Spell Like Ability questions

Rules Questions

Ok I have a question about spell like abilities. I know spells are obvious, they have somatic, verbal and material components. A spell with a verbal component makes it obvious to tell what is going on unless you have silent spell feat.

Now how does spell like abilities work, specifically a fog cloud spell like ability. Can it be used while in stealth without giving yourself away?

Example party is in a white dragons lair, it is on the ceiling 60' above the party using stealth to hide. Party is using light spell so 20' normal vision and 40' shadowy. One party member has low light so he double's the range and has a chance of spotting the dragon on the ceiling (+6 DC for distance and +2 DC for unfavorable condition). One has dark vision (so only gets the +6 DC for distance since he can see fine in dark).

So in the above example will they get a bonus on spotting the dragon when it uses its fog cloud spell like ability? The plan is to use it behind the party first and every round use it again to make it look like the fog is rolling in over them.

Never mind I ended up finding my answer in the core rule book. Go figure looking for the answer yourself lol. My party is so screwed!!!!

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Banecrow wrote:
Go figure looking for the answer yourself lol.

Ah, coming here asking for help, then deciding to not share the answer.

Way to go, cowboy!

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