Quick advice on traits


Just built a new character, and then discovered that I get to pick a couple of traits. Nothing is coming to mind, so I'm looking for advice! Possibly relevant facts:

-- The character is a human wizard, conjuration specialist -- basically an old-fashioned summon-monkey.

-- The wizard has some backstory, though the details are not clear yet. He was once evil, and is now NG. He has a lost love who died; this is connected to his reformation, though the details are unclear.

Suggestions welcome -- useful traits are good, but useful and thematic ones would be even better.

thanks in advance,

Doug M.

Reactionary +2 to initiative
(init is good for spellcasters)

Diabolical Dabbler

Benefit: Each fiendish animal you conjure with any summon spell gains +1 hit point per hit die for the duration of the spell that summoned it.(perfect for your character, think malconvoker.)

Wayang Hunter or Magical Lineage
Both do the same thing, reduce one chosens spell's level when applying metamagic feats that boost the spell's level.

Any trait that gives a class skill.

Init is good, but Reactionary is everyone's favorite trait. I dunno.

Diabolical Dabbler, nah, he's NG. Doesn't have any metamagic feats yet (he's 6th level).

Doug M.

Does your GM use campaign traits? If campaign traits are being used, one of the two traits may need to be a campaign trait.

Diabolical dabbler gives you history into your character's past. You don't have to be evil to summon evil monsters that obey your commands.

^ Actually, in PF you do. Good can only apply celestial template.


Something that gives Perception as a class skill and a boost to it...its a free +5 to your most used Skill.

And this will come in handy if you have to spend long times casting.

Unless you have something that's speeding up your casting time handy, you may want a trait that gives a bonus to concentration checks since those summon spells have nasty casting times. So, I'd recommend Focused Mind, but only if your DM is the kind to mess with your spellcasting actively.

Aren't there some traits that grant a Will bonus based off of having intense faith in something.

Now this isn't really a huge plus since you'll already have a high Will save, however, it occurred to me that the character's loved one dying could be where they've found this faith/willpower. It gives your character a "I've let this happen once, but I'll never let it happen again" kind of attitude which could be cool to roleplay at the table.


theporkchopxpress wrote:

Aren't there some traits that grant a Will bonus based off of having intense faith in something.

Now this isn't really a huge plus since you'll already have a high Will save, however, it occurred to me that the character's loved one dying could be where they've found this faith/willpower. It gives your character a "I've let this happen once, but I'll never let it happen again" kind of attitude which could be cool to roleplay at the table.

Thats Indomitable Faith. Having faith in Pharasma may fit character wise.

theporkchopxpress wrote:

Aren't there some traits that grant a Will bonus based off of having intense faith in something.

Now this isn't really a huge plus since you'll already have a high Will save, however, it occurred to me that the character's loved one dying could be where they've found this faith/willpower. It gives your character a "I've let this happen once, but I'll never let it happen again" kind of attitude which could be cool to roleplay at the table.

I believe it's a Faith trait that allows a character a +2 Saves V.S. Compulsion and Charm. It's called "Birthmark."

There is another one that +1 to Will saves, called "Indomitable Faith."

There are other ones you could pick involving knowledge checks, higher caster levels, etc. But it is your character...

You are going to want to get the trait that provides a +2 to Concentration checks.
Magic Trait: Focused Mind: Your childhood was either dominated by lessons of some sort (whether musical, academic, or other) or by a horrible home life that encouraged your ability to block out distractions and focus on the immediate task at hand. You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks.

Those are a b%&@% to make and not very many options to improve your chances...

I agree. Focused Mind.

Lore Seeker is also great.

deuxhero wrote:
^ Actually, in PF you do. Good can only apply celestial template.

Where does it say in the rules, why does my DM have to obey them, and why does the rule make sense?

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