The perfect gaming table...literally

Off-Topic Discussions

So, I am a gamer with an interest in woodworking. Lately, I've been daydreaming about how I would build the perfect table for a PFRPG group. What I'd like to hear from you are the little things that would make up your dream table. How should it be shaped to maximize play pace? What details would take it from cool to awesome? Everything from the obvious cupholder to a dice tray or built-in GM screen. Go nuts!

I've had two ideas.

One was simply have a Computer Monitor built into the table, and then pull up the Maps on there and use them. To make it last longer, probably would have a Protective Screen over it to put miniatures on, roll dice on, and whatever. Bonus Points if you got a "screen drawing" application.
As a modification to the protective screen, I was also thinking of having it be removable, and be able to be replaced with another protective screen that has 1" squares all over it.

Second idea was to make a table made just for 3D terrains. I was thinking of having the middle surface have that wood with the holes spaced apart. I can't for the life of me think of what it was. (EDIT: A pegboard, thank you gran.)

The ultimate table in my opinion would probably be a hologram. Blame 3D combat for that.

"Marthian wrote:
I was thinking of having the middle surface have that wood with the holes spaced apart. I can't for the life of me think of what it was.


As for shape, I would think octagonal. It would give a good area to perimeter ratio, yet not be as hard to make as a circle. A tray around the outside for drinks, dice, pencils, or whatnot would be good. I think I would avoid a built-in GM screen as not everyone uses one and if you wanted to use the table for a non-RPG, like a board game or something, the screen would get in the way. Perhaps a retractable screen, though...That could be interesting.

Oh, maybe built-in power outlets so people who use laptops or whatever can plug in without running trip-hazards all over the place.

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Our Game table

Our table has a 7' by 5' laminated 1" grid for a surface. before the grid and laminate were put on, the surface was painted with a magnetic paint. We attached small magnets to the bottoms of our mini's. I love it, no more accidental repositions from clumsiness or cats and a nice large surface area to draw on with dry erase.

Liberty's Edge

Some sort of oblong shape, which allows the GM to keep notes at one end. Or perhaps some retractable boards that slide out from under the main table surface, and go between chairs? It depends on GMing styles and how many notes and books are used, of course.

Our table is dual-layer; the table itself and then a slightly smaller pegboard on top of it on posts. The top surface has the battlemap and assorted minis around the edges, while the border of the lower table is for charsheets, books, drinks, dice, more minis.

You could fill the space between the two layers with sliding drawers for storage. (Inset the fronts of the drawers by a few inches so as to leave enough space for vertical charsheets and books.)

I have often drooled over these.

If money was no object...

Oak table with enough room for six players, with a4 character sheets (and power cards for 4e) to fit around the play area which should be a bottom up projection set up, with multi touch functionality.

The DMs station should have a multi touch consule, which allows easy sellection of preped encounters and handout, as well as function as a sound board, and room environmental controls(dim lights, turn on ulta low frequency sound, open the windows so that the cold night air can get in...all at the touch of a button), for the games rooms sound system. The DMs area to the right of the DM for Physical assets, such as note.

Starfinder Superscriber

Darn it Estergum beat me to what I was going to say.

However, if money was no object, I had skills with woodworking, electronics, glassworking, etc, I'd want:

Oh say a 5 foot by 5 foot touch screen linked to a laptop for ease of uploading maps and showing terran, spell effects, monsters, etc. Idealy it'd be a little inset so that you'd have to kind of look over an edge to see it (small edge, like an inch). Each player's space should have a glass holder, connector to link up to the table for SRD stuff (hmm, raspberry Pi's as an individual computer port for each player maybe a good idea, but that's just me blue skying), dice rolling area, and an area for character sheets. DM's area should have a built in screen, wider area for dice and minis, and the required cup holder...;)

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