
Erich_Jager's page

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Ok, I see that now.
I guess that means a moderate level craftsman can crank out munitions grade armor and weapons pretty quickly.
That could have possibilities in some scenarios...

So, it is as easy to make a mace as a katana?
That doesn't seem right.

I have been looking over the crafting rules and they mention item levels as a required number to figure out crafting times.
The problem is, I can't seem to find them.
Foe example, I wanted to calculate the time to make a sword and I don't see item levels on the weapon chart.
Am I missing something here?

One of the items the players can get is a weapon seal of Disruptive (5).
Now as I understand fusion seals that particular one can only be used on a bludgeoning weapon of between levels 3 (the minimum weapon level for the fusion) and 5 (the maximum weapon level the seal can affect).
If this is the case that fusion can only be used on 1 weapon in the game, the tactical swoop hammer.
Am I missing something?

And my group finds her body tonight.

Hmmm, so if you of are using a light shield this becomes a non issue.
As far as I know bards can't make a melee attack and cast a spell in the same round anyway.
Thanks guys.


I have looked and cannot seem to find an answer, so here goes.
If a bard is using a sword and shield and wearing light armor, can he cast a spell with a somatic component?


Thanks for the input.
I'm actually thinking of an actual fighter class character.
Wasn't there a feat under discussion that allowed a ighter to use dex for damage with light weapons and rapiers?

A high dex along with dodge and studded leather might be a place to start...

Is it possible to make a survivable front line fighter that wears light armor?
I've been trying to come up with an idea, but my builds are getting nuked right out of the gate.

Thanks. That was driving me crazy.

I have been trying to remember if stacking bonuses is a Pathfinder or a a D&D thing.
II have looked through my rule book but can't seem to find anything.
Is it allowable to stack bonuses? Such as two competence bonuses to a save.
And where can I find the reference in the main book?


I'll check that out.


After almost 40 years of dungeon based fantasy campaigns I have decided to try a city based one.

I have decided to base it around a group being asked to start a Pathfinder guild house in Kear Maga. Now, being mostly familiar with dungeon crawl type adventures I am looking for any advice on running an urban style game.

Any suggestions would be very appreciated.



I'm sure this has been addressed and I apologize for asking again, but I can't seem to find the answer.
Can a character with a +0 BaB make a 5 foot adjustment, draw a weapon and attack in the same round?
The crux of the question seems to be whether or not the 5 foot step is a move/move equivalent action.


Silly question, but, which supplement has fencing grace in it?



Thanks for the quick responses.

I'm working on a cleric of Cadian so, Rapier...


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Hi, sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum.

I seem to remember hearing about a feat that allows dex modifiers to be used for damage instead of strength. I guess the intention was to give dex fighters some teeth.

Did this feat ever make it into the game, and if so, what is it called?



Hrmmm, I didn't realize HOW over powered they were for the APs.
I guess I should probably be looking at what adding three to the listed CR in the module?
+1 for group size, +1 for higher build and +1 because these characters are optimized three ways from Sunday.

Does anyone happen to know what size party the Adventure Paths are designed for?
I have a group of 5 players that have characters built on 20 points and I think they may be a bit over powered. I can modify the adventures to make them challenging, but it would be nice to have a starting point for reference.



Thanks for all of the info and advice on AC.
I think the problem I am having is that I am running an AP and was told by someone, somewhere that the APs were designed for a party of 5 characters built on (I think) 20 points, add to that the fact that my players are REALLY good at optimizing builds and I think I see my problem. It looks like I will need to redo a lot of the encounters at a +2 CL.


I'm running a table of 10th level players and I'm wondering if their ACs are maybe a little high.
I have a fighter that has an AC of 30 and something over 100 hp and a Dragon Disciple Sorcerer with an AC of 32 and 100 hp.
This means that an appropriately challenging martial monster (Ettin,Redcap etc.) only has something like a 15% chance to hit the fighter and a 5% chance to hit the Sorcerer.
Is this normal?


In looking at the Shattered Star AP I think I may need to add some side encounters.
It just seems to me that going from level 1 to 18 or so in what, a game year, is a bit unrealistic.

What type of spacing would anyone recommend in placing side quests, and do you think the extra treasure will create a problem?
I'm not to worried about the extra XP since I just have the players advance when it seems appropriate.



Laurefindel wrote:

You could also houserule that Evocation magic isn't subject to SR, which seems to be your principal issue.

I thinks you could defend this houserule easily at any case. Resisting dominatation, paralyisis or polymorph is one thing, resisting magcal fire when you are not resistant to natural fire is another...


Thanks for the idea 'findel

That is a very elegant solution and definitely easier than coming up with a new feat.
It also has the advantage of satisfying my sense of internal game logic.

I am however, going to make it clear that there will be the occasional monster that is immune to most spells, or who spells work differently on. Golems come to mind.


Alright, I guess I can see where the SR and spell immunity rules have their place but that just creates other problems for me.
Let me see if I can say this right....
Putting aside my own objections to SR and Immunity for now, I do have some players who are getting a little annoyed by these rules.
My magic using players tend to go with Sorcerers instead of Wizards, that means a fixed set of spells.

The whole SR/Immunity thing is not that big of a deal for the Rouge/Destined Sorcerer, she is more of a buff/support type. Even so, if she wants to cast a spell into combat these rules can get in her way.

However, the Elemental Sorcerer is getting hit pretty hard. The Elemental blood line kind of lends itself to evocation magic. And most (if not all) evocation magic can be resisted with SR, which also means that immunity stops them cold.

I guess what I am looking for here is advice on how to tone things down to the point where my magic users can be useful in direct damage combat without totally rewriting the rules.
To be honest, if I were writing my own adventures I would probably just not use the monsters that can create this problem. I am however, running an adventure path because I currently do not have a lot of time to prep for games.

Maybe what I need to do is find a list of spells that can cause damage and not allow for SR. I mean, there have to be some. Right?


I'm thinking of getting rid of the SR and spell immunity mechanics from my game and would like some advice.

First off, the reasons I want to get rid of them.

In the case of SR it seems a bit unfair that a magic user has to deal with the SR and saving throws of a creature in order for a spell to work against it. Where as a martial character only has to get past the AC of the same opponent. This is of course discounting any DR the opponent might have.

As for magic immunity, I think total immunity flys right in the face of the systems internal logic.
Total immunity is most often seen in magically created or active monsters. How can a creature whose very existence is only possible through magic be imune to it?

So my first thought is to give a damage reduction equal to the spell resistance number or 1/2 of the number or something along those lines.

I would like to keep things simple so as to not slow down my game.

Any other thoughts, opinions or suggestions?



As I recall, gold was directly tied to XP for 1st (and maybe 2nd) edition. The DMG recommended 1xp per gp of treasure.
Now that that is no longer the case it's not required to haul thousands of gold pieces out of a dungeon.


littlehewy wrote:
Could I suggest, maybe privately speak to the sorcerer's player in general terms about the encounters, and ask whether he'd be cool with magic-immune enemies, or whether that'd tick him off and he'd think it fairer/more fun if the had high SR instead? You don't have to give the game away or spoil any surprises - but you might be surprised with his response...

Ya know, that's a really good idea.

I'll sit down with him (or more likely send an email ) , and see what he thinks.
Part of the problem I could be running into is that I am bringing the group over from 4th ed and some things just aren't lining up. Such as monsters totally imune to magic, I'm not sure they existed in 4th ed.


Wait, APs are designed for 15 point character builds?
I must have missed that somewhere.
That could be why my guys are walking over some of these encounters.

Wonder if I can get them to rebuild at 15???


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Just some last comments here and I'll call this done as far as I'm concerned.

First of all.. Thank you very much to everyone who responded. Even if I didn't agree with you about how you would handle the issue with your own campaigns, I sincerely do appreciate the comments.

I think that I am just going to go over the critters that are imune to magic and give them a high SR. Maybe 10 or 11 plus CR or something similar. That will make the fight tough but not make the sorcerer completely useless.

And as a final thought, many of the posts seemed to be taking the point of view that I need to "Teach my players a lesson". I submit to the board that we as GMs should not be in the business of teaching our players lessons. I feel we should be in the business of providing challenging (not overwhelming) adventures for our players and making things fun for them.



Thanks for thr opinions, and I guess that the spell selection my player took may not be optimal for this AP. However, this player is not looking to create the optimal, power gaming character. He creates a background and then builds the character to fit the story. In this case he decided to create an elemental sorcerer that favors electrical attacks. Since I actively in courage this type of character building I do not want to penalize him for his build.
There is also the fact that in my opinion total magic immunity is a cop out. In a world so infused with magic, how can anything be totally immune to the effects of magic. Heck, from an internal logic point of view, how can a creature that is created and animated by magic be immune to it?
I think I'll just go with an SR of 10 + CR and call it good.


My Mage player is actually a sorcerer, so any of the creative ways a Wizard has of dealing with something that is magic immune are pretty much off the table. For that matter they would be off the table for most Wizards unless they could prepare ahead of time.

Since there was zero indication available to the players that they would be facing magic immune creatures, or for that matter that such things are even possible ( remember 6th level isin't really all that high), I think that magic immune critters are a little unfair. Hence the question about a fair SR.


I am running the Shattered Star AP for my group and they have finally made it into the dungeons underneath the Lady's Light.
The problem I am running into is that out of the first four encounters, three of them are with creatures that are completely immune to magic. This is really going to torq of my Magic User player (Heck, it would torq me off).
I was thinking of just adding a SR to the monsters. What would be a decent SR to make it challenging for a 6th level mage? I'm thinking 20 or so?



Thanks for the info.
I'm pretty sure my player is going to get another level or two of Druid, she'll be happy.


To be honest I usually don't bother 0 hp equals dead for most opponents.
Now, if we're talking about a major named NPC, then yes, I will keep track.
That being said, as the GM I feel no qualms about bringing a major NPC back to trouble my players if they happen to kill him before his (dramatically appropriate) time, unless of course they take extreme measures to insure he is dead.


One of my player's is currently playing a fairy dragon and I found a rule on monster PCs in a mixed monster/non-monster group that says that at a certain point she starts overcoming the level adjustment.
I'm trying to find the rules and stats for a Fairy Dragon (mostly I need the number of Hit Dice), but can't seem to find it in the online reference. Am I missing something or is this a monster that is not part of the OGL?
Can anyone point me to a reference or happen to know the number of hit dice fairy dragons have?



I'm currently running the Curse of the Lady's Light (part 2 of the Shattered Star AP) and have come across a trap I think may cause me some problems. I'm hoping for some advice.

trap spoiler:

What I am referring to is the Phantasmal Killer trap in area K1. If this trap succeeds, someone is getting turned into a female Azlanti Human and getting 2 permanent negative levels. I think we can deal with the negative levels, that is usually just seen as a cost of doing business. My biggest concern is that my players get fairly attached to their characters, they even go so far as to create extensive histories and paint special minis for the game. In this case the group got together and created what they are referring to as a group of half-pint heros, the tallest person in the group is a 5'0" human female. Otherwise we have a fairy dragon, a gnome, a halfling and 2 dwarves. I generally encourage such creativity since it keeps them invested in the game and gives me lots of ready made plot hooks. However, it may come around a bite me this time. I can't see ANY of the players (with the possible exception of the human rouge) being OK with such a radical change to their character.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this other than just removing the trap altogether? Should I just, maybe, replace it with another trap that just destroys the clone and attacks the party?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



OK, Looks like I called it right.
Thanks for the responses.


I'm starting a couple of adventure paths for my gaming groups and was wondering.
Who, character wise, could reasonably be expected to know anything about Thasslion history and/or magic?

Is this they type of information that could have been learned before a campaign starts and be represented with various knowledge skills?
Or is the information ment to be discovered during the campaign?
Or both?

Heck, for that matter I need to find some sources for the information myself.

Any opinions or suggestions?


Last night I was running my group through one of the dungeons from Rise of the Runelords and came across an interesting situation.

They wound up fighting a Quasit and she was making full use of her at will invisibility power.
The question came up as to whether or not she could move, attack and go invisible or attack, move and then go invisible.

I wasn't quite sure how to judge this since the invisibility is a at will ability.
In the end I erred on the side of the players and stated that she could not attack and then go invisible.

Does anyone happen to know what, if anything, the rules say on this?



Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

Assuming its possible in order to make a staff of wishes you need fifty times the expensive material component to make the spell. So the formula is like this:

For just the staff:

9 (SL) x17 (CL) X400 = 61,200 GP thats 30,600 if crafting yourself as I assume you would be.


25000 (material component for one casting X 50 = 1,250,000

So if you're crafting it yourself a staff of wishes (10 per day and you still have to charge it like a normal staff) = 1,280,600 Gold pieces.

If you got that kind of mad cash then the DM deserves what he gets. ;-)

I'm confused here, the rules for staff creation say:

The materials cost is subsumed in the cost of creation: 400 gp × the level of the highest-level spell × the level of the caster, plus 75% of the value of the next most costly ability (300 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster), plus 1/2 the value of any other abilities (200 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster). Staves are always fully charged (10 charges) when created.
Creating Staves PFRPG pg. 552

Dosen't that mean that there IS no additional costs for material components other than casting the spell once during the creation of the staff?


Mithras wrote:
Tandriniel wrote:
Eridan wrote:

Is there a staff of wishes in the PF books ? No? Then it is a custom item and you can forbid it.

Is there RAW to support this?

Well actually, there might be.

The description of the feat Create Staff states:
You can create any staff whose prerequisite you meet.
Craft Staff PFRPG pg.120

Where as the description for Create Wands states:
You can create a wand of any 4th-level or lower
spell that you know.
Craft Staff PFRPG pg.120

And under the description of staves in the magic item chapter we find:
A staff is a long shaft that stores several spells. Unlike wands, which can contain a wide variety of spells, each staff is of a certain kind and holds specific spells.
Magic Items PFRPG pg.491

I would therefor argue that as written, a staff must be created from the lists found in the rulebooks, or created after a LOT of research and GM permission.
What your player wants is a wand of wishes, and a wand cannot be created with any spell above 4th level.

From a game mechanic point of view a staff of wishes would be a totally unbalanced campaign destroyer, and I think the designers realized that. That is why the item does not exist in any of the staff lists.

From a story point of view, if the staff could be created wouldn't there be a bunch of completely indestructible imortal wizards running around causing no end of trouble?

Just my two coppers.


I have been toying with the idea of creating a warlord like class for PFRPG (one of my players really wants to recreate his 4.0 Warlord) and I have come up with a few ideas.

1. Allow the Warlord to add +1 to everyone's initiative.
2. Allow the Warlord to give up his move and/or standard action and give them to another character.
3. DO NOT allow the character getting the extra standard action make a full attack.
5. Throw in some minor healing abilities.
6. Maybe throw in something like the Bard's inspire ability for combat related stuff.

Does anyone think something like this will break the game or be to powerful a class?

Thoughts and opinions welcome.



Just wanted to say this app looks awesome.
I plan on using it for the first time in my game tonight.

I have a couple of questions though.

Is there a manual of document somewhere for using the iPad version of Combat Manager. It is mostly intuitive, but I'm having some difficulties using the attack creation wizard.

Is there any way to delete saved files?



I agree that access to a library would justify a re-roll.
Research is how a lot of people learn.

I kinda thought there had to be an adjustment, but I have a player who REALLY wants to play one.
I would prefer a Dragonborn Ala 4th ed. ( I think he would to to be honest, but that doesn't seem to be an option.


Just a quick noob type question here.
Is there a level adjustment for playing a half dragon?
For that matter are their level adjustments for playing ANY non-standard race?



@Kybyn: I'm actually OK with a feat that allows a monk or finesse fighter to use dex instead of str for damage. It allows for some interesting builds.
I think I will however, make it two feats.
Thanks for the opinions.


I had a question from one of my players the other day.
He was wondering if there was a feat that allowed a character to use their Dex bonus for damage, rather than Str. Kinda like the feat that allows Dex to be used instead of Str for to hit rolls.

I don't know of one, but I thought I'd ask the board.



Thanks for the advice.
I was actually looking at Shattered Star, but was concerned that their might be stuff in it that assumed the group had played through Rise of the Runelords.


I'm just getting my gaming groups into Pathfinder and was wondering which adventure path to start with as a good intro to the system and the inner sea area.
I did pick up Rise of the Runelords for one of the groups, but am looking for something for the other one. I can't run the same AP for both groups due to player crossover.
Any Suggestions?


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