Hero-Action-Ki-Arcane Pool Mechanic Unification

Homebrew and House Rules

I started toying around with the idea that every class should get a version of "Action" points. Many classes have this mechanic built in, so it isn't that much of a stretch to decided to implement it in all classes. Hey, the playtest barbarian had it in the form of Rage Points. That way every class gets this mechanic & we can use it to have some generic uses that all classes use, then the class specific things each class gets on its own. Say a Fighter uses them to do combat maneuvers in place of the various maneuver feats. Give the barbarian back the rage points mechanic. make the rogue have something like the Ninja Ki pool. Like I said, I was toying with it. I wonder if anybody else has any thoughts on this.

Barbarians already have a rage pool in form of rage rounds left for the day. I don't think there is need for additional mechanic for them.

I am not especially enamored with idea of Fighters having daily limit on performing maneuvers. Or on having an encounter limit on performing maneuvers (I am not opposed to general idea of daily and encounter powers/daily/encounter resource pools, I just think they don't match the basic idea of Fighter class - for comparison expertise dice introduced in D&D Next playtest are better solution in my opinion, after some polishing).

Well, the Beta version of the Barbarian used Rage Points instead of the rounds. As for the Fighter, how many times a day does your fighter actually Bull Rush, or Sunder, Or Trip, or Disarm? Is it worth actually having to take the Improved (insert maneuver) Feat just to be able to do that once a session or so?

Grand Lodge

xorial wrote:
Well, the Beta version of the Barbarian used Rage Points instead of the rounds. As for the Fighter, how many times a day does your fighter actually Bull Rush, or Sunder, Or Trip, or Disarm? Is it worth actually having to take the Improved (insert maneuver) Feat just to be able to do that once a session or so?

Depends on how you play the fighter. To avoid attacks of opportunity, yes it's worth the feat if it's how you play your combat as the character.

Now as far as an "action pool" in our house game have an action point system. To be honest, try and find the rules for Xcrawl, they have what is called a Mojo Pool. You give it to your teammates when they need it most.

Now if you are looking to say add an "action pool" to each class to fuel an ability can be very neat. But instead of giving it to each class maybe make a generic pool for every player, where they can spend a point of it to do an extra action, cast an extra spell, etc... could be cool.
I would limit it to a certain number a day, or durning heroic deeds adds back to the pool.
Kind of like grit for the gunslinger.

I think you could be on to something here.

Sort of like Hero Points?

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