Channel Energy on ranged attacks ?

Rules Questions

Does anyone know if there is a feat (Paizo, Paizo-approved or 3rd party non-approved) which allows a Cleric to use their Channel Energy on a ranged attack ? Consider that like the Channel Smite feat but ranged, eg. "Ranged Channel" feat. Thanks for any advice...

Third party non-approved? Not even sure what that means!

This is kind of like that.

The Greyflame enhancement...isn't all that similar but it kinda is if you can't find anything else.

Conductive weapon enhancement will do the trick, but at twice the cost.

Never really noticed channel smite is melee only. Oh well.


Channel has it's range already to damage enemies. There is no such feat to grant that I believe.

You could use Consecrated Weapon to grant weapon 50% of your channel in damage on first successful hit. It states that it can be any weapon, therefore Bow might qualify for example.

Gray flame is melee too. I'm looking for a feat like this as well for an archer oracle.

Channel Ray?

30 feet per channel energy die, increased DC to resist it.

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