Since no one's mentioned it by name yet, it's called the Aldori... Dueling Master? Sword Lord? First Sword of Pentos? Something like that. At 1st level, you can use your Dex for attack and damage with an Aldori Dueling Sword.

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