Help name next year's Worldwound-themed Adventure Path!

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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No Regret, No Remorse

Hey, what could go better with Crusader?

No Mercy For The Fallen

Cold Iron And Burning Hearts, or does Burning Hearts And Cold Iron sound better?

Sinners And Saints? :P

Desolated Heart

Drejk wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

And another one I know won't be used (uses "Worldwound"), and sounds a bit like something else...

The Worldwound Redemption

Edit: *grumbles* Bloody dragon ninjas!

You won't see us going away with your things!

Actually we're just humouring you so you won't start demanding we return all the stuff we stole in 1654-57 and 1701-1706.

I doubt I'll offer a suggestion that would accepted whole, so I'll just give you my thoughts and hope they inspire you.

What bothers me about the working title is the word "Crusade", which stems from "the cross" etymologically. I know that won't be how most folks interpret it, but... maybe we can work with that.

Is there any kind of symbol that all in the Mendevian Crusade share? Are they guaranteed any rights at home, as under the Truce of God in the historical crusade? Is it chiefly the Will of Iomedae that this be undertaken?

Recall that historically, the word crusade wasn't used until long afterward. Most knew it simply as a "Holy War", a term that can be applied here, I think. If "Holy" works for a weapon property...

There's always the holy avenger — totally iconic, and I hope there's one in the AP somewhere... I'd have it be a sort of "sword of mars", "spear of destiny" type weapon that once found, turns the course of battle.

It's a shame you already have a book called "Plague of Shadows"... Deskari could certainly lay claim to the term "Plague". A Plague of Evil, maybe.

The AP isn't the whole crusade... I presume that the PCs will not be sealing the worldwound shut at the end, but making progress against some notable demon lord. Therefore, you may want to look at some war history and choose a term that describes the level of engagement as a subset of the whole crusade that you desire. Does it culminate in a siege? Where?

Are the players affiliated with any specific organization or cause?

After all that stream of consciousness, which I hope is helpful, I will end on one, concrete suggestion:

Perhaps a classic pulp title: Against the Locust King

My Name is Lesion.

Styx and [ward]Stones, keeping the popular 'S' alliteration for APs.

Heart of Darkness

Scarab Sages

Redemption Cycle

Kajehase wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

And another one I know won't be used (uses "Worldwound"), and sounds a bit like something else...

The Worldwound Redemption

Edit: *grumbles* Bloody dragon ninjas!

You won't see us going away with your things!
Actually we're just humouring you so you won't start demanding we return all the stuff we stole in 1654-57 and 1701-1706.

You did take something in 1701-1706? I thought it were Russians... It's hard to keep track of things such like that.

Soo, maybe Stolen Grace or Undeserved Mercy

Rise of the Demonblight Crusade

Rise against the Demonblight

"Rise" seems like a good word to reflect the redemption theme, but I can't think of a good fit for "good guys" or "lots of demons" other than "Crusade" or "Demonblight"...

... but something that like that in place of "the good guys' redemption theme against lots of demons."

EDIT: Crusaders' Rise against the Demonblight


"The Festering Demonblight"
"Abyssal Eclipse"
"The World Blight"

Sinatar wrote:

Rise of the Demonblight Crusade

Rise against the Demonblight

"Rise" seems like a good word to reflect the redemption theme, but I can't think of a good fit for "good guys" or "lots of demons" other than "Crusade" or "Demonblight"...

... but something that like that in place of "the good guys' redemption theme against lots of demons."

Or Ride. Crusade says cavalry to me.

The Charge of the ... is also a good formulation.

Is there a commemoration or battle cry? "For the Inheritor!" or the like?

The Charge Of The Demonbane Brigade?

Demonbane Rising

Grace Rising

Unasked Redemption

Merciful Light

Demonomicon Adventures

Tales of the World Cleaver

World Cleaver Tales

Pits of Sorrow

To Prevent the Rule of Evil

Guardians of Good

The Gods' Avatars

Fingers of Fate

Evil Lincoln wrote:
Sinatar wrote:

Rise of the Demonblight Crusade

Rise against the Demonblight

"Rise" seems like a good word to reflect the redemption theme, but I can't think of a good fit for "good guys" or "lots of demons" other than "Crusade" or "Demonblight"...

... but something that like that in place of "the good guys' redemption theme against lots of demons."

Or Ride. Crusade says cavalry to me.

The Charge of the ... is also a good formulation.

The Charge of the Light Brigade :D (A.k.a. PCs, be afraid, be very, very afraid.)

What Needs To Be Done

Righteous Way

Honor And Sacrifice

The Righteous Few

The Righteous Fury (with Celestial Totem for good barbarians removed at the last moment to Mikaze's dismay)

Silver Crusade

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Evil Lincoln wrote:
Is there a commemoration or battle cry? "For the Inheritor!" or the like?

Y'know, there actually is. Can't look it up at the moment, but it basically went "For victory, for the heart!" which has multiple meanings. There's what it means in the idealistic, symbolic sense. And then there's the literal meaning, where Iomedaeans are expected to aim for the heart to try and ensure a swift, relatively painless death when death is what they have to deal.

I get the feeling both takes on that saying are going to get a lot of milage in this AP, what with the redemptive aspects and the vicious throwdowns that are certain to occur.

Maw of the Abyss

The Swarmking's Blessings

The Final Crusade

Life after Demons

Rise of the Righteous

Wounds and Blights

Honor and Glory

Power and Pitfalls

Baptised in Fire

Angels Calling

Demons At The Gates

Brothers At Arms

Damnation Or Glory

Righteous Reckoning

Mikaze wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
Is there a commemoration or battle cry? "For the Inheritor!" or the like?
Y'know, there actually is. Can't look it up at the moment, but it basically went "For victory, for the heart!" which has multiple meanings. There's what it means in the idealistic, symbolic sense. And then there's the literal meaning, where Iomedaeans are expected to aim for the heart to try and ensure a swift, relatively painless death when death is what they have to deal.

"For Thy Heart, For Thy Heart..."

Down Into Chaos

The Raging Hive

Warbringers of the Blight

Blades in the Swarm

Stygian Descent

The Buzzing Maw

The Bleeding Breach

Mendev's/Deskari's Folly

Dirge for the Destroyers

The Apocalypse Plague

Lord of the Locust Host. I also dig plague host, double entendre!

Yeah an homage to the Charge of the Light Brigade is delightfully grim, isn't it? I hope the final choice doesn't sound too uplifting.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Some titles that came to my mind:
Crusader (short and simple, like Kingmaker)
Threshold of the Abyss
A Light into the Darkness
Against the Demon Horde
Salvation of Sarkoris
Redemption & Deliverance

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Wonder what "Deus Vult" or ("Iomedae Vult" on Golarion) would be in Old Taldane? ;)

On redemption plus mythic rules, maybe look to the language of saints and martyrs. I think "The Trials of..." is already spoiled by an earlier issue, and by Iomedae's holy book. Maybe the latter is good synergy though.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Abyssal Recrudescence

Rift of Abysm

The War of the Wound

Knights, Brothers

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Wound War I.


Silver Crusade

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I was going to go for some Night = "Knight"-styled names, like Knightfall, but then I realized Batman took all of them already.

Kajehase wrote:
Wonder what "Deus Vult" or ("Iomedae Vult" on Golarion) would be in Old Taldane? ;)

In Her Name

Her Will Shall be Done

And Her Glory With Us

Age Of Glory

Days Of Glory

Midnight At The Garden Of Sin

Dawn Of Redemption

Demon Sun Setting

Never had a single-word AP. Kingmaker maybe.


Kajehase wrote:
Wonder what "Deus Vult" or ("Iomedae Vult" on Golarion) would be in Old Taldane? ;)

I know what it'd be in Arabic, but yeah...

... Strikes Back!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kajehase wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Wonder what "Deus Vult" or ("Iomedae Vult" on Golarion) would be in Old Taldane? ;)
I know what it'd be in Arabic, but yeah...

"Insh'Allah," I guess.

Of Demons And Men

The Demonlord



Wrath of the Redeemers

Demon ass-whooping time

Before Dawn.

Zaister wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Wonder what "Deus Vult" or ("Iomedae Vult" on Golarion) would be in Old Taldane? ;)
I know what it'd be in Arabic, but yeah...
"Insh'Allah," I guess.

Spot on.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

How I learned to worship the Dark Mistress and like it.

Eve of Destruction

Battle in the Shadows of Old Sarkoris

3 people marked this as a favorite.

A Night Out in Glasgow

What ever you call it, it's just gotta have Worldwound in the title. Don't be ashamed of your own intellectual property. Speaking as a customer who is not all that emotionally invested in Golarion, if you try to sell me something about a generic name, it'll get lost in the shuffle, but even I recognize the Worldwound as a location (well, an imaginary location, but, y'know).

I mean, no one was ashamed to use the word shackles in Skull & Shackles, right?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Flesh + Ichor

Sovereign Court

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I Went All the Way to the Worldwound, and All I Got Was This Lousy Quasit.

Meat wrote:
I Went All the Way to the Worldwound, and All I Got Was This Lousy Quasit.

The thing is, I would by that tee-shirt. :P

Liberty's Edge

Crusader's March

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kajehase wrote:
A Night Out in Glasgow

Naaaah, that's Belkzen.

Worldwound is Blackpool, obviously.

The Evil That Demons Do

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